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affinity(String) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger


close() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Delimiters
close() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.JShellEngine
close() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger
close() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
configure(String, Object) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
convert(String) - Static method in class javax0.jamal.DocumentConverter
Create a JUnit test in your application that looks the following:


debuggable() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
DebuggerStub - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
The Debugger.Stub implementation that works together with the jamal.engine Processor.
DebuggerStub(Processor) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.DebuggerStub
deferredClose(AutoCloseable) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
define(String) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.JShellEngine
Evaluate the input assuming that this code defines something for the JShell interpreter, like a method, class variable etc.
Delimiters - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
See javax0.jamal.api.Delimiters.
Delimiters() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.Delimiters
DocumentConverter - Class in javax0.jamal
Convert one single document.
DocumentConverter() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.DocumentConverter
down() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.StackLimiter


EMPTY_UNDEF - Static variable in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
errors() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.DebuggerStub
errors() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
evaluate(String) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.JShellEngine
Evaluate the input string using the JShell interpreter.
evaluate(String...) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.ScriptMacro
Evaluate the content of the user defined macro using the actual values for the parameter values.
evaluate(String...) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
Evaluate the content of the user defined macro using the actual values for the parameter values.
expectedNumberOfArguments() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.ScriptMacro
expectedNumberOfArguments() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
Return the number of the expected argument, as defined in the interface.


FAIL_FAST - Static variable in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
format(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class javax0.jamal.Format
The macro opening string is '{{' and the closing string is '}}' like in many other templating languages, however in this case the whole weaponry of Jamal is available.
Format - Class in javax0.jamal
A simple formatting wrapper that formats a string using macros that are provided in a Map.
Format() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.Format


get() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.StackLimiter
getCloseStr() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
getContent() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
getContext() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
getId() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.ScriptMacro
Get the name / identifier of the user defined macro.
getId() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
Get the name / identifier of the user defined macro.
getJShellEngine() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
getOpenStr() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
getParameters() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
getRegister() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
getScopeList() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.DebuggerStub


init(Debugger.Stub) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger
isVerbatim() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro


jamal.engine - module jamal.engine
javax0.jamal - package javax0.jamal
javax0.jamal.engine - package javax0.jamal.engine
JShellEngine - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
A JShell engine that helps the invocation of the JShell from the JDK.
JShellEngine() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.JShellEngine


LENIENT - Static variable in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor


newScriptMacro(String, String, String, String...) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
newUserDefinedMacro(String, String, boolean, String...) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
newUserDefinedMacro(String, String, String...) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
NO_UNDEFAULT - Static variable in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
NullDebugger - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
A sample implementation of the Debugger interface that does nothing.
NullDebugger() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger


open() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Delimiters


process(String) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.DebuggerStub
process(Input) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
Processor - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
Processor() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
Complimentary constructor that creates a processor with the conventional separators: "{" and "}".
Processor(String, String) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
Processor(String, String, Context) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
Create a new Processor that can be used to process macros.


ScriptMacro - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
Stores the information about a user defined macro and can also evaluate it using actual parameter string values.
ScriptMacro(Processor, String, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.ScriptMacro
Creates a new user defined macro.
separators(String, String) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Delimiters
setAfter(int, CharSequence) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger
setBefore(int, CharSequence) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger
setStart(CharSequence) - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.NullDebugger
StackLimiter - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
StackLimiter() - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.StackLimiter


throwUp() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Processor
toString() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.Delimiters


up() - Method in class javax0.jamal.engine.StackLimiter
UserDefinedMacro - Class in javax0.jamal.engine
Stores the information about a user defined macro and can also evaluate it using actual parameter string values.
UserDefinedMacro(Processor, String, String, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
Creates a new user defined macro.
UserDefinedMacro(Processor, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class javax0.jamal.engine.UserDefinedMacro
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