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authenticateIfNecessary(List<Server>, AuthenticationMethodProvider) - Static method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.Vaults
Authenticate to one or more Vault servers and paths from a Properties instance.
AuthenticationMethod - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
AuthenticationMethod(Auth) - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.AuthenticationMethod
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationMethod class.
AuthenticationMethodFactory - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config
AuthenticationMethodFactory() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.AuthenticationMethodFactory
AuthenticationMethodProvider - Interface in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config


com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault - package com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config - package com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config


equals(Object) - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Returns a value indicating whether this mapping is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Returns a value indicating whether this path is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Returns a value indicating whether this server is equal to another object.
executeVaultOperation() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.PullMojo
Executes this Mojo which pulls project property values from Vault.
executeVaultOperation() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.PushMojo
Executes this Mojo which pushes a project property values to Vault.


fromServer(Server) - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.AuthenticationMethodFactory
Factory method that helps creating the authentication config.
fromServer(Server) - Method in interface com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.AuthenticationMethodProvider


getAuthentication() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the authentication map containing the authentication method and credentials used to login into this server.
getEngineVersion() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Indicates server KV engine version.
getKey() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Gets the key for this mapping.
getMappings() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Gets the mappings of this path.
getName() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Gets the name of this path.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the namespace of this server.
getPaths() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the paths for this server.
getProperty() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Gets the property for this mapping.
getSslCertificate() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the SSL certificate file for this server.
getSslVerify() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets a value indicating whether SSL connections are verified for this server.
getToken() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the token used to access this server.
getUrl() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Gets the URL of this server.
GITHUB_TOKEN_TAG - Static variable in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.AuthenticationMethodFactory
GithubToken - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
GithubToken(Auth, Server) - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.GithubToken
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationMethod class.


hashCode() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Returns a hash code value for this mapping.
hashCode() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Returns a hash code value for this path.
hashCode() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Returns a hash code value for this server.


isSkipExecution() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Indicates if server execution should be skipped.


login() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.AuthenticationMethod
login() - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.GithubToken
A method that helps authenticate via a git PAT.


Mapping - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config
Represents a mapping between a Vault key and a Maven property.
Mapping() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Initializes a new instance of the Mapping class.
Mapping(String, String) - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Mapping
Initializes a new instance of the Mapping class.
methods - Static variable in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.AuthenticationMethodFactory


Path - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config
Represents a path on a Vault server.
Path() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Initializes a new instance of the Path class.
Path(String, List<Mapping>) - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Path
Initializes a new instance of the Path class.
pull(List<Server>, Properties) - Static method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.Vaults
Pulls secrets from one or more Vault servers and paths and updates a Properties instance with the values.
PullMojo - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
Provides a Mojo that pulls values from Vault and sets Maven properties.
PullMojo() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.PullMojo
push(List<Server>, Properties) - Static method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.Vaults
Pushes secrets to one or more Vault servers and paths from a Properties instance.
PushMojo - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
Provides a Mojo that pulls values from Vault and sets Maven properties.
PushMojo() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.PushMojo


Server - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config
Represents a Vault server.
Server() - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Initializes a new instance of the Server class.
Server(String, String, boolean, File, Map<String, String>, String, List<Path>, boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Initializes a new instance of the Server class.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.config.Server
Sets the token of this server.


vaultConfig(String, String, String, boolean, File, Integer) - Static method in class com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault.Vaults
Returns a configured instance of the VaultConfig class.
Vaults - Class in com.homeofthewizard.maven.plugins.vault
Provides static methods for working with Vault.
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