Interface RunningMarginal

All Known Subinterfaces:
Footer, Header
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RunningMarginal
Represents either a header or footer for a Document.
See Also:
Header, Footer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Paragraph getParagraph​(int pageNumber)
    Gets the Paragraph that should be applied to the Document.
    boolean isValidForPageNumber​(int pageNumber)
    Verifies that this RunningMarginal is valid for the specified page.
  • Method Details

    • isValidForPageNumber

      boolean isValidForPageNumber​(int pageNumber)
      Verifies that this RunningMarginal is valid for the specified page.
      pageNumber - the page number to validate
      true if this running marginal should be applied to the specified page
    • getParagraph

      Paragraph getParagraph​(int pageNumber)
      Gets the Paragraph that should be applied to the Document.
      pageNumber - the page number the Paragraph will be applied to
      the Paragraph to apply