

package migration

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractDecimalColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault with ColumnSupportsPrecision with ColumnSupportsScale

    This class is an abstract class to handle DECIMAL and NUMERIC column types.

  2. case class CharacterSet(name: CharacterSetName, collationOpt: Option[String]) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    A character set consists of a character set name and an optional collation.

  3. sealed trait CharacterSetName extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all character set names.

  4. case class Check(expr: String) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify a check constraint on a column.

  5. sealed trait CheckOption extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all check options.

  6. abstract class ColumnDefinition extends AnyRef

    Abstract base class for the definition of a column type.

  7. trait ColumnOption extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all column options.

  8. trait ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement extends AnyRef

    Marker trait for a ColumnDefinition sublcass that the column type supports having a default value provided by a sequence.

  9. trait ColumnSupportsDefault extends AnyRef

    Marker trait for a ColumnDefinition subclass that the column type supports a default value.

  10. trait ColumnSupportsLimit extends AnyRef

    Marker trait for a ColumnDefinition subclass that the column type supports a limit on the range of values it supports, e.

  11. trait ColumnSupportsPrecision extends AnyRef

    Marker trait for a ColumnDefinition subclass that the column type supports a precision on numerical values it stores, e.

  12. trait ColumnSupportsScale extends AnyRef

    Marker trait for a ColumnDefinition subclass that the column type supports a precision on numerical values it stores, e.

  13. class ConnectionBuilder extends AnyRef

    Adapter class for getting a Connection from either the DriverManager or a DataSource.

  14. abstract class DatabaseAdapter extends AnyRef

    Base class for classes to customize SQL generation for specific database drivers.

  15. case class Default(value: String) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    A default value for a column.

  16. class DefaultBigintColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  17. class DefaultBlobColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition

  18. class DefaultBooleanColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  19. class DefaultCharColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsLimit with ColumnSupportsDefault

  20. class DefaultDecimalColumnDefinition extends AbstractDecimalColumnDefinition

  21. class DefaultIntegerColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  22. class DefaultSmallintColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  23. class DefaultTimestampColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsLimit with ColumnSupportsDefault

  24. class DefaultVarbinaryColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsLimit with ColumnSupportsDefault

  25. class DefaultVarcharColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsLimit with ColumnSupportsDefault

  26. trait DerbyAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement

  27. class DerbyBigintColumnDefinition extends DefaultBigintColumnDefinition with DerbyAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  28. class DerbyBlobColumnDefinition extends DefaultBlobColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsLimit

  29. class DerbyDatabaseAdapter extends DatabaseAdapter

  30. class DerbyIntegerColumnDefinition extends DefaultIntegerColumnDefinition with DerbyAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  31. class DerbySmallintColumnDefinition extends DefaultSmallintColumnDefinition with DerbyAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  32. class DerbyTimestampColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  33. class DerbyVarbinaryColumnDefinition extends DefaultVarbinaryColumnDefinition

  34. class DuplicateMigrationDescriptionException extends MigrationException

  35. class DuplicateMigrationVersionException extends MigrationException

  36. sealed trait ForeignKeyConstraintAction extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all foreign key actions upon delete or update.

  37. sealed trait ForeignKeyOption extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all foreign key options.

  38. sealed trait GrantPrivilegeType extends Privilege

    The base trait for all table privileges.

  39. sealed trait IndexOption extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all index options.

  40. class IrreversibleMigrationException extends MigrationException

  41. class JavaMigrator extends AnyRef

    The Scala Migrator class uses Scala case classes in its public constructors and public methods which makes it difficult to use from a pure Java environment.

  42. case class Limit(expr: String) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    A limit on the size of a column type.

  43. case class MigrateToVersion(version: Long) extends MigratorOperation with Product with Serializable

    Remove all migrations with versions greater than the given version and install all migrations less then or equal to the given version.

  44. abstract class Migration extends AnyRef

  45. class MigrationArrowAssoc extends AnyRef

    Due to the JVM erasure, the scala.

  46. sealed abstract class MigrationDirection extends AnyRef

    Sealed abstract class that defines the direction to run a migration.

  47. class MigrationException extends Exception

  48. case class MigrationStatuses(notInstalled: SortedMap[Long, Class[_ <: Migration]], installedWithAvailableImplementation: SortedMap[Long, Class[_ <: Migration]], installedWithoutAvailableImplementation: SortedSet[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Container for the state of all the available and installed migrations.

  49. class Migrator extends AnyRef

    This class migrates the database into the desired state.

  50. sealed abstract class MigratorOperation extends AnyRef

    The set of migrator operations that can be performed.

  51. class MissingMigrationClass extends MigrationException

  52. trait MysqlAppendCharacterSetToColumnDefinitionMixin extends AnyRef

    Map Unicode to the "utf8" UTF-8 character set.

  53. trait MysqlAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement

  54. class MysqlBigintColumnDefinition extends DefaultBigintColumnDefinition with MysqlAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  55. class MysqlBlobColumnDefinition extends DefaultBlobColumnDefinition

    Map BlobType to MySQL's LONGBLOB data type.

  56. class MysqlCharColumnDefinition extends DefaultCharColumnDefinition with MysqlAppendCharacterSetToColumnDefinitionMixin

  57. class MysqlDatabaseAdapter extends DatabaseAdapter

  58. class MysqlIntegerColumnDefinition extends DefaultIntegerColumnDefinition with MysqlAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  59. class MysqlSmallintColumnDefinition extends DefaultSmallintColumnDefinition with MysqlAutoIncrementingColumnDefinitionMixin

  60. class MysqlTimestampColumnDefinition extends ColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  61. class MysqlUser extends User

    Representation of a SQL user for MySQL which consists of a user name and a host name; see http://dev.

  62. class MysqlVarcharColumnDefinition extends DefaultVarcharColumnDefinition with MysqlAppendCharacterSetToColumnDefinitionMixin

  63. case class Name(name: String) extends CheckOption with ForeignKeyOption with IndexOption with Product with Serializable

    A name overriding the default index or foreign key constraint name generated by Migration.

  64. case class NamedCheck(name: String, expr: String) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify a named check constraint on a column.

  65. class On extends AnyRef

    A container class for storing the table and column names a foreign key reference is on.

  66. case class OnDelete(action: ForeignKeyConstraintAction) extends ForeignKeyOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify the action that occurs when a value referenced in a foreign key constraint is deleted.

  67. case class OnUpdate(action: ForeignKeyConstraintAction) extends ForeignKeyOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify the action that occurs when a value referenced in a foreign key constraint is updated.

  68. class OracleBigintColumnDefinition extends DefaultBigintColumnDefinition

    Map the BIGINT SQL type to a NUMBER(19, 0).

  69. class OracleCharColumnDefinition extends DefaultCharColumnDefinition

  70. class OracleDatabaseAdapter extends DatabaseAdapter

  71. class OracleDecimalColumnDefinition extends AbstractDecimalColumnDefinition

  72. class OracleIntegerColumnDefinition extends DefaultIntegerColumnDefinition

    Map the INTEGER SQL type to a NUMBER(10, 0).

  73. class OracleSmallintColumnDefinition extends DefaultSmallintColumnDefinition

    Map the SMALLINT SQL type to a NUMBER(5, 0).

  74. class OracleVarbinaryColumnDefinition extends DefaultVarbinaryColumnDefinition

  75. class OracleVarcharColumnDefinition extends DefaultVarcharColumnDefinition

  76. class PlainUser extends User

    A user consisting only of a user name.

  77. class PostgresqlBigintColumnDefinition extends DefaultBigintColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement

  78. class PostgresqlByteaColumnDefinition extends DefaultBlobColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsDefault

  79. class PostgresqlDatabaseAdapter extends DatabaseAdapter

  80. class PostgresqlIntegerColumnDefinition extends DefaultIntegerColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement

  81. class PostgresqlSmallintColumnDefinition extends DefaultSmallintColumnDefinition with ColumnSupportsAutoIncrement

  82. case class Precision(value: Int) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify the precision for a DECIMAL column.

  83. sealed trait Privilege extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all privileges.

  84. sealed abstract class PrivilegeWithColumns extends GrantPrivilegeType

    A base class for all privileges that take a list of columns to affect.

  85. class References extends AnyRef

    A container class for storing the table and column names a foreign key reference references.

  86. case class ReferencesPrivilege(columns: Seq[String]) extends PrivilegeWithColumns with Product with Serializable


  87. class RichConnection extends AnyRef

    A rich Connection class that provides a withPreparedStatement() method.

  88. case class RollbackMigration(count: Int) extends MigratorOperation with Product with Serializable

    Rollback 'count' migrations in the database.

  89. case class Scale(value: Int) extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify the scale for a DECIMAL column.

  90. sealed trait SchemaPrivilege extends Privilege

    The base trait for all schema privileges.

  91. case class SelectPrivilege(columns: Seq[String]) extends PrivilegeWithColumns with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT SELECT.

  92. sealed abstract class SqlType extends AnyRef

    Sealed abstract base class for the case objects that represent the supported SQL types.

  93. class TableColumnDefinition extends AnyRef

    A two-tuple containing a table name and a list of column names.

  94. class TableDefinition extends AnyRef

    A builder to define a table.

  95. sealed trait TableOption extends AnyRef

    The base trait for all table options.

  96. sealed trait UnquotedNameConverter extends AnyRef

    Sealed trait that specifies how the database treats unquoted names and has a method that performs the same conversion.

  97. class UnsupportedColumnTypeException extends MigrationException

  98. case class UpdatePrivilege(columns: Seq[String]) extends PrivilegeWithColumns with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT UPDATE.

  99. sealed abstract class User extends AnyRef

    Representation of a SQL user.

  100. abstract class UserFactory[T <: User] extends AnyRef

    A factory for User instances that are built from a user name.

  101. sealed trait Vendor extends AnyRef

    Base sealed trait for the objects that refer to different databases.

Value Members

  1. object AllPrivileges extends GrantPrivilegeType with SchemaPrivilege with Product with Serializable


  2. object AutoIncrement extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify that the default value for the column for a new row in the table is provided by a sequence.

  3. object BigintType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  4. object BlobType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  5. object BooleanType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  6. object Cascade extends ForeignKeyConstraintAction with Product with Serializable

    Delete any rows in the referencing table that refer to rows deleted in the referenced table, or update the row's value to the new value in the referenced row if it was updated.

  7. object CasePreservingUnquotedNameConverter extends UnquotedNameConverter with Product with Serializable

    The database does not modify the case of unquoted names.

  8. object CharType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  9. object CharacterSet extends Serializable

  10. object DatabaseAdapter

  11. object DecimalType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  12. object Default extends Serializable

    Default companion object allowing Defaults to be constructed with integer values.

  13. object DeletePrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT DELETE.

  14. object Derby extends Vendor with Product with Serializable

  15. object Down extends MigrationDirection with Product with Serializable

    Case object used to indicate that a migration should be removed.

  16. object InsertPrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT INSERT.

  17. object InstallAllMigrations extends MigratorOperation with Product with Serializable

    Install all available migrations.

  18. object IntegerType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  19. object JavaDatabaseAdapter

    The Scala Database Adapter classes uses Scala case classes in their public constructors and public methods which makes it difficult to use from a pure Java environment.

  20. object Limit extends Serializable

    Limit companion object allowing Limits to be constructed with integer values.

  21. object LowercaseUnquotedNameConverter extends UnquotedNameConverter with Product with Serializable

    Unquoted names are implicitly converted into their lowercase variant.

  22. object Migrator

  23. object Mysql extends Vendor with Product with Serializable

  24. object MysqlUser

  25. object MysqlUserFactory extends UserFactory[MysqlUser]

    A singleton user factory to create MysqlUser instances.

  26. object NoAction extends ForeignKeyConstraintAction with Product with Serializable

    Generate an error that updating or deleting the row would cause a foreign key constraint violation.

  27. object NotNull extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify that the column's values must not be NULL.

  28. object Nullable extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify that the column's values may be NULL.

  29. object Oracle extends Vendor with Product with Serializable

  30. object PlainUserFactory extends UserFactory[PlainUser]

    Singleton UserFactory that creates PlainUser instances.

  31. object Postgresql extends Vendor with Product with Serializable

  32. object PrimaryKey extends ColumnOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify that the column is a primary key.

  33. object PrivilegeWithColumns

    Scala 2.

  34. object ReferencesPrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

  35. object RemoveAllMigrations extends MigratorOperation with Product with Serializable

    Remove all installed migrations.

  36. object Restrict extends ForeignKeyConstraintAction with Product with Serializable

    Generate an error that updating or deleting the row would cause a foreign key constraint violation.

  37. object RichConnection

  38. object SelectPrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

  39. object SetDefault extends ForeignKeyConstraintAction with Product with Serializable

    Set any rows in the referencing table to their default value when the referenced rows are deleted or updated.

  40. object SetNull extends ForeignKeyConstraintAction with Product with Serializable

    Set any rows in the referencing table to NULL when the referenced rows are deleted or updated.

  41. object SmallintType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  42. object TimestampType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  43. object TriggerPrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT TRIGGER.

  44. object Unicode extends CharacterSetName with Product with Serializable

    The character data types should be encoded using Unicode.

  45. object Unique extends ColumnOption with IndexOption with Product with Serializable

    Specify that the index on the requires that all the values indexed are unique.

  46. object Up extends MigrationDirection with Product with Serializable

    Case object used to indicate that a migration should be installed.

  47. object UpdatePrivilege extends GrantPrivilegeType with Product with Serializable

  48. object UppercaseUnquotedNameConverter extends UnquotedNameConverter with Product with Serializable

    Unquoted names are implicitly converted into their uppercase variant.

  49. object UsagePrivilege extends SchemaPrivilege with Product with Serializable

    Maps to GRANT USAGE.

  50. object User

    Object to create PlainUser instances with a user name with a nice syntax, e.

  51. object VarbinaryType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  52. object VarcharType extends SqlType with Product with Serializable

  53. object Vendor

  54. object With

    Utility object that contains functions that ensure a resource is released once it has been used.
