Class SendOptions

  • public class SendOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Representing a options to create a SmartContractDeploy, SmartContractExecution, FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy, FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution, FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio, FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio transaction.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
      SendOptions​(java.lang.String from)
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
      SendOptions​(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String gas)
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
      SendOptions​(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String gas, java.lang.String value)
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
      SendOptions​(java.lang.String from, java.math.BigInteger gas)
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
      SendOptions​(java.lang.String from, java.math.BigInteger gas, java.math.BigInteger value)
      Creates a SendOptions instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Boolean getFeeDelegation()
      Getter function for feeDelegation flag.
      java.lang.String getFeePayer()
      Getter function for fee payer.
      java.lang.String getFeeRatio()
      Getter function for fee ratio.
      java.lang.String getFrom()
      Getter function for from.
      java.lang.String getGas()
      Getter function for gas.
      java.lang.String getValue()
      Getter function for value.
      void setFeeDelegation​(java.lang.Boolean feeDelegation)
      Setter function for feeDelegation.
      void setFeePayer​(java.lang.String feePayer)
      Setter function for feePayer
      void setFeeRatio​(java.lang.String feeRatio)
      Setter function for feeRatio.
      void setFeeRatio​(java.math.BigInteger feeRatio)
      Setter function for feeRatio.
      void setFrom​(java.lang.String from)
      Setter function for from.
      void setGas​(java.lang.String gas)
      Setter function for gas
      void setGas​(java.math.BigInteger gas)
      Setter function for gas
      void setValue​(java.lang.String value)
      Setter function for value.
      void setValue​(java.math.BigInteger value)
      Setter function for value
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions()
        Creates a SendOptions instance.
      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions​(java.lang.String from)
        Creates a SendOptions instance. It should only be used when executing KIP7 / KIP7 class methods. Because if gas passed to the method is null, the KIP7 / KIP7 class method automatically estimates gas.
        from - The address of the sender.
      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions​(java.lang.String from,
                           java.lang.String gas)
        Creates a SendOptions instance. It sets value to 0x0.
        from - The address of the sender.
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions​(java.lang.String from,
                           java.math.BigInteger gas)
        Creates a SendOptions instance. It sets value to 0x0.
        from - The address of the sender.
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions​(java.lang.String from,
                           java.lang.String gas,
                           java.lang.String value)
        Creates a SendOptions instance.
        from - The address of the sender.
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
        value - The amount of KLAY in peb to be transferred.
      • SendOptions

        public SendOptions​(java.lang.String from,
                           java.math.BigInteger gas,
                           java.math.BigInteger value)
        Creates a SendOptions instance.
        from - The address of the sender.
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
        value - The amount of KLAY in peb to be transferred.
    • Method Detail

      • getFrom

        public java.lang.String getFrom()
        Getter function for from.
      • getGas

        public java.lang.String getGas()
        Getter function for gas.
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Getter function for value.
      • getFeeDelegation

        public java.lang.Boolean getFeeDelegation()
        Getter function for feeDelegation flag.
        The flag whether fee delegation feature is active.
      • getFeePayer

        public java.lang.String getFeePayer()
        Getter function for fee payer.
        The address of fee payer
      • getFeeRatio

        public java.lang.String getFeeRatio()
        Getter function for fee ratio.
        The fee ratio of the fee payer.
      • setFrom

        public void setFrom​(java.lang.String from)
        Setter function for from.
        from - The address of the sender
      • setGas

        public void setGas​(java.lang.String gas)
        Setter function for gas
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
      • setGas

        public void setGas​(java.math.BigInteger gas)
        Setter function for gas
        gas - The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String value)
        Setter function for value.
        value - The amount of KLAY in peb to be transferred.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.math.BigInteger value)
        Setter function for value
        value - The amount of KLAY in peb to be transferred.
      • setFeeDelegation

        public void setFeeDelegation​(java.lang.Boolean feeDelegation)
        Setter function for feeDelegation.
        feeDelegation - The flag whether fee delegation feature is active.
      • setFeePayer

        public void setFeePayer​(java.lang.String feePayer)
        Setter function for feePayer
        feePayer - The address of fee payer.
      • setFeeRatio

        public void setFeeRatio​(java.math.BigInteger feeRatio)
        Setter function for feeRatio.
        feeRatio - A fee ratio of the fee payer.
      • setFeeRatio

        public void setFeeRatio​(java.lang.String feeRatio)
        Setter function for feeRatio.
        feeRatio - A fee ratio of the fee payer represented as a hexadecimal string.