create LocalImageSet from array of bytes
create LocalImageSet from array of bytes
nested array of bytes, expect inner array is a image
height after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
width after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
specifying the color type of a loaded image, same as in OpenCV.imread. By default is Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED
create LocalImageSet
create LocalImageSet
array of ImageFeature
the labelMap of this ImageSet, a mapping from class names to label
create LocalImageSet
create LocalImageSet
array of ImageFeature
create DistributedImageSet
create DistributedImageSet
rdd of ImageFeature
create DistributedImageSet for a RDD of array bytes
create DistributedImageSet for a RDD of array bytes
rdd of array of bytes
height after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
width after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
specifying the color type of a loaded image, same as in OpenCV.imread. By default is Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED
Read images as Image Set if sc is defined, Read image as DistributedImageSet from local file system or HDFS if sc is null, Read image as LocalImageSet from local file system
Read images as Image Set if sc is defined, Read image as DistributedImageSet from local file system or HDFS if sc is null, Read image as LocalImageSet from local file system
path to read images if sc is defined, path can be local or HDFS. Wildcard character are supported. if sc is null, path is local directory/image file/image file with wildcard character if withLabel is set to true, path should be a directory that have two levels. The first level is class folders, and the second is images. All images belong to a same class should be put into the same class folder. So each image in the path is labeled by the folder it belongs.
A suggestion value of the minimal partition number
height after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
width after resize, by default is -1 which will not resize the image
specifying the color type of a loaded image, same as in OpenCV.imread. By default is Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED
whether to treat folders in the path as image classification labels and read the labels into ImageSet.
Read images (with labels) from Hadoop SequenceFiles as ImageSet.
Read images (with labels) from Hadoop SequenceFiles as ImageSet.
The folder path that contains sequence files. Local or distributed file system (such as HDFS) are supported.
An instance of SparkContext.
Integer. A suggestion value of the minimal partition number for input texts. Default is 1.
Integer. The number of image categories. Default is 1000 for ImageNet.