
package models

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BreakingNewsPayload(id: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString, title: String = "The Guardian", message: String, thumbnailUrl: Option[URI], sender: String, link: Link, imageUrl: Option[String], importance: Importance, topic: Set[Topic], debug: Boolean) extends NotificationWithLink with Product with Serializable

  2. case class ContentAlertPayload(id: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString, title: String, message: String, thumbnailUrl: Option[URI], sender: String, link: Link, importance: Importance, topic: Set[Topic], debug: Boolean, shortUrl: String) extends NotificationWithLink with Product with Serializable

  3. case class ExternalLink(url: String) extends Link with Product with Serializable

  4. case class GoalAlertPayload(id: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString, title: String, message: String, thumbnailUrl: Option[URI] = None, sender: String, goalType: GoalType, awayTeamName: String, awayTeamScore: Int, homeTeamName: String, homeTeamScore: Int, scoringTeamName: String, scorerName: String, goalMins: Int, otherTeamName: String, matchId: String, mapiUrl: URI, importance: Importance, topic: Set[Topic], debug: Boolean, addedTime: Option[String]) extends NotificationPayload with Product with Serializable

  5. sealed trait GoalType extends AnyRef

  6. sealed case class GuardianItemType(mobileAggregatorPrefix: String) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class GuardianLinkDetails(contentApiId: String, shortUrl: Option[String], title: String, thumbnail: Option[String], git: GuardianItemType) extends Link with Product with Serializable

  8. sealed trait Healthcheck extends AnyRef

  9. sealed trait Link extends AnyRef

  10. sealed trait NotificationPayload extends AnyRef

  11. sealed trait NotificationWithLink extends NotificationPayload

  12. sealed trait PayloadType extends AnyRef

  13. case class SendNotificationReply(messageId: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Acknowledgement of notification with a message ID for looking up statistics on that message

  14. case class Topic(type: TopicType, name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  15. sealed trait TopicType extends AnyRef

  16. case class Unhealthy(errorCode: Option[Int] = None) extends Healthcheck with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BreakingNewsPayload extends Serializable

  2. object BreakingNewsPayloadType extends PayloadType

  3. object ContentAlertPayload extends Serializable

  4. object ContentAlertPayloadType extends PayloadType

  5. object DefaultGoalType extends GoalType

  6. object Editions

  7. object ExternalLink extends Serializable

  8. object GITContent extends GuardianItemType

  9. object GITSection extends GuardianItemType

  10. object GITTag extends GuardianItemType

  11. object GoalAlertPayload extends Serializable

  12. object GoalAlertPayloadType extends PayloadType

  13. object GoalType

  14. object GuardianItemType extends Serializable

  15. object GuardianLinkDetails extends Serializable

  16. object Importance

  17. object Link

  18. object NotificationPayload

  19. object NotificationTypes

  20. object Ok extends Healthcheck with Product with Serializable

  21. object OwnGoalType extends GoalType

  22. object PenaltyGoalType extends GoalType

  23. object SendNotificationReply extends Serializable

  24. object Topic extends Serializable

  25. object TopicType

  26. object TopicTypes

  27. package legacy
