Class EagerSetTag

    • Constructor Detail

      • EagerSetTag

        public EagerSetTag()
      • EagerSetTag

        public EagerSetTag​(SetTag setTag)
    • Method Detail

      • eagerInterpret

        public String eagerInterpret​(TagNode tagNode,
                                     JinjavaInterpreter interpreter,
                                     InterpretException e)
        Description copied from class: EagerTagDecorator
        Return the string value of interpreting this tag node knowing that a deferred value has been encountered. The tag node can not simply get evaluated normally in this circumstance.
        eagerInterpret in class EagerStateChangingTag<SetTag>
        tagNode - TagNode to interpret.
        interpreter - The JinjavaInterpreter.
        e - The exception that required non-default interpretation. May be null
        The string result of performing an eager interpretation of the TagNode