Annotator reference id.
Annotator reference id. Used to identify elements in metadata or to refer to this annotator type
input annotations columns currently used
Gets annotation column name going to generate
Gets annotation column name going to generate
columns that contain annotations necessary to run this annotator AnnotatorType is used both as input and output columns if not specified
columns that contain annotations necessary to run this annotator AnnotatorType is used both as input and output columns if not specified
Overrides required annotators column if different than default
Overrides required annotators column if different than default
Overrides annotation column name when transforming
Overrides annotation column name when transforming
requirement for pipeline transformation validation.
requirement for pipeline transformation validation. It is called on fit()
takes a Dataset and checks to see if all the required annotation types are present.
takes a Dataset and checks to see if all the required annotation types are present.
to be validated
True if all the required types are present, else false
This class should grow once we start training on datasets and share params For now it stands as a dummy placeholder for future reference