
package recommendation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ColumnFeatureInfo(wideBaseCols: Array[String] = ..., wideBaseDims: Array[Int] = ..., wideCrossCols: Array[String] = ..., wideCrossDims: Array[Int] = ..., indicatorCols: Array[String] = ..., indicatorDims: Array[Int] = ..., embedCols: Array[String] = ..., embedInDims: Array[Int] = ..., embedOutDims: Array[Int] = ..., continuousCols: Array[String] = ..., label: String = "label") extends Serializable with Product

    The same data information shared by the WideAndDeep model and its feature generation part.

  2. class NeuralCF[T] extends Recommender[T]

    The neural collaborative filtering model used for recommendation.

  3. abstract class Recommender[T] extends ZooModel[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]

    The base class for recommendation models in Analytics Zoo.

  4. case class UserItemFeature[T](userId: Int, itemId: Int, sample: Sample[T])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class UserItemPrediction(userId: Int, itemId: Int, prediction: Int, probability: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  6. class WideAndDeep[T] extends Recommender[T]

    The Wide and Deep model used for recommendation.

Value Members

  1. object NeuralCF extends Serializable

  2. object Utils

  3. object WideAndDeep extends Serializable
