Class Jinjava

  • public class Jinjava
    extends Object
    The main client API for the Jinjava library, instances of this class can be used to render jinja templates with a given map of context values. Example use:
     Jinjava jinjava = new Jinjava();
     Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
     context.put("name", "Jared");
     // ...
     String template = "Hello, {{ name }}";
     String renderedTemplate = jinjava.render(template, context);
    • Constructor Detail

      • Jinjava

        public Jinjava()
        Create a new Jinjava processor instance with the default global config
      • Jinjava

        public Jinjava​(JinjavaConfig globalConfig)
        Create a new jinjava processor instance with the specified global config
        globalConfig - used for all render operations performed by this processor instance
    • Method Detail

      • setResourceLocator

        public void setResourceLocator​(ResourceLocator resourceLocator)
        Set the object responsible for locating templates referenced in other templates
        resourceLocator - the locator to use for loading all templates
      • getExpressionFactory

        public javax.el.ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory()
        The EL factory used to process expressions in templates by this instance.
      • getEagerExpressionFactory

        public javax.el.ExpressionFactory getEagerExpressionFactory()
        The EL factory used to eagerly process expressions in templates by this instance.
      • getGlobalConfig

        public JinjavaConfig getGlobalConfig()
        The global config used as a base for all render operations performed by this instance.
      • getGlobalContext

        public Context getGlobalContext()
        The global render context includes such things as the base set of tags, filters, exp tests and functions, used as a base by all render operations performed by this instance
        the global render context
      • getGlobalContextCopy

        public Context getGlobalContextCopy()
      • getJinjavaDoc

        public JinjavaDoc getJinjavaDoc()
        a comprehensive descriptor of all available filters, functions, and tags registered on this jinjava instance.
      • getJinjavaSnippetDoc

        public String getJinjavaSnippetDoc()
        code snippets of all available filters, functions, and tags registered on this jinjava instance.
      • render

        public String render​(String template,
                             Map<String,​?> bindings)
        Render the given template using the given context bindings.
        template - jinja source template
        bindings - map of objects to put into scope for this rendering action
        the rendered template
        InterpretException - if any syntax errors were encountered during rendering
      • renderForResult

        public RenderResult renderForResult​(String template,
                                            Map<String,​?> bindings)
        Render the given template using the given context bindings. This method returns some metadata about the render process, including any errors which may have been encountered such as unknown variables or syntax errors. This method will not throw any exceptions; it is up to the caller to inspect the renderResult.errors collection if necessary / desired.
        template - jinja source template
        bindings - map of objects to put into scope for this rendering action
        result object containing rendered output, render context, and any encountered errors
      • renderForResult

        public RenderResult renderForResult​(String template,
                                            Map<String,​?> bindings,
                                            JinjavaConfig renderConfig)
        Render the given template using the given context bindings. This method returns some metadata about the render process, including any errors which may have been encountered such as unknown variables or syntax errors. This method will not throw any exceptions; it is up to the caller to inspect the renderResult.errors collection if necessary / desired.
        template - jinja source template
        bindings - map of objects to put into scope for this rendering action
        renderConfig - used to override specific config values for this render operation
        result object containing rendered output, render context, and any encountered errors
      • newInterpreter

        public JinjavaInterpreter newInterpreter()
        Creates a new interpreter instance using the global context and global config
        a new interpreter instance
      • registerTag

        public void registerTag​(Tag t)
      • registerFilter

        public void registerFilter​(Filter f)
      • registerExpTest

        public void registerExpTest​(ExpTest t)
      • createBindingsWithParentContext

        protected Map<String,​Object> createBindingsWithParentContext​(Map<String,​?> bindings,
                                                                           Map<String,​?> bindingsFromParentContext)