Class CSSPropertyCustomizerOpacity

    • Constructor Detail

      • CSSPropertyCustomizerOpacity

        public CSSPropertyCustomizerOpacity()
    • Method Detail

      • createSpecialValue

        public ICSSValue createSpecialValue​(@Nonnull
                                            ICSSProperty aProperty,
                                            @Nonnull @Nonempty
                                            String sValue,
                                            boolean bIsImportant)
        Description copied from interface: ICSSPropertyCustomizer
        Create a special value for the passed property. For example if the property is "border-radius" than the browser specific values like "-moz-border-radius" and "-webkit-border-radius" should be emitted as well.
        aProperty - The CSS property the fuzz is all about. Never null.
        sValue - The value to be created. Neither null nor empty.
        bIsImportant - true if the property is important, false if not.
        May be null in which case the default value is created.