Interface IPartnershipFactory

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IPartnershipFactoryWithPartners, IRefreshablePartnershipFactory
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPartnershipFactory, AbstractPartnershipFactoryWithPartners, SelfFillingPartnershipFactory, SelfFillingXMLPartnershipFactory, XMLPartnershipFactory

public interface IPartnershipFactory extends IDynamicComponent
This is the base interface for a partnership factory (it is more manager but who cares). It consists of partnerships represented by Partnership objects.
original author unknown, joseph mcverry, Philip Helger
  • Method Details

    • addPartnership

      @Nonnull com.helger.commons.state.EChange addPartnership(@Nonnull Partnership aPartnership) throws AS2Exception
      Add a partnership.
      aPartnership - The partnership to be added. May not be null. The name of the partnership must be unique so that it gets added.
      EChange.CHANGED if adding was successfully, EChange.UNCHANGED if the name is already contained.
      AS2Exception - Generic error
    • removePartnership

      @Nonnull com.helger.commons.state.EChange removePartnership(@Nonnull Partnership aPartnership) throws AS2Exception
      Remove the specified partnership.
      aPartnership - The partnership to be removed.
      EChange.CHANGED if removal was successful, EChange.UNCHANGED if no such partnership to be removed is present.
      AS2Exception - Generic error
    • getPartnership

      @Nonnull Partnership getPartnership(@Nonnull Partnership aPartnership) throws AS2Exception
      Get the partnership identified by the provided stub partnership.
      aPartnership - Stub partnership which must contain either a name or a set of sender and receiver IDs.
      The Partnership as stored in this factory. Never null.
      AS2Exception - If no partnership matching the provided stub partnership can be found.
    • getPartnershipByName

      @Nullable Partnership getPartnershipByName(@Nullable String sName)
      Find an existing partnership by its name.
      sName - The partnership name to be looked up. May be null.
      null if no such partnership exists.
    • getAllPartnershipNames

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsSet<String> getAllPartnershipNames()
      A set with all contained partnership names. Never null but maybe empty.
    • getAllPartnerships

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsList<Partnership> getAllPartnerships()
      A list of all contained partnerships. Never null but maybe empty.
    • updatePartnership

      void updatePartnership(@Nonnull IMessage aMsg, boolean bOverwrite) throws AS2Exception
      Looks up and fills in any header info for a specific msg's partnership.
      aMsg - The message in which the partnership should be updated. May not be null and must already contain a partnership with at least name or sender and receiver IDs.
      bOverwrite - true to also set the subject of the message with the subject stored in the partnership.
      AS2Exception - In case of an error
      See Also:
    • updatePartnership

      void updatePartnership(@Nonnull IMessageMDN aMdn, boolean bOverwrite) throws AS2Exception
      Looks up and fills in any header info for a specific MDN's partnership
      aMdn - The MDN of which the partnership information should be updated. May not be null and must already contain a partnership with at least name or sender and receiver IDs.
      bOverwrite - has no effect currently
      AS2Exception - In case of an error
      See Also: