Class CoreFactory

  • public class CoreFactory
    extends Object
    The CoreFactory is a service locator for JsonEngines Because core does not have a dependency on the various Json implementations this class automatically finds and holds on to a implementation. It will look in the following places in this order: 1. use the java.util.ServiceLoader to load a class by looking for a meta config file in the resources. They should exist at The ServiceLoader will use the first one it finds. see 2. It will attempt to load the loader by class name from the classloader by known names in order. These are: 1. kong.unirest.jackson.JacksonEngine 2. kong.unirest.gson.GsonEngine 3. Clients may set a engine with the setEngine method
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoreFactory

        public CoreFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • autoConfig

        public static void autoConfig()
        Automatically find and register a JsonEngine. This method is called by the static block of this class.
      • getCore

        public static JsonEngine getCore()
        Gets the registered instance
        the JsonEngine registered with this class
        UnirestConfigException - if there is no known instance
      • setEngine

        public static void setEngine​(JsonEngine jsonEngine)
        Sets the locators engine to a specific instance
        jsonEngine - the engine you wish to register
      • findEngine

        public static JsonEngine findEngine()
        Attempt to find the engine by one of the two strategies 1. use the java.util.ServiceLoader to load a class by looking for a meta config file in the resources. They should exist at The ServiceLoader will use the first one it finds. see 2. It will attempt to load the loader by class name from the classloader by known names in order. These are: 1. kong.unirest.jackson.JacksonEngine 2. kong.unirest.gson.GsonEngine
        the first JsonEngine it finds
      • findEngineWithServiceLocator

        public static JsonEngine findEngineWithServiceLocator()
        Finds an engine with the ServiceLoader uses the java.util.ServiceLoader to load a class by looking for a meta config file in the resources. They should exist at The ServiceLoader will use the first one it finds. see
        the first JsonEngine it finds
      • findEngineWithClassLoader

        public static JsonEngine findEngineWithClassLoader()
        It will attempt to load the loader by class name from the classloader by known names in order. These are: 1. kong.unirest.jackson.JacksonEngine 2. kong.unirest.gson.GsonEngine
        the first JsonEngine it finds