

package pgp

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class IncorrectPassphraseException extends RuntimeException

  2. case class IntegrityException(msg: String) extends Exception with PgpException with Product with Serializable

  3. case class KeyNotFoundException(id: Long) extends Exception with PgpException with Product with Serializable

    Exception thrown when a key is not found in the keystore.

  4. case class NotEncryptedMessageException(msg: String) extends Exception with PgpException with Product with Serializable

  5. trait PgpException extends Exception

    Base class for exceptions thrown in PGP library.

  6. class PublicKey extends PublicKeyLike with StreamingSaveable

    This class represents a public PGP key.

  7. trait PublicKeyLike extends AnyRef

    This trait defines things that can act like a public key.

  8. class PublicKeyRing extends PublicKeyLike with StreamingSaveable

    A collection of public keys, known as a 'ring'.

  9. class PublicKeyRingCollection extends PublicKeyLike with StreamingSaveable

    A collection of nested key rings.

  10. class SecretKey extends AnyRef

    A SecretKey that can be used to sign things and decrypt messages.

  11. class SecretKeyRing extends StreamingSaveable

    A secret PGP key ring.

  12. class Signature extends StreamingSaveable

    Wrapper around a PGP signature for convenience.

  13. trait StreamingLoadable[T] extends AnyRef

    This trait is for companion objects that have objects which can streamed in.

  14. trait StreamingSaveable extends AnyRef

    This trait represents something that can be saved.

Value Members

  1. object KeyGen

    Helpers to generate various keys.

  2. object PGP

  3. object PublicKey

  4. object PublicKeyRing extends StreamingLoadable[PublicKeyRing]

  5. object PublicKeyRingCollection extends StreamingLoadable[PublicKeyRingCollection]

  6. object SecretKey

  7. object SecretKeyRing extends StreamingLoadable[SecretKeyRing]

  8. object Signature

  9. package hkp
