Interface Cipher

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  Cipher.Mode  
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getAuthenticationTagSize()  
      int getBlockSize()  
      int getIVSize()  
      void init​(Cipher.Mode mode, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
      Initialize the cipher for encryption or decryption with the given private key and initialization vector
      void setSequenceNumber​(long seq)  
      void update​(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen)
      Performs in-place encryption or decryption on the given data.
      void updateAAD​(byte[] data)
      Adds the provided input data as additional authenticated data during encryption or decryption.
      void updateAAD​(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
      Adds the provided input data as additional authenticated data during encryption or decryption.
      void updateWithAAD​(byte[] input, int offset, int aadLen, int inputLen)
      Performs in-place authenticated encryption or decryption with additional data (AEAD).
    • Method Detail

      • getBlockSize

        int getBlockSize()
        the block size for this cipher
      • getIVSize

        int getIVSize()
        the size of the initialization vector
      • getAuthenticationTagSize

        int getAuthenticationTagSize()
        Size of the authentication tag (AT) in bytes or 0 if this cipher does not support authentication
      • init

        void init​(Cipher.Mode mode,
                  byte[] key,
                  byte[] iv)
        Initialize the cipher for encryption or decryption with the given private key and initialization vector
        mode - whether this instance wil encrypt or decrypt
        key - the key for the cipher
        iv - initialization vector
      • update

        void update​(byte[] input,
                    int inputOffset,
                    int inputLen)
        Performs in-place encryption or decryption on the given data.
        input - the subject
        inputOffset - offset at which to start
        inputLen - number of bytes starting at inputOffset
      • updateAAD

        void updateAAD​(byte[] data,
                       int offset,
                       int length)
        Adds the provided input data as additional authenticated data during encryption or decryption.
        data - The additional data to authenticate
        offset - The offset of the additional data in the buffer
        length - The number of bytes in the buffer to use for authentication
      • updateAAD

        void updateAAD​(byte[] data)
        Adds the provided input data as additional authenticated data during encryption or decryption.
        data - The data to authenticate
      • updateWithAAD

        void updateWithAAD​(byte[] input,
                           int offset,
                           int aadLen,
                           int inputLen)
        Performs in-place authenticated encryption or decryption with additional data (AEAD). Authentication tags are implicitly appended after the output ciphertext or implicitly verified after the input ciphertext. Header data indicated by the aadLen parameter are authenticated but not encrypted/decrypted, while payload data indicated by the inputLen parameter are authenticated and encrypted/decrypted.
        input - The input/output bytes
        offset - The offset of the data in the input buffer
        aadLen - The number of bytes to use as additional authenticated data - starting at offset
        inputLen - The number of bytes to update - starting at offset + aadLen
      • setSequenceNumber

        void setSequenceNumber​(long seq)