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APPLICATION - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
ARGB - com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader.PixelFormat


BGRA - com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader.PixelFormat
Block - Enum in com.ibasco.image.gif.enums
Enumeration describing the types of data blocks contained in a GIF file.
BlockCategory - Enum in com.ibasco.image.gif.enums
BlockFilter - Interface in com.ibasco.image.gif
Interface for on-the-fly filtering of sub/data-blocks during image processing
BlockIdentifier - Interface in com.ibasco.image.gif.enums


close() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifDecoder
close() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
com.ibasco.gifreader - module com.ibasco.gifreader
com.ibasco.image.gif - package com.ibasco.image.gif
com.ibasco.image.gif.enums - package com.ibasco.image.gif.enums
com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions - package com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions
COMMENT - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
CONTROL - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory
createImageInputStream(Object) - Static method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader


decode(byte[]) - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifDecoder
Decodes a block of frame data containing LZW encoded byte(s)
DisposalMethod - Enum in com.ibasco.image.gif.enums
Indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed.
DO_NOT_DISPOSE - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
Do not dispose.
DO_NOT_SKIP - Static variable in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader


EXTENSION - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
ExtensionBlock - Enum in com.ibasco.image.gif.enums
Enumeration for the supported extension blocks in the GIF specification


filter(BlockIdentifier, Object...) - Method in interface com.ibasco.image.gif.BlockFilter


get(int) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
get(int) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory
get(int) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
get(int) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
getActiveColorTable() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
The active color table (Local or Global)
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
The Background Color used for those pixels on the screen that are not covered by an image.
getBackgroundColorIndex() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Index into the Global Color Table for the Background Color.
getCategory() - Method in interface com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockIdentifier
getCharCellHeight() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getCharCellWidth() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getClearCode() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
A special Clear code is defined which resets all compression/decompression parameters and tables to a start-up state.
getCodeByte() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
getCodeByte() - Method in interface com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockIdentifier
getCodeByte() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
getCodeInt() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
getCodeInt() - Method in interface com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockIdentifier
getCodeInt() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
getCodeSize() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
This byte determines the initial number of bits used for LZW codes in the image data, as described in Appendix F.
getColorResolution() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Number of bits per primary color available to the original image, minus 1.
getComments() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
The Comment Extension contains textual information which is not part of the actual graphics in the GIF Data Stream.
getData() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
getDelay() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
If not 0, this field specifies the number of hundredths (1/100) of a second to wait before continuing with the processing of the Data Stream.
getDisposalMethod() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed.
getDisposalOverride() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
getEndOfInfoCode() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
An End of Information code is defined that explicitly indicates the end of the image data stream.
getFilter() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
The block filter currently being used by the reader
getGlobalColorTable() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
The global color table (in ARGB format).
getGlobalColorTableSize() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
If the Global Color Table Flag is set to 1, the value in this field is used to calculate the number of bytes contained in the Global Color Table.
getHeight() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Height of the image frame in pixels
getHeight() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Height (in pixels) of the Logical Screen where the images will be rendered in the displaying device.
getIndex() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
getLeftPos() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Column number, in pixels, of the left edge of the image, with respect to the left edge of the Logical Screen.
getLeftPos() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getLocalColorTable() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
This block contains a color table, which is a sequence of bytes representing red-green-blue color triplets.
getLocalColorTableSize() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
If the Local Color Table Flag is set to 1, the value in this field is used to calculate the number of bytes contained in the Local Color Table.
getLoopCount() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Indicates the number of iterations the animated GIF should be executed.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
getMetadata() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
getName() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
getName() - Method in interface com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockIdentifier
getName() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
getPixelAspectRatio() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Factor used to compute an approximation of the aspect ratio of the pixel in the original image.
getPixelFormat() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
getPlainText() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
The Plain Text Extension contains textual data and the parameters necessary to render that data as a graphic, in a simple form.
getPlainTextData() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getSignature() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
This field identifies the beginning of the GIF Data Stream; it is not intended to provide a unique signature for the identification of the data.
getTextBackgroundColorIndex() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getTextForegroundColorIndex() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getTextGridHeight() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getTextGridWidth() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getTopPos() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Row number, in pixels, of the top edge of the image with respect to the top edge of the Logical Screen.
getTopPos() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
getTotalFrames() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Scans through the entire stream and count the total number of frames available for the current image.
getTotalFrames() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
getTransparencyIndex() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
The Transparency Index is such that when encountered, the corresponding pixel of the display device is not modified and processing goes on to the next pixel.
getValue() - Method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
getVersion() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
ENCODER : An encoder should use the earliest possible version number that defines all the blocks used in the Data Stream.
getWidth() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Width of the image frame in pixels
getWidth() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Width (in pixels) of the Logical Screen where the images will be rendered in the displaying device.
GifDecoder - Class in com.ibasco.image.gif
A class for decoding GIF image data blocks (encoded in LZW algorithm)
GifDecoder() - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifDecoder
GifDecoder(GifFrame) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifDecoder
Creates a new GIF Decoder instance for the current GifFrame.
GifFrame - Class in com.ibasco.image.gif
Represents a single frame of a GIF Image
GifImageReader - Class in com.ibasco.image.gif
A pure java implementation of the GIF89a Specification

GifImageReader(ImageInputStream, boolean, GifImageReader.PixelFormat) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Creates a new reader instance.
GifImageReader(File) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Creates a new reader instance.
GifImageReader(File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Creates a new reader instance.
GifImageReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Creates a new reader instance.
GifImageReader(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Creates a new reader instance
GifImageReader.PixelFormat - Enum in com.ibasco.image.gif
GifMetaData - Class in com.ibasco.image.gif
The image meta data describing the entire image stream.
GifMetaData() - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
GLOBAL_COLOR_TABLE - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
GRAPHIC - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory
GRAPHICS - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock


hasGlobalColorTable() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Flag indicating the presence of a Global Color Table; if the flag is set, the Global Color Table will immediately follow the Logical Screen Descriptor.
hasLocalColorTable() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates the presence of a Local Color Table immediately following this Image Descriptor.
hasRemaining() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Checks if there are available frames left to process
hasTransparency() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
HEADER_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
A fixed sequence of bytes representing the GIF header signature
HEADER_VERSION_87A - Static variable in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
A fixed sequence of bytes representing the 87a version of the GIF specification
HEADER_VERSION_89A - Static variable in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
A fixed sequence of bytes representing the 89a version of the GIF specification


IMAGE_DATA - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
IMAGE_DATA_BLOCK - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
INITIALIZE - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
InvalidSignatureException - Exception in com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions
Indicates that the GIF file contains an invalid signature/version
InvalidSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions.InvalidSignatureException
isInterlaced() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates if the image is interlaced.
isRendered() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
isSorted() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates whether the Local Color Table is sorted.
isSorted() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
Indicates whether the Global Color Table is sorted.
isTransparencySupported() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates whether a transparency index is given in the Transparent Index field.
isUserInputSupported() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifFrame
Indicates whether or not user input is expected before continuing.
isValid(int) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block


LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
LOGICAL_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block


NONE - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
No disposal specified.


PlainText - Class in com.ibasco.image.gif
Plain text extension fields
PlainText() - Constructor for class com.ibasco.image.gif.PlainText
PLAINTEXT - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock


read() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Reads a single GIF frame from the data stream
RESTORE_TO_BACKGROUND - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
Restore to background color.
RESTORE_TO_PREVIOUS - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
Restore to previous.


setDisposalOverride(DisposalMethod) - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
Override the disposal method of each frame affecting the final image of a frame.
setFilter(BlockFilter) - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
The block filter to be used by the reader.
SKIP_ALL - Static variable in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader
SPECIAL - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory


toString() - Method in class com.ibasco.image.gif.GifMetaData
TRAILER - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block


UNKNOWN - com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
UnsupportedBlockException - Exception in com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions
Indicates that an Unknown block identifier has been encountered during processing
UnsupportedBlockException() - Constructor for exception com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions.UnsupportedBlockException
UnsupportedBlockException(String) - Constructor for exception com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions.UnsupportedBlockException
UnsupportedBlockException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions.UnsupportedBlockException
UnsupportedBlockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ibasco.image.gif.exceptions.UnsupportedBlockException


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader.PixelFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.Block
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.BlockCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.DisposalMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.enums.ExtensionBlock
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ibasco.image.gif.GifImageReader.PixelFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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