Class AccountServiceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class AccountServiceImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements AccountService
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    io.reactivex.Single<AccountResult> asyncGetAccount()
    asynchronously get the account
    io.reactivex.Single<AccountResult> asyncGetAccount​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
    asynchronously get the account
    io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce()
    asynchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy
    io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
    asynchronously given accounts next nonce
    io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
    asynchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy
    io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey, NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
    asynchronously given accounts next nonce
    AccountResult blockingGetAccount()
    synchronously get the account
    AccountResult blockingGetAccount​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
    synchronously get the account
    java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce()
    synchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy
    java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
    synchronously given accounts next nonce
    java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
    synchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy
    java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey, NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
    synchronously given accounts next nonce

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • AccountServiceImpl

      public AccountServiceImpl()
  • Method Details

    • asyncGetAccount

      public io.reactivex.Single<AccountResult> asyncGetAccount()
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously get the account

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      asyncGetAccount in interface AccountService
      asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single) for AccountResult
    • asyncGetAccount

      public io.reactivex.Single<AccountResult> asyncGetAccount​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously get the account

      import io.reactivex.Single; using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      asyncGetAccount in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single) for AccountResult
    • blockingGetAccount

      public AccountResult blockingGetAccount()
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously get the account

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      blockingGetAccount in interface AccountService
      the account wrapped in a single AccountResult
    • blockingGetAccount

      public AccountResult blockingGetAccount​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously get the account

      using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      blockingGetAccount in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      the account wrapped in a single AccountResult
    • asyncGetNextNonce

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce()
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      asyncGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      next nonce
    • asyncGetNextNonce

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously given accounts next nonce

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      asyncGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      nextNonceStrategy - the strategy to use, one of: max, continuity
      next nonce
    • asyncGetNextNonce

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy

      import io.reactivex.Single; using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      asyncGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      next nonce
    • asyncGetNextNonce

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.math.BigInteger> asyncGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey, NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      asynchronously given accounts next nonce

      import io.reactivex.Single; using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      asyncGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      nextNonceStrategy - the strategy to use, one of: max, continuity
      next nonce
    • blockingGetNextNonce

      public java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce()
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      blockingGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      next nonce
    • blockingGetNextNonce

      public java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously given accounts next nonce

      using the account for the KeyPair defined in the ServiceConfiguration

      Specified by:
      blockingGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      nextNonceStrategy - the strategy to use, one of: max, continuity
      next nonce
    • blockingGetNextNonce

      public java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously given accounts next nonce using "max" strategy

      import io.reactivex.Single; using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      blockingGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      next nonce
    • blockingGetNextNonce

      public java.math.BigInteger blockingGetNextNonce​(java.lang.String base58PublicKey, NextNonceStrategy nextNonceStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      synchronously given accounts next nonce

      import io.reactivex.Single; using Base58 encoding, see EncodingType, EncodingUtils

      Specified by:
      blockingGetNextNonce in interface AccountService
      base58PublicKey - the encoded publicKey (ak_...)
      nextNonceStrategy - the strategy to use, one of: max, continuity
      next nonce