calibrate tensorflow model
calibrate tensorflow model
Path to an .xml file with a trained model
Type of an inferred network, "C" to calibrate Classification, "OD" to calibrate Object Detection, "RawC" to collect only statistics for Classification, "RawOD" to collect only statistics for Object Detection
Path to a directory with validation images
Number of pictures from the whole validation set to create the calibration dataset.
the lib path whwere, and can be found
the output directory
optimize TF model as OpenVINO IR
optimize TF model as OpenVINO IR
the path of the tensorflow model
the type of the tensorflow model
the path of the tensorflow checkpoint file
input shape that should be fed to an input node(s) of the model
the boolean value of if need reverse input channels. switch the input channels order from RGB to BGR (or vice versa).
all input values coming from original network inputs will be divided by this value.
the scale value, to be used for the input image per channel.
the output dir
optimize TF model as OpenVINO IR
optimize TF model as OpenVINO IR
the path of the tensorflow model
the type of the tensorflow model
the path of the pipeline configure file
the path of the extensions configure file
the output dir