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AbstractFunctionCallFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Base class defining a function invocation.
AbstractFunctionCallFlux(String) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionCallFlux
Will be called by the AbstractFunctionFlux.invoke() method of the function definition.
AbstractFunctionFlux<CALL extends AbstractFunctionCallFlux> - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
The base class for function definitions.
AbstractFunctionFlux(String, Expression, Function<String, CALL>, AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter...) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux
AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
AbstractParametrizedFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
AbstractParametrizedFlux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractParametrizedFlux
AbstractParametrizedFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractParametrizedFlux
addExpressions(Expression...) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions
Adds another expression to this container.
addImport(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Adds a new import to this flux.
aggregateWindow() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Applies an aggregate or selector function to fixed windows of time.
aggregateWindow(Long, ChronoUnit, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Applies an aggregate or selector function to fixed windows of time.
AggregateWindow - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Applies an aggregate or selector function (any function with a column parameter) to fixed windows of time.
AggregateWindow(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
and(Restrictions...) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
appendActual(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Append actual Flux function to Flux query.
appendActual(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractParametrizedFlux
appendActual(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ExpressionFlux
appendActual(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
appendActual(Map<String, Object>, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
arrayFrom() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Constructs a table from an array of records.
arrayFrom(Map<String, Object>...) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Constructs a table from an array of records.
ArrayFromFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Constructs a table from an array of records.
ArrayFromFlux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ArrayFromFlux
asVariable(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Converts this flux to a variable assignment so multiple fluxes can be used in conjunction with Expressions.


beforeAppendOperatorName(StringBuilder, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractParametrizedFlux
Possibility to customize function.
beforeAppendOperatorName(StringBuilder, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux


collectImports(Set<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Collects all imports of the flux.
collectImports(Set<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionCallFlux
column(String) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record column restriction.
ColumnRestriction - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction
The column restrictions.
columns() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Lists the column labels of input tables.
columns(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Lists the column labels of input tables.
ColumnsFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
The columns() function lists the column labels of input tables.
ColumnsFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ColumnsFlux
com.influxdb.query.dsl - package com.influxdb.query.dsl
com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions - package com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions - package
com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction - package com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction
com.influxdb.query.dsl.utils - package com.influxdb.query.dsl.utils
contains(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Check if an record contains a key or if that key’s value is null.
count() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Counts the number of results.
count(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Counts the number of results.
CountFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Counts the number of results.
CountFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CountFlux
covariance() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(String[], boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(String[], boolean, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(String[], String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(Collection<String>, boolean, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
covariance(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Covariance computes the covariance between two columns.
CovarianceFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Covariance is an aggregate operation.
CovarianceFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux
CROSS - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
cross product.
cumulativeSum() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Computes a running sum for non null records in the table.
cumulativeSum(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Computes a running sum for non null records in the table.
cumulativeSum(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Computes a running sum for non null records in the table.
CumulativeSumFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Cumulative sum computes a running sum for non null records in the table.
CumulativeSumFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CumulativeSumFlux
custom(Object, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "operator" than value?


derivative() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Computes the time based difference between subsequent non null records.
derivative(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Computes the time based difference between subsequent non null records.
DerivativeFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Computes the time based difference between subsequent non null records.
DerivativeFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
difference() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
difference(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
difference(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
difference(String[], boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
difference(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
difference(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
DifferenceFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Difference computes the difference between subsequent non null records.
DifferenceFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DifferenceFlux
distinct() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Distinct produces the unique values for a given column.
distinct(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Distinct produces the unique values for a given column.
DistinctFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Distinct produces the unique values for a given column.
DistinctFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DistinctFlux
drop() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Drop will exclude specified columns from a table.
drop(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Drop will exclude specified columns from a table.
drop(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Drop will exclude specified columns from a table.
drop(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Drop will exclude specified columns from a table.
DropFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Drop will exclude specified columns from a table.
DropFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DropFlux
duplicate() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Duplicate will duplicate a specified column in a table.
duplicate(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Duplicate will duplicate a specified column in a table.
DuplicateFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Duplicate will duplicate a specified column in a table.
DuplicateFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DuplicateFlux


equal(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "equal" than value?
escapeDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class
ESTIMATE_TDIGEST - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux.MethodType
An aggregate result that uses a tdigest data structure to compute an accurate quantile estimate on large data sources.
EXACT_MEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux.MethodType
An aggregate result that takes the average of the two points closest to the quantile value.
EXACT_SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux.MethodType
exists() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Check if an record contains a key or if that key’s value is null.
expression - Variable in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
expression(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Write the custom Flux expression.
Expression - Interface in com.influxdb.query.dsl
Marker interface for Expressions.
ExpressionFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
The custom Flux expression.
ExpressionFlux(Flux, String) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ExpressionFlux
Expressions - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl
A container holding a list of Expressions.
Expressions(Expression...) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions
Expressions(Collection<? extends Expression>) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions


field() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record field restriction.
fill() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Replaces all null values in input tables with a non-null value.
fill(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Replaces all null values in input tables with a non-null value.
FillFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Replaces all null values in input tables with a non-null value.
FillFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FillFlux
filter() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the first result of the query.
filter(Restrictions) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the first result of the query.
FilterFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Filters the results using an expression.
FilterFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FilterFlux
first() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the first result of the query.
FirstFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Returns the first result of the query.
FirstFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FirstFlux
Flux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl
Flux - Data Scripting Language.
Flux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
FreestyleExpression - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
An expression to encapsulate an arbitrary expression.
FreestyleExpression(String) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FreestyleExpression
from(String) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Get data from the specified database.
from(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Get data from the specified database.
from(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Get data from the specified database.
FromFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
From produces a stream of tables from the specified bucket.
FromFlux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
function(Class<F>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Create new function with type type.
functionsParameters - Variable in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
FunctionsParameters - Class in
The function properties.


get(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
getDelimiter(String) - Method in class
getImports() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions
getImports() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
getImports() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux
getImports() - Method in interface com.influxdb.query.dsl.HasImports
getImports() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
getImportsString(HasImports) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.utils.ImportUtils
getName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
getVariableName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionCallFlux
getVariableName() - Method in interface com.influxdb.query.dsl.IsVariableAssignment
getVariableName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
greater(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "greater" than value?
greaterOrEqual(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "greater or equal" than value?
group() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupBy(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupBy(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupBy(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupExcept(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupExcept(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
groupExcept(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
GroupFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Groups results by a user-specified set of tags.
GroupFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux


HasImports - Interface in com.influxdb.query.dsl
Marker interface indicating existence of potential imports.


imports - Variable in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
ImportUtils - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.utils
INNER - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
inner join.
integral() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
For each aggregate column, it outputs the area under the curve of non null records.
integral(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
For each aggregate column, it outputs the area under the curve of non null records.
IntegralFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
For each aggregate column, it outputs the area under the curve of non null records.
IntegralFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.IntegralFlux
interpolateLinear() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
The `interpolate.linear` function inserts rows at regular intervals using linear interpolation to determine values for inserted rows.
interpolateLinear(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
The `interpolate.linear` function inserts rows at regular intervals using linear interpolation to determine values for inserted rows.
InterpolateLinearFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Inserts rows at regular intervals using linear interpolation to determine values for inserted rows.
InterpolateLinearFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.InterpolateLinearFlux
invoke() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux
invokePiped(Flux) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux
IsVariableAssignment - Interface in com.influxdb.query.dsl
Marker interface for variable assignments.


join() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Join two time series together on time and the list of tags.
join(String, Flux, String, Flux, String, String) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Join two time series together on time and the list of tags.
JoinFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Join two time series together on time and the list of on keys.
JoinFlux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
JoinFlux.MethodType - Enum Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions


keep() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
It will return a table containing only columns that are specified.
keep(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
It will return a table containing only columns that are specified.
keep(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
It will return a table containing only columns that are specified.
keep(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
It will return a table containing only columns that are specified.
KeepFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Keep is the inverse of drop.
KeepFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.KeepFlux
keys() - Method in class


last() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the last result of the query.
last(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the last result of the query.
LastFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Returns the last result of the query.
LastFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LastFlux
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
left outer join.
less(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "less" than value?
lessOrEqual(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "less or equal" than value?
limit() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Restricts the number of rows returned in the results.
limit(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Restricts the number of rows returned in the results.
limit(int, int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Restricts the number of rows returned in the results.
LimitFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Restricts the number of rows returned in the results.
LimitFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LimitFlux


map() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Applies a function to each row of the table.
map(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Applies a function to each row of the table.
MapFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Applies a function to each row of the table.
MapFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MapFlux
max() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the max value within the results.
max(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the max value within the results.
MaxFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Returns the max value within the results.
MaxFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MaxFlux
mean() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the mean of the values within the results.
mean(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the mean of the values within the results.
MeanFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Returns the mean of the within the results.
MeanFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MeanFlux
measurement() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record measurement restriction.
min() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the min value within the results.
min(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Returns the min value within the results.
MinFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Returns the min value within the results.
MinFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MinFlux


name - Variable in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
not(Restrictions) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
notEqual(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.ColumnRestriction
Is column of record "not equal" than value?


of() - Static method in class
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionCallFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractParametrizedFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ArrayFromFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ColumnsFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CountFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CumulativeSumFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DifferenceFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DistinctFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DropFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DuplicateFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FillFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FilterFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FirstFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FreestyleExpression
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.IntegralFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.InterpolateLinearFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.KeepFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LastFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LimitFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MapFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MaxFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MeanFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MinFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ReduceFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RenameFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SampleFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SetFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SkewFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SortFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SpreadFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.StddevFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SumFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TailFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToBoolFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToDurationFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFloatFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToIntFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToStringFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToTimeFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToUIntFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TruncateTimeColumnFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.UnionFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
operatorName() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.YieldFlux
or(Restrictions...) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
OUTER - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
full outer join.


Parameter(String) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
pivot() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Pivot collects values stored vertically (column-wise) in a table and aligns them horizontally (row-wise) into logical sets.
pivot(String[], String[], String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Pivot collects values stored vertically (column-wise) in a table and aligns them horizontally (row-wise) into logical sets.
pivot(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Pivot collects values stored vertically (column-wise) in a table and aligns them horizontally (row-wise) into logical sets.
PivotFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Pivot collects values stored vertically (column-wise) in a table and aligns them horizontally (row-wise) into logical sets.
PivotFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
putFunctionNamed(String, String) - Method in class
putFunctionValue(String, Object) - Method in class
putPropertyNamed(String, String) - Method in class
putPropertyValue(String, Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class
putPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class
putPropertyValueString(String, String) - Method in class


quantile() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
quantile(Float) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
quantile(Float, QuantileFlux.MethodType) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
quantile(Float, QuantileFlux.MethodType, Float) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
quantile(String, Float, QuantileFlux.MethodType, Float) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
QuantileFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Quantile is both an aggregate operation and a selector operation depending on selected options.
QuantileFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
QuantileFlux.MethodType - Enum Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Methods for computation.


range() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Long) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Long, Long) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Long, Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
range(Instant, Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Filters the results by time boundaries.
RangeFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Filters the results by time boundaries.
RangeFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
reduce() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Reduce aggregates records in each table according to the reducer.
reduce(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Reduce aggregates records in each table according to the reducer.
ReduceFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Reduce aggregates records in each table according to the reducer.
ReduceFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ReduceFlux
rename() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Rename will rename specified columns in a table.
rename(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Rename will rename specified columns in a table.
rename(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Rename will rename specified columns in a table.
RenameFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Rename will rename specified columns in a table.
RenameFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RenameFlux
Restrictions - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
right outer join.


sample() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sample values from a table.
sample(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sample values from a table.
sample(int, int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sample values from a table.
SampleFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Sample values from a table.
SampleFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SampleFlux
serializeValue(Object, boolean) - Static method in class
Serialize value for Flux property.
set() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Assigns a static value to each record.
set(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Assigns a static value to each record.
SetFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Assigns a static value to each record.
SetFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SetFlux
skew() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Skew of the results.
skew(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Skew of the results.
SkewFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Skew of the results.
SkewFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SkewFlux
sort() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
sort(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
sort(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
sort(String[], boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
sort(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
sort(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
SortFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Sorts the results by the specified columns Default sort is ascending.
SortFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SortFlux
spread() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference between min and max values.
spread(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Difference between min and max values.
SpreadFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Difference between min and max values.
SpreadFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SpreadFlux
start() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record start restriction.
stddev() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Standard Deviation of the results.
stddev(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Standard Deviation of the results.
StddevFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Standard Deviation of the results.
StddevFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.StddevFlux
stop() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record stop restriction.
sum() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sum of the results.
sum(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Sum of the results.
SumFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Sum of the results.
SumFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SumFlux


tag(String) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record tag restriction.
tail() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Caps the number of records in output tables.
tail(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Caps the number of records in output tables.
tail(int, int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Caps the number of records in output tables.
TailFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Tail caps the number of records in output tables to a fixed size n.
TailFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TailFlux
time() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record time restriction.
TimeInterval - Class in
Flux duration literal - spec.
TimeInterval(Long, ChronoUnit) - Constructor for class
timeShift() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Shift add a fixed duration to time columns.
timeShift(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Shift add a fixed duration to time columns.
timeShift(Long, ChronoUnit, String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Shift add a fixed duration to time columns.
timeShift(Long, ChronoUnit, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Shift add a fixed duration to time columns.
TimeShiftFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Shift add a fixed duration to time columns.
TimeShiftFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
to() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String, String[], String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String, String, String, String, String[], String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String, String, String, String, Collection<String>, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
to(String, String, Collection<String>, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
toBool() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a bool.
ToBoolFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a bool.
ToBoolFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToBoolFlux
toDuration() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a duration.
ToDurationFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a duration.
ToDurationFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToDurationFlux
toFloat() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a float.
ToFloatFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a float.
ToFloatFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFloatFlux
ToFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
The To operation takes data from a stream and writes it to a bucket.
ToFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
toInt() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a int.
ToIntFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a int.
ToIntFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToIntFlux
toString() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions
toString() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Create the Flux query that can be executed by FluxService.
toString() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
toString() - Method in class
toString(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Create the Flux query that can be executed by FluxService.
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in interface com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expression
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Expressions
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionCallFlux
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FreestyleExpression
toString(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment
toStringConvert() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a string.
ToStringFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a string.
ToStringFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToStringFlux
toTime() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a time.
ToTimeFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a time.
ToTimeFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToTimeFlux
toUInt() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Convert a value to a uint.
ToUIntFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Convert a value to a duration.
ToUIntFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToUIntFlux
truncateTimeColumn(ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Truncates all input time values in the _time to a specified unit.
TruncateTimeColumnFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Truncates all input time values in the _time to a specified unit..
TruncateTimeColumnFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TruncateTimeColumnFlux


union(Flux...) - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Merges two or more input streams into a single output stream.
UnionFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Merges two or more input streams into a single output stream..
UnionFlux() - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.UnionFlux


value() - Static method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.restriction.Restrictions
Create Record value restriction.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux.MethodType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux.MethodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux.MethodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VariableAssignment - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl
Hold the variable name and expression of an assignment.
VariableAssignment(String, Expression) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.VariableAssignment


window() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit, String, String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Partitions the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit, Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Groups the results by a given time range.
window(Long, ChronoUnit, Long, ChronoUnit, Instant, String, String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Partitions the results by a given time range.
WindowFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Groups the results by a given time range.
WindowFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withAggregateFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withAs(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DuplicateFlux
withBucket(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
withBucket(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withBucketID(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withBy(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withBy(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withBy(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ColumnsFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CountFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DistinctFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DuplicateFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FillFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LastFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MaxFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MeanFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MinFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SkewFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SpreadFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.StddevFlux
withColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SumFlux
withColumnKey(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
withColumnKey(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CumulativeSumFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DifferenceFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DropFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.KeepFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SortFlux
withColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CumulativeSumFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DifferenceFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DropFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.KeepFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SortFlux
withColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
withColumns(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RenameFlux
withCompression(Float) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
withCreateEmpty(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
withDefaultValue(long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
withDefaultValue(Number) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
withDefaultValue(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
withDesc(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SortFlux
withDuration(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
withDuration(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TimeShiftFlux
withEvery(long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.InterpolateLinearFlux
withEvery(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withEvery(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withEvery(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withEvery(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.InterpolateLinearFlux
withEvery(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withExcept(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withExcept(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withExcept(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.GroupFlux
withFieldFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DropFlux
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.KeepFlux
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.MapFlux
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ReduceFlux
withFunction(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RenameFlux
withFunction(String, Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add named function to current function.
withFunctionNamed(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add named function to current function.
withHost(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withHosts(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
withHosts(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
withIdentity(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ReduceFlux
withKeyValue(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SetFlux
withLocationFixed(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
Use a location with a fixed offset.
withLocationNamed(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FromFlux
Use a timezone based on a location name.
withMethod(JoinFlux.MethodType) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
withMethod(QuantileFlux.MethodType) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
withMethod(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
withMethod(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
withN(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LimitFlux
withN(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SampleFlux
withN(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TailFlux
withName(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.YieldFlux
withNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DifferenceFlux
withOffset(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.LimitFlux
withOffset(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TailFlux
withOffset(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withOffset(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withOffset(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withOffset(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withOffset(Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withOn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
withOn(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
withOn(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
withOptional(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
withOrg(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withOrgID(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withPearsonr(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux
withPeriod(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withPeriod(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withPipedFunction(AbstractFunctionFlux<CALL>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Creates a piped function call.
withPipeForward(boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AbstractFunctionFlux.Parameter
Indicates the parameter that, by default, represents the piped-forward value.
withPos(int) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.SampleFlux
withPropertyNamed(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add named property to current function.
withPropertyNamed(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add named property to current function.
withPropertyValue(String, Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add string property value to current function that will be quoted (value => "value").
withPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add property value to current function.
withPropertyValueEscaped(String, String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Add string property value to current function that will be quoted (value => "value").
withQuantile(Float) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.QuantileFlux
withRestrictions(Restrictions) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FilterFlux
withRow(Map<String, Object>...) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ArrayFromFlux
withRowKey(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
withRowKey(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
withStart(Long) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStart(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStart(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStart(Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStartColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withStop(Long) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStop(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStop(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStop(Instant) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.RangeFlux
withStopCol(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withTable(String, Flux) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.JoinFlux
Map of table to join.
withTables(Flux...) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.UnionFlux
withTagColumns(String[]) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withTagColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withTimeColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withTimeColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withTimeColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.WindowFlux
withTimeDst(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withTimeSrc(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.AggregateWindow
withToken(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.ToFlux
withUnit(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withUnit(Long, ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.IntegralFlux
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.DerivativeFlux
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.IntegralFlux
withUnit(ChronoUnit) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.TruncateTimeColumnFlux
withUsePrevious(Boolean) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FillFlux
withValue(Object) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.FillFlux
withValueColumn(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.PivotFlux
withValueDst(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.CovarianceFlux


yield() - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Yield a query results to yielded results.
yield(String) - Method in class com.influxdb.query.dsl.Flux
Yield a query results to yielded results.
YieldFlux - Class in com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions
Yield a query results to yielded results.
YieldFlux(Flux) - Constructor for class com.influxdb.query.dsl.functions.YieldFlux
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