Class CSSURLHelper

  • @Immutable
    public final class CSSURLHelper
    extends Object
    Provides URL handling sanity methods.
    Philip Helger
    • Field Detail


        public static final boolean DEFAULT_QUOTE_URLS
        For compatibility reasons, this is set to false
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isURLValue

        public static boolean isURLValue​(@Nullable
                                         String sValue)
        Check if the passed CSS value is an URL value. This is either a URL starting with "url(" or it is the string "none".
        sValue - The value to be checked.
        true if the passed value starts with "url(" and ends with ")" - false otherwise.
      • getAsCSSURL

        public static String getAsCSSURL​(@Nonnull
                                         com.helger.commons.url.ISimpleURL aURL,
                                         boolean bQuoteURL)
        Surround the passed URL with the CSS "url(...)"
        aURL - URL to be wrapped. May not be null.
        bQuoteURL - if true single quotes are added around the URL
        url(sURL) or url('sURL')
      • isValidCSSURLChar

        public static boolean isValidCSSURLChar​(char c)
        Check if the passed character is a valid character inside a URL. Characters for which this method returns false must be escaped!
        c - The character to be checked.
        true if the passed character can be directly contained inside a URL, false otherwise if the character needs to be escaped.
      • isCSSURLRequiringQuotes

        public static boolean isCSSURLRequiringQuotes​(@Nonnull
                                                      String sURL)
        Check if any character inside the passed URL needs escaping.
        sURL - The URL to be checked. May not be null.
        true if any of the contained characters needs escaping, false if the URL can be used as is.
      • getEscapedCSSURL

        public static String getEscapedCSSURL​(@Nonnull
                                              String sURL,
                                              char cQuoteChar)
        Internal method to escape a CSS URL. Because this method is only called for quoted URLs, only the quote character itself needs to be quoted.
        sURL - The URL to be escaped. May not be null.
        cQuoteChar - The quote char that is used. Either single quote or double quote.
        The escaped string. Never null.
      • getAsCSSURL

        public static String getAsCSSURL​(@Nonnull
                                         String sURL,
                                         boolean bForceQuoteURL)
        Surround the passed URL with the CSS "url(...)". When the passed URL contains characters that require quoting, quotes are automatically added!
        sURL - URL to be wrapped. May not be null but maybe empty.
        bForceQuoteURL - if true single quotes are added around the URL
        url(sURL) or url('sURL')