Class AbstractSchematronResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSchematronResource

        public AbstractSchematronResource​(@Nonnull
        aResource - The Schematron resource. May not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public final String getID()
        Specified by:
        getID in interface<String>
      • getResource

        public final getResource()
        Specified by:
        getResource in interface ISchematronResource
        The non-null resource from which to read the Schematron rules.
      • isUseCache

        public final boolean isUseCache()
        Specified by:
        isUseCache in interface ISchematronResource
        true to use caching, if applicable.
      • setUseCache

        public final void setUseCache​(boolean bUseCache)
        Description copied from interface: ISchematronResource
        Enable or disable caching.
        Specified by:
        setUseCache in interface ISchematronResource
        bUseCache - true to use the cache, false to not use it.
      • isLenient

        public final boolean isLenient()
        Description copied from interface: ISchematronResource
        This is currently only supported for the "pure Schematron".
        Specified by:
        isLenient in interface ISchematronResource
        true if 'old' schematron NS is tolerated, false if not. Default is false.
      • setLenient

        public final void setLenient​(boolean bLenient)
        Description copied from interface: ISchematronResource
        This is currently only supported for the "pure Schematron". Allow use of 'old' schematron NS.
        Specified by:
        setLenient in interface ISchematronResource
        bLenient - true if 'old' schematron NS is tolerated, false if not.
      • internalSetEntityResolver

        protected final void internalSetEntityResolver​(@Nullable
                                                       EntityResolver aEntityResolver)
        Set the XML entity resolver to be used when reading the Schematron or the XML to be validated. This can only be set before the Schematron is bound. If it is already bound an exception is thrown to indicate the unnecessity of the call.
        aEntityResolver - The entity resolver to set. May be null.
      • internalCreateDOMReaderSettings

        protected internalCreateDOMReaderSettings()
        The DOMReaderSettings to be used for reading the XML files to be validated. This includes the EntityResolver to be used.
        See Also:
      • getSchematronValidity

        public com.helger.commons.state.EValidity getSchematronValidity​(@Nonnull
                                                                 throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ISchematronResource
        A method to check if the passed XML DOM node matches the Schematron rules or not. This is the quick check method, as it breaks upon the first failed assertion or the first successful report, if the implementation supports it (as e.g. the native pure Schematron version).
        Specified by:
        getSchematronValidity in interface ISchematronResource
        aXMLResource - The source XML to read and validate against the Schematron. May not be null.
        EValidity.VALID if the document is valid, EValidity.INVALID if it is invalid.
        Exception - in case of a sever error validating the schema
      • getSchematronValidity

        public com.helger.commons.state.EValidity getSchematronValidity​(@Nonnull
                                                                        Source aXMLSource)
                                                                 throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ISchematronResource
        A method to check if the passed XML DOM node matches the Schematron rules or not. This is the quick check method, as it breaks upon the first failed assertion or the first successful report, if the implementation supports it (as e.g. the native pure Schematron version).
        Specified by:
        getSchematronValidity in interface ISchematronResource
        aXMLSource - The source XML to be validated against the Schematron. May not be null.
        EValidity.VALID if the document is valid, EValidity.INVALID if it is invalid.
        Exception - in case of a sever error validating the schema