Class ArrayHelper


@Immutable public final class ArrayHelper extends Object
Provides additional helper methods for array handling.
Philip Helger
  • Field Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static final boolean[]
    Constant empty boolean array
    static final Boolean[]
    Constant empty boolean array
    static final byte[]
    Constant empty byte array
    static final Byte[]
    Constant empty byte array
    static final char[]
    Constant empty char array
    static final Character[]
    Constant empty char array
    static final Class<?>[]
    Constant empty Class<?
    static final double[]
    Constant empty double array
    static final Double[]
    Constant empty double array
    static final float[]
    Constant empty float array
    static final Float[]
    Constant empty float array
    static final int[]
    Constant empty int array
    static final Integer[]
    Constant empty int array
    static final long[]
    Constant empty long array
    static final Long[]
    Constant empty long array
    static final Object[]
    Constant empty Object array
    static final short[]
    Constant empty short array
    static final Short[]
    Constant empty short array
    static final String[]
    Constant empty String array
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    contains(boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    contains(short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    contains(ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
    Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    containsAny(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    static <T> boolean
    Check if the passed array contains at least one null element.
    static <T> boolean
    Check if the passed array contains only null element.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    findFirst(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    findFirst(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, ELEMENTTYPE aDefault)
    findFirstMapped(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, Function<? super ELEMENTTYPE,RETTYPE> aMapper)
    findFirstMapped(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, Function<? super ELEMENTTYPE,RETTYPE> aMapper, RETTYPE aDefault)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    forEach(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Consumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    forEach(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, ObjIntConsumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    forEach(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, Consumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    static boolean[]
    getAllExcept(boolean[] aArray, boolean... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static byte[]
    getAllExcept(byte[] aArray, byte... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static char[]
    getAllExcept(char[] aArray, char... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static double[]
    getAllExcept(double[] aArray, double... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static float[]
    getAllExcept(float[] aArray, float... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static int[]
    getAllExcept(int[] aArray, int... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static long[]
    getAllExcept(long[] aArray, long... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static short[]
    getAllExcept(short[] aArray, short... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getAllExcept(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, ELEMENTTYPE... aElementsToRemove)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
    static boolean[]
    getAllExceptFirst(boolean... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static boolean[]
    getAllExceptFirst(boolean[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static byte[]
    getAllExceptFirst(byte... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static byte[]
    getAllExceptFirst(byte[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static char[]
    getAllExceptFirst(char... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static char[]
    getAllExceptFirst(char[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static double[]
    getAllExceptFirst(double... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static double[]
    getAllExceptFirst(double[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static float[]
    getAllExceptFirst(float... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static float[]
    getAllExceptFirst(float[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static int[]
    getAllExceptFirst(int... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static int[]
    getAllExceptFirst(int[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static long[]
    getAllExceptFirst(long... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static long[]
    getAllExceptFirst(long[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static short[]
    getAllExceptFirst(short... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static short[]
    getAllExceptFirst(short[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getAllExceptFirst(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getAllExceptFirst(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
    static boolean[]
    getAllExceptLast(boolean... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static boolean[]
    getAllExceptLast(boolean[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static byte[]
    getAllExceptLast(byte... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static byte[]
    getAllExceptLast(byte[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static char[]
    getAllExceptLast(char... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static char[]
    getAllExceptLast(char[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static double[]
    getAllExceptLast(double... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static double[]
    getAllExceptLast(double[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static float[]
    getAllExceptLast(float... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static float[]
    getAllExceptLast(float[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static int[]
    getAllExceptLast(int... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static int[]
    getAllExceptLast(int[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static long[]
    getAllExceptLast(long... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static long[]
    getAllExceptLast(long[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static short[]
    getAllExceptLast(short... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static short[]
    getAllExceptLast(short[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getAllExceptLast(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getAllExceptLast(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, int nElementsToSkip)
    Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
    static Object[]
    getAsObjectArray(Collection<?> aCollection)
    Get the passed collection as an array of Object.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    Class<? extends ELEMENTTYPE>
    getComponentType(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray)
    Get the component type of the array (the type of which the array is made up)
    static boolean[]
    getConcatenated(boolean[] aHeadArray, boolean aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static boolean[]
    getConcatenated(boolean[] aHeadArray, boolean... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static boolean[]
    getConcatenated(boolean aHead, boolean... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static byte[]
    getConcatenated(byte[] aHeadArray, byte aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static byte[]
    getConcatenated(byte[] aHeadArray, byte... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static byte[]
    getConcatenated(byte aHead, byte... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static char[][]
    getConcatenated(char[][] aHeadArray, char[]... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static char[]
    getConcatenated(char[] aHeadArray, char aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static char[]
    getConcatenated(char[] aHeadArray, char... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static char[]
    getConcatenated(char aHead, char... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static double[]
    getConcatenated(double[] aHeadArray, double aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static double[]
    getConcatenated(double[] aHeadArray, double... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static double[]
    getConcatenated(double aHead, double... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static float[]
    getConcatenated(float[] aHeadArray, float aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static float[]
    getConcatenated(float[] aHeadArray, float... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static float[]
    getConcatenated(float aHead, float... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static int[]
    getConcatenated(int[] aHeadArray, int aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static int[]
    getConcatenated(int[] aHeadArray, int... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static int[]
    getConcatenated(int aHead, int... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static long[]
    getConcatenated(long[] aHeadArray, long aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static long[]
    getConcatenated(long[] aHeadArray, long... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static long[]
    getConcatenated(long aHead, long... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static short[]
    getConcatenated(short[] aHeadArray, short aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static short[]
    getConcatenated(short[] aHeadArray, short... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static short[]
    getConcatenated(short aHead, short... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getConcatenated(ELEMENTTYPE[] aHeadArray, ELEMENTTYPE[] aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getConcatenated(ELEMENTTYPE[] aHeadArray, ELEMENTTYPE aTail, Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getConcatenated(ELEMENTTYPE aHead, ELEMENTTYPE[] aTailArray, Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head and the array.
    static String[]
    getConcatenated(String[] aHeadArray, String aTail)
    Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element.
    static String[]
    getConcatenated(String[] aHeadArray, String... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
    static String[]
    getConcatenated(String aHead, String... aTailArray)
    Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array.
    static boolean[]
    getCopy(boolean... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static boolean[]
    getCopy(boolean[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static boolean[]
    getCopy(boolean[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static byte[]
    getCopy(byte... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static byte[]
    getCopy(byte[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static byte[]
    getCopy(byte[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static char[]
    getCopy(char... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static char[]
    getCopy(char[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static char[]
    getCopy(char[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static double[]
    getCopy(double... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static double[]
    getCopy(double[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static double[]
    getCopy(double[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static float[]
    getCopy(float... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static float[]
    getCopy(float[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static float[]
    getCopy(float[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static int[]
    getCopy(int... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static int[]
    getCopy(int[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static int[]
    getCopy(int[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static long[]
    getCopy(long... aArray)
    static long[]
    getCopy(long[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static long[]
    getCopy(long[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static short[]
    getCopy(short... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static short[]
    getCopy(short[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static short[]
    getCopy(short[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getCopy(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getCopy(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getCopy(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, int nStartIndex, int nLength)
    Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getCount(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    static boolean
    getFirst(boolean[] aArray, boolean aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static byte
    getFirst(byte[] aArray, byte aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static char
    getFirst(char[] aArray, char aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static double
    getFirst(double[] aArray, double aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static float
    getFirst(float[] aArray, float aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static int
    getFirst(int[] aArray, int aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static long
    getFirst(long[] aArray, long aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static short
    getFirst(short[] aArray, short aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getFirst(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Get the first element of the array or null if the passed array is empty.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getFirst(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, ELEMENTTYPE aDefaultValue)
    Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getFirstIndex(short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getFirstIndex(ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static boolean
    getLast(boolean[] aArray, boolean aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static byte
    getLast(byte[] aArray, byte aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static char
    getLast(char[] aArray, char aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static double
    getLast(double[] aArray, double aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static float
    getLast(float[] aArray, float aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static int
    getLast(int[] aArray, int aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static long
    getLast(long[] aArray, long aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static short
    getLast(short[] aArray, short aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getLast(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Get the last element of the array or null if the passed array is empty.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getLast(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, ELEMENTTYPE aDefaultValue)
    Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
    static int
    getLastIndex(boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static int
    getLastIndex(short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getLastIndex(ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
    Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getSafeElement(ELEMENTTYPE[] aItems, int nIndex)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getSafeElement(ELEMENTTYPE[] aItems, int nIndex, ELEMENTTYPE aDefault)
    static int
    getSize(boolean... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(byte... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(char... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(double... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(float... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(int... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(long... aArray)
    static int
    getSize(short... aArray)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    getSize(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    static boolean
    isArray(Object aObject)
    Check if the passed object is an array or not.
    static boolean
    isArrayEquals(Object aHeadArray, Object aTailArray)
    Recursive equal comparison for arrays.
    static boolean
    isEmpty(boolean... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(byte... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(char... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(double... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(float... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(int... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(long... aArray)
    static boolean
    isEmpty(short... aArray)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    isEmpty(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(boolean... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(byte... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(char... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(double... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(float... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(int... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(long... aArray)
    static boolean
    isNotEmpty(short... aArray)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    isNotEmpty(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArray(int nArraySize, ELEMENTTYPE aValue, Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
    Create a new array with a predefined number of elements containing the passed value.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArray(ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
    Wrapper that allows vararg arguments and returns the array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArray(Class<? extends ELEMENTTYPE> aClass, int nSize)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArray(Collection<? extends ELEMENTTYPE> aCollection, Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
    Create a new array with the elements in the passed collection..
    static <SRCTYPE, DSTTYPE>
    newArrayMapped(Collection<? extends SRCTYPE> aCollection, Function<? super SRCTYPE,? extends DSTTYPE> aMapper, Class<DSTTYPE> aDstClass)
    static <SRCTYPE, DSTTYPE>
    newArrayMapped(SRCTYPE[] aArray, Function<? super SRCTYPE,? extends DSTTYPE> aMapper, Class<DSTTYPE> aDstClass)
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArraySameType(ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, int nSize)
    Create a new empty array with the same type as the passed array.
    static <ELEMENTTYPE>
    newArraySingleElement(ELEMENTTYPE aElement, Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
    Wrapper that allows a single argument to be treated as an array.
    static boolean[]
    newBooleanArray(boolean... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static byte[]
    newByteArray(byte... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static char[]
    newCharArray(char... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static double[]
    newDoubleArray(double... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static float[]
    newFloatArray(float... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static int[]
    newIntArray(int... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static long[]
    newLongArray(long... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static short[]
    newShortArray(short... aArray)
    Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
    static boolean
    startsWith(byte[] aArray, byte[] aSearch)
    static boolean
    startsWith(byte[] aArray, byte[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)
    static boolean
    startsWith(byte[] aArray, int nArrayLen, byte[] aSearch)
    static boolean
    startsWith(byte[] aArray, int nArrayLen, byte[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)
    static boolean
    startsWith(byte[] aArray, int nArrayOfs, int nArrayLen, byte[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] aArray, char[] aSearch)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] aArray, char[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] aArray, int nArrayLen, char[] aSearch)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] aArray, int nArrayLen, char[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)
    static boolean
    startsWith(char[] aArray, int nArrayOfs, int nArrayLen, char[] aSearch, int nSearchOfs, int nSearchLen)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details Link icon


      public static final boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY
      Constant empty boolean array
    • EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
      Constant empty byte array
    • EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY
      Constant empty char array
    • EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY
      Constant empty double array
    • EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY
      Constant empty float array
    • EMPTY_INT_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY
      Constant empty int array
    • EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY
      Constant empty long array
    • EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY
      Constant empty short array

      public static final Boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty boolean array
    • EMPTY_BYTE_OBJ_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty byte array
    • EMPTY_CHAR_OBJ_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Character[] EMPTY_CHAR_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty char array

      public static final Double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty double array

      public static final Float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty float array
    • EMPTY_INT_OBJ_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Integer[] EMPTY_INT_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty int array
    • EMPTY_LONG_OBJ_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Long[] EMPTY_LONG_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty long array

      public static final Short[] EMPTY_SHORT_OBJ_ARRAY
      Constant empty short array
    • EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY
      Constant empty Object array
    • EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
      Constant empty String array
    • EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY Link icon

      public static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY
      Constant empty Class<?> array
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getComponentType Link icon

      @Nonnull public static <ELEMENTTYPE> Class<? extends ELEMENTTYPE> getComponentType(@Nonnull ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray)
      Get the component type of the array (the type of which the array is made up)
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - The component type of the array
      aArray - The array to get the type from. May not be null.
      The class that determines a single element of the array.
    • isArray Link icon

      public static boolean isArray(@Nullable Object aObject)
      Check if the passed object is an array or not.
      aObject - The object to be checked. May be null.
      true if the passed object is not null and represents an array.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable char... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable double... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable float... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable int... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable long... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static int getSize(@Nullable short... aArray)
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • getSize Link icon

      @Nonnegative @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> int getSize(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array who's size is to be queried. May be null.
      0 if the passed array is null - it's length otherwise.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable char... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable double... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable float... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable int... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable long... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable short... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isEmpty Link icon

      @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> boolean isEmpty(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      true if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable char... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable double... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable float... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable int... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable long... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable short... aArray)
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • isNotEmpty Link icon

      @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array to be queried if it is empty. May be null.
      false if the passed array is null or empty.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> int getFirstIndex(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getFirstIndex Link icon

      public static int getFirstIndex(@Nullable short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> int getLastIndex(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • getLastIndex Link icon

      public static int getLastIndex(@Nullable short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
      Get the index of the passed search value in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      -1 if the searched value is not contained, a value ≥ 0 otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> boolean contains(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aValues, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable boolean[] aValues, boolean aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable byte[] aValues, byte aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable char[] aValues, char aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable double[] aValues, double aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable float[] aValues, float aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable int[] aValues, int aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable long[] aValues, long aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • contains Link icon

      public static boolean contains(@Nullable short[] aValues, short aSearchValue)
      Check if the passed search value is contained in the passed value array.
      aValues - The value array to be searched. May be null.
      aSearchValue - The value to be searched. May be null.
      true if the value array is not empty and the search value is contained - false otherwise.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static boolean getFirst(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, boolean aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static byte getFirst(@Nullable byte[] aArray, byte aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static char getFirst(@Nullable char[] aArray, char aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static double getFirst(@Nullable double[] aArray, double aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static float getFirst(@Nullable float[] aArray, float aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static int getFirst(@Nullable int[] aArray, int aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static long getFirst(@Nullable long[] aArray, long aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      public static short getFirst(@Nullable short[] aArray, short aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Get the first element of the array or null if the passed array is empty.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      null if the passed array is null or empty - the first element otherwise (may also be null).
    • getFirst Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aDefaultValue)
      Get the first element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array who's first element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the first element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static boolean getLast(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, boolean aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static byte getLast(@Nullable byte[] aArray, byte aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static char getLast(@Nullable char[] aArray, char aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static double getLast(@Nullable double[] aArray, double aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static float getLast(@Nullable float[] aArray, float aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static int getLast(@Nullable int[] aArray, int aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static long getLast(@Nullable long[] aArray, long aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      public static short getLast(@Nullable short[] aArray, short aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getLast Link icon

      @Nullable @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getLast(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Get the last element of the array or null if the passed array is empty.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      null if the passed array is null or empty - the last element otherwise (may also be null).
    • getLast Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getLast(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aDefaultValue)
      Get the last element of the array or the passed default if the passed array is empty.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array who's last element is to be retrieved. May be null or empty.
      aDefaultValue - The default value to be returned if the array is empty
      the last element if the passed array is not empty, the default value if the passed array is empty.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getCopy(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getCopy(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getCopy(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getCopy(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getCopy(@Nullable byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getCopy(@Nullable byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getCopy(@Nullable char... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getCopy(@Nullable char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getCopy(@Nullable char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getCopy(@Nullable double... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getCopy(@Nullable double[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getCopy(@Nullable double[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getCopy(@Nullable float... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getCopy(@Nullable float[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getCopy(@Nullable float[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getCopy(@Nullable int... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getCopy(@Nullable int[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getCopy(@Nullable int[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getCopy(@Nullable long... aArray)
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getCopy(@Nullable long[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getCopy(@Nullable long[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getCopy(@Nullable short... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getCopy(@Nullable short[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getCopy(@Nullable short[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getCopy(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getCopy(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, only the available number of elements in the source array are copied.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
    • getCopy Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getCopy(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nStartIndex, @Nonnegative int nLength)
      Get a 1:1 copy of the passed array using the passed number of array elements starting at the specified index. Nested elements are not deep-copied - the references are re-used!
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The array to be copied.
      nStartIndex - The index where the copying should start. Must be >= 0!
      nLength - The number of elements to be copied into the new array. May not be < 0. If the passed number of elements exceeds the number of elements in the array, an exception is thrown.
      null if the passed array is null - a non- null copy otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getConcatenated(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aHeadArray, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getConcatenated(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aHead, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aTailArray, @Nonnull Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aHead - The first element of the result array. If this element is null it will be inserted as such into the array!
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      aClass - The element class. Must be present, because in case both elements are null there would be no way to create a new array. May not be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getConcatenated(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aHeadArray, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aTail, @Nonnull Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array. If this element is null it will be inserted as such into the array!
      aClass - The element class. Must be present, because in case both elements are null there would be no way to create a new array. May not be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getConcatenated(@Nullable boolean[] aHeadArray, @Nullable boolean... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getConcatenated(boolean aHead, @Nullable boolean... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getConcatenated(@Nullable boolean[] aHeadArray, boolean aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getConcatenated(@Nullable byte[] aHeadArray, @Nullable byte... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getConcatenated(byte aHead, @Nullable byte... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getConcatenated(@Nullable byte[] aHeadArray, byte aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getConcatenated(@Nullable char[] aHeadArray, @Nullable char... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[][] getConcatenated(@Nullable char[][] aHeadArray, @Nullable char[]... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getConcatenated(char aHead, @Nullable char... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getConcatenated(@Nullable char[] aHeadArray, char aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getConcatenated(@Nullable double[] aHeadArray, @Nullable double... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getConcatenated(double aHead, @Nullable double... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getConcatenated(@Nullable double[] aHeadArray, double aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getConcatenated(@Nullable float[] aHeadArray, @Nullable float... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getConcatenated(float aHead, @Nullable float... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getConcatenated(@Nullable float[] aHeadArray, float aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getConcatenated(@Nullable int[] aHeadArray, @Nullable int... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getConcatenated(int aHead, @Nullable int... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getConcatenated(@Nullable int[] aHeadArray, int aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getConcatenated(@Nullable long[] aHeadArray, @Nullable long... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getConcatenated(long aHead, @Nullable long... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getConcatenated(@Nullable long[] aHeadArray, long aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getConcatenated(@Nullable short[] aHeadArray, @Nullable short... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getConcatenated(short aHead, @Nullable short... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getConcatenated(@Nullable short[] aHeadArray, short aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static String[] getConcatenated(@Nullable String[] aHeadArray, @Nullable String... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed two arrays, maintaining the order.
      aHeadArray - The first array. May be null.
      aTailArray - The second array. May be null.
      null if both array parameters are null - a non-null array with all elements in the correct order otherwise.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static String[] getConcatenated(String aHead, @Nullable String... aTailArray)
      Get a new array that combines the passed head element and the array. The head element will be the first element of the created array.
      aHead - The first element of the result array.
      aTailArray - The tail array. May be null.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getConcatenated Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static String[] getConcatenated(@Nullable String[] aHeadArray, String aTail)
      Get a new array that combines the passed array and the tail element. The tail element will be the last element of the created array.
      aHeadArray - The head array. May be null.
      aTail - The last element of the result array.
      A non-null array with all elements in the correct order.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getAllExcept(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getAllExcept(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, @Nullable boolean... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getAllExcept(@Nullable byte[] aArray, @Nullable byte... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getAllExcept(@Nullable char[] aArray, @Nullable char... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getAllExcept(@Nullable double[] aArray, @Nullable double... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getAllExcept(@Nullable float[] aArray, @Nullable float... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getAllExcept(@Nullable int[] aArray, @Nullable int... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getAllExcept(@Nullable long[] aArray, @Nullable long... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExcept Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getAllExcept(@Nullable short[] aArray, @Nullable short... aElementsToRemove)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the passed elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      aElementsToRemove - The elements to skip.
      null if the passed array is null. The original array, if no elements need to be skipped. A non- null copy of the array without the passed elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable char... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable double... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable double[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable float... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable float[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable int... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable int[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable long... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable long[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable short... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the first element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptFirst Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getAllExceptFirst(@Nullable short[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the first n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the first elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Array element type
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Type of element
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static boolean[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable boolean[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static byte[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable char... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static char[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable double... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static double[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable double[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable float... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static float[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable float[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable int... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static int[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable int[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable long... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static long[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable long[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable short... aArray)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last element.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      null if the passed array is null or has less than one element. A non-null copy of the array without the last element otherwise.
    • getAllExceptLast Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static short[] getAllExceptLast(@Nullable short[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nElementsToSkip)
      Get an array that contains all elements, except for the last n elements.
      aArray - The source array. May be null.
      nElementsToSkip - The number of elements to skip. Must be >= 0!
      null if the passed array is null or has ≤ elements than elements to be skipped. A non-null copy of the array without the last elements otherwise.
    • newBooleanArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static boolean[] newBooleanArray(@Nullable boolean... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newByteArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static byte[] newByteArray(@Nullable byte... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newCharArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static char[] newCharArray(@Nullable char... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newDoubleArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static double[] newDoubleArray(@Nullable double... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newFloatArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static float[] newFloatArray(@Nullable float... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newIntArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static int[] newIntArray(@Nullable int... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newLongArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static long[] newLongArray(@Nullable long... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newShortArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") public static short[] newShortArray(@Nullable short... aArray)
      Helper method to easily create an array from constant values.
      aArray - The list of values for the array. May be null.
      The passed array. null if the passed array was null.
    • newArray Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArray(@Nonnull Class<? extends ELEMENTTYPE> aClass, @Nonnegative int nSize)
    • newArraySameType Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArraySameType(@Nonnull ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nSize)
      Create a new empty array with the same type as the passed array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Type of element
      aArray - Source array. May not be null.
      nSize - Destination size. Must be ≥ 0.
      Never null.
    • newArray Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArray(@Nullable Collection<? extends ELEMENTTYPE> aCollection, @Nonnull Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
      Create a new array with the elements in the passed collection..
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Type of element
      aCollection - The collection to be converted to an array. May be null .
      aClass - The class of the elements inside the collection. May not be null.
      null if the passed collection is empty, a non- null array with all elements of the collection otherwise.
    • newArraySingleElement Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArraySingleElement(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aElement, @Nonnull Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
      Wrapper that allows a single argument to be treated as an array.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Type of element
      aElement - The element to be converted to an array. May be null.
      aClass - The class of the element. May not be null. Must be present because in case the passed element is null there is no way to determine the array component type!
      The created array and never null.
    • newArray Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableObject("use getCopy otherwise") @SafeVarargs public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArray(@Nonnull ELEMENTTYPE... aArray)
      Wrapper that allows vararg arguments and returns the array.
      Note: this implementation is not available for basic types, because the Eclipse compiler seems to have difficulties resolving vararg types correctly.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - Type of element
      aArray - The vararg array
      The wrapped array
    • newArray Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE[] newArray(@Nonnegative int nArraySize, @Nonnull ELEMENTTYPE aValue, @Nonnull Class<ELEMENTTYPE> aClass)
      Create a new array with a predefined number of elements containing the passed value.
      Type Parameters:
      ELEMENTTYPE - The type of the array to be created.
      nArraySize - The size of the array to be created.
      aValue - The value to be set into each array element. May be null.
      aClass - The value class. May not be null. Must be present in case the passed value is null.
      The created array filled with the given value.
    • newArrayMapped Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <SRCTYPE, DSTTYPE> DSTTYPE[] newArrayMapped(@Nonnull Collection<? extends SRCTYPE> aCollection, @Nonnull Function<? super SRCTYPE,? extends DSTTYPE> aMapper, @Nonnull Class<DSTTYPE> aDstClass)
    • newArrayMapped Link icon

      @Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static <SRCTYPE, DSTTYPE> DSTTYPE[] newArrayMapped(@Nullable SRCTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnull Function<? super SRCTYPE,? extends DSTTYPE> aMapper, @Nonnull Class<DSTTYPE> aDstClass)
    • getAsObjectArray Link icon

      @Nullable @ReturnsMutableCopy public static Object[] getAsObjectArray(@Nullable Collection<?> aCollection)
      Get the passed collection as an array of Object. If the passed collection is null or empty, an empty array is returned.
      aCollection - The collection to be converted. May be null.
      Never null.
    • getSafeElement Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getSafeElement(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aItems, int nIndex)
    • getSafeElement Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE getSafeElement(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aItems, int nIndex, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aDefault)
    • isArrayEquals Link icon

      public static boolean isArrayEquals(@Nullable Object aHeadArray, @Nullable Object aTailArray)
      Recursive equal comparison for arrays.
      aHeadArray - First array. May be null.
      aTailArray - Second array. May be null.
      true only if the arrays and all contained elements are recursively equal.
    • containsAnyNullElement Link icon

      public static <T> boolean containsAnyNullElement(@Nullable T[] aArray)
      Check if the passed array contains at least one null element.
      Type Parameters:
      T - element type
      aArray - The array to check. May be null.
      true only if the passed array is neither null nor empty and if at least one null element is contained.
    • containsOnlyNullElements Link icon

      public static <T> boolean containsOnlyNullElements(@Nullable T[] aArray)
      Check if the passed array contains only null element.
      Type Parameters:
      T - element type
      aArray - The array to check. May be null.
      true only if the passed array is neither null nor empty and if at least one null element is contained.
    • findFirst Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE findFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    • findFirst Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE> ELEMENTTYPE findFirst(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, @Nullable ELEMENTTYPE aDefault)
    • findFirstMapped Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE, RETTYPE> RETTYPE findFirstMapped(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, @Nonnull Function<? super ELEMENTTYPE,RETTYPE> aMapper)
    • findFirstMapped Link icon

      @Nullable public static <ELEMENTTYPE, RETTYPE> RETTYPE findFirstMapped(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, @Nonnull Function<? super ELEMENTTYPE,RETTYPE> aMapper, @Nullable RETTYPE aDefault)
    • getCount Link icon

      @Nonnegative public static <ELEMENTTYPE> int getCount(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    • containsAny Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> boolean containsAny(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter)
    • forEach Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> void forEach(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnull Consumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    • forEach Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> void forEach(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nonnull ObjIntConsumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    • forEach Link icon

      public static <ELEMENTTYPE> void forEach(@Nullable ELEMENTTYPE[] aArray, @Nullable Predicate<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aFilter, @Nonnull Consumer<? super ELEMENTTYPE> aConsumer)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull byte[] aArray, @Nullable byte[] aSearch)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable byte[] aSearch)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull byte[] aArray, @Nullable byte[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable byte[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull byte[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayOfs, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable byte[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull char[] aArray, @Nullable char[] aSearch)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable char[] aSearch)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull char[] aArray, @Nullable char[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable char[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)
    • startsWith Link icon

      public static boolean startsWith(@Nonnull char[] aArray, @Nonnegative int nArrayOfs, @Nonnegative int nArrayLen, @Nullable char[] aSearch, @Nonnegative int nSearchOfs, @Nonnegative int nSearchLen)