Class CSSReaderDeclarationList

  • @Immutable
    public final class CSSReaderDeclarationList
    extends Object
    This is the central user class for reading and parsing partial CSS from different sources. This class reads CSS style declarations as used in HTML <style> attributes only.
    Philip Helger
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultParseErrorHandler

        public static void setDefaultParseErrorHandler​(@Nullable
                                                       ICSSParseErrorHandler aDefaultParseErrorHandler)
        Set the default CSS parse error handler (for recoverable errors).
        aDefaultParseErrorHandler - The new default error handler to be used. May be null to indicate that no special error handler should be used.
      • setDefaultParseExceptionHandler

        public static void setDefaultParseExceptionHandler​(@Nonnull
                                                           ICSSParseExceptionCallback aDefaultParseExceptionHandler)
        Set the default CSS parse exception handler (for unrecoverable errors).
        aDefaultParseExceptionHandler - The new default exception handler to be used. May not be null.
      • getDefaultInterpretErrorHandler

        public static ICSSInterpretErrorHandler getDefaultInterpretErrorHandler()
        The default interpret error handler to handle interpretation errors in successfully parsed CSS. Never null.
      • setDefaultInterpretErrorHandler

        public static void setDefaultInterpretErrorHandler​(@Nonnull
                                                           ICSSInterpretErrorHandler aDefaultErrorHandler)
        Set the default interpret error handler to handle interpretation errors in successfully parsed CSS.
        aDefaultErrorHandler - The default error handler to be used. May not be null.
      • isValidCSS

        public static boolean isValidCSS​(@Nonnull
                                         File aFile,
                                         Charset aCharset,
                                         ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Check if the passed CSS file can be parsed without error
        aFile - The file to be parsed. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used for reading the CSS file. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to be used for scanning. May not be null.
        true if the file can be parsed without error, false if not
      • isValidCSS

        public static boolean isValidCSS​(@Nonnull
                                         Charset aCharset,
                                         ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Check if the passed CSS resource can be parsed without error
        aRes - The resource to be parsed. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used for reading the CSS file. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to be used for scanning. May not be null.
        true if the file can be parsed without error, false if not
      • isValidCSS

        public static boolean isValidCSS​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                         InputStream aIS,
                                         Charset aCharset,
                                         ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Check if the passed input stream can be resembled to valid CSS content. This is accomplished by fully parsing the CSS file each time the method is called. This is similar to calling readFromStream(IHasInputStream,Charset, ECSSVersion) and checking for a non-null result.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Is automatically closed. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        true if the CSS is valid according to the version, false if not
      • isValidCSS

        public static boolean isValidCSS​(@Nonnull
                                         String sCSS,
                                         ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Check if the passed String can be resembled to valid CSS content. This is accomplished by fully parsing the CSS file each time the method is called. This is similar to calling readFromString(String, ECSSVersion) and checking for a non-null result.
        sCSS - The CSS string to scan. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        true if the CSS is valid according to the version, false if not
      • isValidCSS

        public static boolean isValidCSS​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                         Reader aReader,
                                         ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Check if the passed reader can be resembled to valid CSS content. This is accomplished by fully parsing the CSS each time the method is called. This is similar to calling readFromStream(IHasInputStream, Charset, ECSSVersion) and checking for a non-null result.
        aReader - The reader to use. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        true if the CSS is valid according to the version, false if not
      • readFromString

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromString​(@Nonnull
                                                        String sCSS,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Read the CSS from the passed String.
        sCSS - The source string containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromString

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromString​(@Nonnull
                                                        String sCSS,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed String.
        sCSS - The source string containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromString

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromString​(@Nonnull
                                                        String sCSS,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed String.
        sCSS - The source string containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromString

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromString​(@Nonnull
                                                        String sCSS,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed String.
        sCSS - The source string containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromString

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromString​(@Nonnull
                                                        String sCSS,
                                                        CSSReaderSettings aSettings)
        Read the CSS from the passed String.
        sCSS - The source string containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        aSettings - The settings to be used for reading the CSS. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromFile

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromFile​(@Nonnull
                                                      File aFile,
                                                      Charset aCharset,
                                                      CSSReaderSettings aSettings)
        Read the CSS from the passed File.
        aFile - The file containing the CSS to be parsed. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        aSettings - The settings to be used for reading the CSS. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Read the CSS from the passed IHasInputStream.
        aISP - The input stream provider to use. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed IHasInputStream.
        aISP - The input stream provider to use. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed IHasInputStream.
        aISP - The input stream provider to use. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed IHasInputStream.
        aISP - The input stream provider to use. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        CSSReaderSettings aSettings)
        Read the CSS from the passed IHasInputStream.
        aISP - The input stream provider to use. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        aSettings - The settings to be used for reading the CSS. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        InputStream aIS,
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Read the CSS from the passed InputStream.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        InputStream aIS,
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed InputStream.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        InputStream aIS,
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed InputStream.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        InputStream aIS,
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed InputStream.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromStream

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromStream​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        InputStream aIS,
                                                        Charset aCharset,
                                                        CSSReaderSettings aSettings)
        Read the CSS from the passed InputStream.
        aIS - The input stream to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aCharset - The charset to be used. May not be null.
        aSettings - The settings to be used for reading the CSS. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromReader

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromReader​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        Reader aReader,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion)
        Read the CSS from the passed Reader.
        aReader - The reader to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromReader

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromReader​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        Reader aReader,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed Reader.
        aReader - The reader to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromReader

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromReader​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        Reader aReader,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed Reader.
        aReader - The reader to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromReader

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromReader​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        Reader aReader,
                                                        ECSSVersion eVersion,
                                                        ICSSParseErrorHandler aCustomErrorHandler,
                                                        ICSSParseExceptionCallback aCustomExceptionHandler)
        Read the CSS from the passed Reader.
        aReader - The reader to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        eVersion - The CSS version to use. May not be null.
        aCustomErrorHandler - An optional custom error handler that can be used to collect the recoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        aCustomExceptionHandler - An optional custom exception handler that can be used to collect the unrecoverable parsing errors. May be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.
      • readFromReader

        public static CSSDeclarationList readFromReader​(@Nonnull @WillClose
                                                        Reader aReader,
                                                        CSSReaderSettings aSettings)
        Read the CSS from the passed Reader.
        aReader - The reader to use. Will be closed automatically after reading - independent of success or error. May not be null.
        aSettings - The settings to be used for reading the CSS. May not be null.
        null if reading failed, the CSS declarations otherwise.