Class AbstractRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRequest

        public AbstractRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public abstract java.lang.String getId()
      • getTitle

        public java.lang.String getTitle()
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(java.lang.String title)
      • hasTitle

        public boolean hasTitle()
      • getSubject

        public java.lang.String getSubject()
      • setSubject

        public void setSubject​(java.lang.String subject)
      • hasSubject

        public boolean hasSubject()
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      • hasMessage

        public boolean hasMessage()
      • isTestMode

        public boolean isTestMode()
      • setTestMode

        public void setTestMode​(boolean testMode)
      • getRedirectUrl

        public java.lang.String getRedirectUrl()
      • setRedirectUrl

        public void setRedirectUrl​(java.lang.String url)
      • hasRedirectUrl

        public boolean hasRedirectUrl()
      • hasUseTextTags

        public boolean hasUseTextTags()
      • isUsingTextTags

        public java.lang.Boolean isUsingTextTags()
      • setUseTextTags

        public void setUseTextTags​(boolean useTextTags)
      • hasHideTextTags

        public boolean hasHideTextTags()
      • isHidingTextTags

        public java.lang.Boolean isHidingTextTags()
      • setHideTextTags

        public void setHideTextTags​(boolean hideTextTags)
      • hasUsePreexistingFields

        public boolean hasUsePreexistingFields()
      • isUsingPreexistingFields

        public java.lang.Boolean isUsingPreexistingFields()
      • setUsePreexistingFields

        public void setUsePreexistingFields​(boolean usePreexistingFields)
      • getMetadata

        public Metadata getMetadata()
      • addMetadata

        public void addMetadata​(java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.String value)
      • getMetadata

        public java.lang.String getMetadata​(java.lang.String key)
      • addFile

        public void addFile​( file)
                     throws HelloSignException
        Adds the file to the request.
        file - File
        HelloSignException - thrown if there is a problem attaching the File to this request.
      • addFile

        public void addFile​( file,
                            java.lang.Integer order)
                     throws HelloSignException
        Adds the file to the request in the given order. The order should be a 0-based index into the file list. Therefore, the first item of the file list is 0, and so forth. If order is null, the document is appended to the end of the file list.
        file - File
        order - Integer or null
        HelloSignException - thrown if there is a problem attaching the File to this request.
      • addDocument

        public void addDocument​(Document doc,
                                int order)
                         throws HelloSignException
        Adds a Document to the signature request at the specific order.
        doc - Document
        order - int
        HelloSignException - thrown if null is provided or there is a problem attaching the Document.
      • getDocuments

        public java.util.List<Document> getDocuments()
        Returns a reference to the list of documents for this request. Modifying this list will modify the list that will be sent with the request. Useful for more fine-grained modification.
      • setDocuments

        public void setDocuments​(java.util.List<Document> docs)
        Overwrites this requests document list with the provided document list.
        docs - List
      • clearDocuments

        public void clearDocuments()
        Remove all documents from this request.
      • getOrderMatters

        public boolean getOrderMatters()
        A flag that determines whether order of the signers list is enforced.
        true if the order matters, false otherwise
      • setOrderMatters

        public void setOrderMatters​(boolean b)
        Determines whether the order of the signers list is to be enforced.
        b - true if the order matters, false otherwise
      • addFileUrl

        public void addFileUrl​(java.lang.String url)
        Add a file_url to this request.
        url - String
      • getFileUrls

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFileUrls()
        Return the current file_url list.
      • setFileUrls

        public void setFileUrls​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fileUrls)
        Overwrite the current file_url list.
        fileUrls - List
      • getUxVersion

        public int getUxVersion()
        Return the UX version for this request.
        int UX version (UX_VERSION_1 or UX_VERSION_2)
      • setUxVersion

        public void setUxVersion​(int uxVersion)
        Set the UX version for this request. This determines the version of the signer page displayed to signer(s). The default is UX_VERSION_1 (non-responsive). Use UX_VERSION_2 for the responsive signer page.
        uxVersion - int
      • getClientId

        public java.lang.String getClientId()
        The API app client ID that has been associated with this signature request.
        String client ID
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId​(java.lang.String clientId)
                         throws HelloSignException
        Associates this request with an API app.
        clientId - String client ID of the API app.
        HelloSignException - thrown if clientId is null
      • getIsDeclinable

        public java.lang.Boolean getIsDeclinable()
        Retrieve the flag that designates whether this request is declinable by signers.
        Boolean or null if the flag has not been set
      • setIsDeclinable

        public void setIsDeclinable​(java.lang.Boolean isDeclinable)
        Designate this request as declinable by signers.
        isDeclinable - true if declinable, false otherwise (null if the parameter should be left off)
      • hasAllowReassign

        public boolean hasAllowReassign()
      • isAllowReassign

        public boolean isAllowReassign()
      • setAllowReassign

        public void setAllowReassign​(boolean b)
      • addCustomField

        public void addCustomField​(CustomField field)
        Add the custom field to this request. This is useful for specifying a pre-filled value and/or a field editor.
        field - CustomField
      • setCustomFieldValue

        public void setCustomFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldNameOrApiId,
                                        java.lang.String value)
        Adds the value to fill in for a custom field with the given field name.
        fieldNameOrApiId - String name (or "Field Label") of the custom field to be filled in. The "api_id" can also be used instead of the name.
        value - String value
      • getCustomFieldsMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getCustomFieldsMap()
        Returns the map of custom fields for the request. This is a map of String field names to String field values.
      • getCustomFields

        public java.util.List<CustomField> getCustomFields()
        Gets the custom fields associated with this request, set when sending the request.
        List CustomFields
      • setCustomFields

        public void setCustomFields​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> fields)
        Overwrites the current map of custom fields to the provided map. This is a map of String field names to String field values.
        fields - Map
      • getCustomFieldsList

        public java.util.List<CustomField> getCustomFieldsList()
        Use getCustomFields() instead.
        Returns a list of CustomField objects for this request.
        List of CustomFields
      • clearCustomFields

        public void clearCustomFields()
        Clears the current custom fields for this request.