



package expression

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BooleanConstantExp(constantValue: Boolean) extends ConstantExpression[Boolean] with BooleanExp with Product with Serializable

  2. trait BooleanExp extends TypedExpression with Evaluatable[Boolean]

  3. trait ConstantExpression[T] extends Expression with Evaluatable[T]

  4. case class DateTimeConstantExp(constantValue: ZonedDateTime) extends ConstantExpression[ZonedDateTime] with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable

  5. trait DateTimeExp extends TypedExpression

  6. final case class Day(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  7. case class DayOfYear(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable


    Gets the day of the year of the DateTime value as an integer.

    Gets the day of the year of the DateTime value as an integer. Example: #{dayOfYear(myDateTime)}

  8. case class DoubleConstantExp(constantValue: Double) extends ConstantExpression[Double] with DoubleExp with Product with Serializable

  9. trait DoubleExp extends TypedExpression

  10. sealed trait Duration extends AnyRef


    Indicates how often a scheduled event should run.

    Indicates how often a scheduled event should run. It's expressed in the format "N [years|months|weeks|days|hours|minutes]", where N is a positive integer value.

    The minimum period is 15 minutes and the maximum period is 3 years.

  11. trait DurationExp extends TypedExpression

  12. case class EncryptedParameter[T](parameterFields: ParameterFields)(implicit evidence$9: GenericParameter[T]) extends Parameter[T] with ParameterBuilder[T, EncryptedParameter[T]] with Product with Serializable


    EncryptedParameter is subtype of Parameter and belongs to the type class GenericParameter

  13. trait Evaluatable[+T] extends AnyRef


    Expressions that can be evaluated by Hyperion at runtime (create and deploy) the pipeline.

  14. trait Expression extends AnyRef



    Expression. Expressions are delimited by: "#{" and "}" and the contents of the braces are evaluated by AWS Data Pipeline.

  15. case class ExtractDay(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable


    Gets the day of the DateTime value as an integer.

    Gets the day of the DateTime value as an integer. Example: #{day(myDateTime)}

  16. case class ExtractHour(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable


    Gets the hour of the DateTime value as an integer.

    Gets the hour of the DateTime value as an integer. Example: #{hour(myDateTime)}

  17. case class ExtractMinute(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable


    Gets the minute of the DateTime value as an integer.

    Gets the minute of the DateTime value as an integer. Example: #{minute(myDateTime)}

  18. case class ExtractMonth(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable

  19. case class ExtractYear(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with IntExp with Product with Serializable


    Gets the year of the DateTime value as an integer.

    Gets the year of the DateTime value as an integer. Example: #{year(myDateTime)}

  20. case class FirstOfMonth(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object for the start of the month in the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object for the start of the month in the specified DateTime. Example: #{firstOfMonth(myDateTime)}

  21. case class Format(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, myFormat: StringExp) extends FunctionExpression with StringExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a String object that is the result of converting the specified DateTime using the specified format string.

    Creates a String object that is the result of converting the specified DateTime using the specified format string. Example: #{format(myDateTime,'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z')}

  22. trait FunctionExpression extends AnyRef

  23. trait GenericParameter[T] extends AnyRef


    The type class for parameters where all parameter class should belong to.

    The type class for parameters where all parameter class should belong to. This trait defines the standard methods that needs to be implemented to allow specific parameterized type for a Parameter. To add new Parameter types such as


    , simply bring an implicit object that extends


    in scope.

    GenericParameter[YourOwnType] }}}

    Parameter[YourOwnType] }}} implicit object that extends


    in scope.

    GenericParameter[YourOwnType] }}}

  24. trait HdfsUriExp extends TypedExpression

  25. final case class Hour(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  26. case class InTimeZone(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, zone: StringExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object with the same date and time, but in the specified time zone, and taking daylight savings time into account.

    Creates a DateTime object with the same date and time, but in the specified time zone, and taking daylight savings time into account. For more information about time zones, see Example: #{inTimeZone(myDateTime,'America/Los_Angeles')}

  27. case class IntConstantExp(constantValue: Int) extends ConstantExpression[Int] with IntExp with Product with Serializable

  28. trait IntExp extends TypedExpression

  29. case class LongConstantExp(constantValue: Int) extends ConstantExpression[Int] with LongExp with Product with Serializable

  30. trait LongExp extends TypedExpression

  31. case class MakeDate(theYear: IntExp, theMonth: IntExp, theDay: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object, in UTC, with the specified year, month, and day, at midnight.

    Creates a DateTime object, in UTC, with the specified year, month, and day, at midnight. Example: #{makeDate(2011,5,24)}

  32. case class MakeDateTime(theYear: IntExp, theMonth: IntExp, theDay: IntExp, theHour: IntExp, theMinute: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object, in UTC, with the specified year, month, day, hour, and minute.

    Creates a DateTime object, in UTC, with the specified year, month, day, hour, and minute. Example: #{makeDateTime(2011,5,24,14,21)}

  33. case class Midnight(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object for the next midnight, relative to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object for the next midnight, relative to the specified DateTime. Example: #{midnight(myDateTime)}

  34. case class MinusDays(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of days from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of days from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusDays(myDateTime,1)}

  35. case class MinusHours(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of hours from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of hours from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusHours(myDateTime,1)}

  36. case class MinusMinutes(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of minutes from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of minutes from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusMinutes(myDateTime,1)}

  37. case class MinusMonths(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of months from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of months from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusMonths(myDateTime,1)}

  38. case class MinusWeeks(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of weeks from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of weeks from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusWeeks(myDateTime,1)}

  39. case class MinusYears(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToSub: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of years from the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of subtracting the specified number of years from the specified DateTime. Example: #{minusYears(myDateTime,1)}

  40. final case class Minute(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  41. final case class Month(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  42. sealed abstract class Parameter[T] extends ParameterBuilder[T, Parameter[T]]


    The Parameter class which hides the ParameterBuilder class.

    The Parameter class which hides the ParameterBuilder class. Note that the parameter abstract class also belongs to the GenericParameter type class

  43. trait ParameterBuilder[T, +Self <: Parameter[T] with ParameterBuilder[T, Self]] extends AnyRef


    Defines and builds Parameter and returns the specific type instead of the paraent type.

  44. case class ParameterFields(id: String, description: Option[String] = None)(implicit pv: ParameterValues) extends Product with Serializable

  45. class ParameterValues extends AnyRef

  46. case class PlusDays(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, daysToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of days to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of days to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusDays(myDateTime,1)}

  47. case class PlusHours(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, hoursToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of hours to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of hours to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusHours(myDateTime,1)}

  48. case class PlusMinutes(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, minutesToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of minutes to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of minutes to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusMinutes(myDateTime,1)}

  49. case class PlusMonths(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, monthsToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of months to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of months to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusMonths(myDateTime,1)}

  50. case class PlusWeeks(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, weeksToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of weeks to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of weeks to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusWeeks(myDateTime,1)}

  51. case class PlusYears(myDateTime: DateTimeExp, yearsToAdd: IntExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of years to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object that is the result of adding the specified number of years to the specified DateTime. Example: #{plusYears(myDateTime,1)}

  52. trait ReferenceExpression extends Expression


    Expression that references a run time field

  53. trait RunnableObject extends AnyRef


    All fields that the object

  54. trait S3UriExp extends TypedExpression

  55. case class StringConstantExp(constantValue: String) extends ConstantExpression[String] with StringExp with Product with Serializable

  56. trait StringExp extends TypedExpression

  57. case class Sunday(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object for the previous Sunday, relative to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object for the previous Sunday, relative to the specified DateTime. If the specified DateTime is a Sunday, the result is the specified DateTime. Example: #{sunday(myDateTime)}

  58. trait TypedExpression extends Expression

  59. case class UnencryptedParameter[T](parameterFields: ParameterFields)(implicit evidence$8: GenericParameter[T]) extends Parameter[T] with ParameterBuilder[T, UnencryptedParameter[T]] with Product with Serializable


    UnencryptedParameter is subtype of Parameter and belongs to the type class GenericParameter

  60. final case class Week(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  61. final case class Year(n: Int) extends Duration with Product with Serializable

  62. case class Yesterday(myDateTime: DateTimeExp) extends FunctionExpression with DateTimeExp with Product with Serializable


    Creates a DateTime object for the previous day, relative to the specified DateTime.

    Creates a DateTime object for the previous day, relative to the specified DateTime. The result is the same as minusDays(1). Example: #{yesterday(myDateTime)}

Value Members

  1. object Duration


    All supported data pipeline period units

  2. object Expression

  3. object GenericParameter


    This companion class defines the following supported parameter types.

  4. object Parameter

  5. object ParameterType extends Enumeration


    AWS Data Pipeline parameter supports the following types, custom types in most cases should be of type StringType

  6. object RunnableObject extends RunnableObject

  7. object RuntimeNode extends RunnableObject

  8. object TypedExpression

