AbstractKeyring |
Represents an abstract class defines the field and method of Keyring.
KeyringFactory |
Representing a KeyringFactory which supports create function for Keyring(Single/Multiple/RoleBased) instance.
KeyStore |
Represents a KeyStore DTO(Data transfer Object) class according to KIP-3.
KeyStore.CipherParams |
Represents a Cipher option to encrypt or decrypt key
KeyStore.Crypto |
Represent a Crypto data in KeyStore
It represents a 'keyring' in KeyStore Format V4
- If role-based Keyring : It has a List that has Crypto list.
KeyStore.Pbkdf2KdfParams |
Represent a PBKDF2 parameter Class used in Key derivation
KeyStore.ScryptKdfParams |
Represent a Scrypt parameter Class used in Key derivation
KeyStoreOption |
Represent a Crypto Option class used when creating KeyStore instance.
MessageSigned |
Represents a signed message information with message, message hash and signature.
MultipleKeyring |
Representing a Keyring which includes "address" and "private keys array"
PrivateKey |
Represents a PrivateKey class that includes private key string
RoleBasedKeyring |
Representing a Keyring which includes "address" and "private keys" by roles.
SignatureData |
Representing a ECDSA Signature data
SingleKeyring |
Representing a Keyring which includes 'address' and a 'private key'