Class KeyPairServiceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class KeyPairServiceImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements KeyPairService
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String byteToHex​(byte[] key)  
    HdWallet generateHdWallet​(java.lang.String mnemonicSeedPassword)
    creates a keyPair as well as a list of mnemonic seed words wrapped into HdWallet object, which can be used to restore the key (derived from BIP32/39 HD-Wallet generation) the number of seed words depends on the parameter defined in KeyPairServiceConfiguration
    KeyPair generateKeyPair()  
    HdKeyPair getNextKeyPair​(HdWallet mnemonicKeyPair)
    derives the next hardened key.
    void printChildKeyPair​(byte[] il, byte[] ir)  
    HdWallet recoverHdWallet​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> mnemonicSeedWords, java.lang.String mnemonicSeedPassword)
    recover keypair from given mnemonic seed word list with given seed password
    KeyPair recoverKeyPair​(java.lang.String privateKey)  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyPairServiceImpl

      public KeyPairServiceImpl()
  • Method Details

    • generateHdWallet

      public HdWallet generateHdWallet​(java.lang.String mnemonicSeedPassword) throws AException
      Description copied from interface: KeyPairService
      creates a keyPair as well as a list of mnemonic seed words wrapped into HdWallet object, which can be used to restore the key (derived from BIP32/39 HD-Wallet generation) the number of seed words depends on the parameter defined in KeyPairServiceConfiguration
      Specified by:
      generateHdWallet in interface KeyPairService
      mnemonicSeedPassword - password or null which is used to seed the list of mnemonics
      keypair with private and public key as well as the generated list of mnemonic seed words wrapped into HdWallet
      AException - in case of an error
    • recoverHdWallet

      public HdWallet recoverHdWallet​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> mnemonicSeedWords, java.lang.String mnemonicSeedPassword) throws AException
      Description copied from interface: KeyPairService
      recover keypair from given mnemonic seed word list with given seed password
      Specified by:
      recoverHdWallet in interface KeyPairService
      mnemonicSeedWords - the words to recover the Hdwallet
      mnemonicSeedPassword - the password that protects the keypair(s) generated with the seed phrase (can be null)
      instance of HdWallet
      AException - in case of an error
    • byteToHex

      public java.lang.String byteToHex​(byte[] key)
    • printChildKeyPair

      public void printChildKeyPair​(byte[] il, byte[] ir)
    • getNextKeyPair

      public HdKeyPair getNextKeyPair​(HdWallet mnemonicKeyPair) throws AException
      Description copied from interface: KeyPairService
      derives the next hardened key. The derived keys are generated according to the deterministic tree saved within the given menomincKeyPair stated in BIP32
      Specified by:
      getNextKeyPair in interface KeyPairService
      mnemonicKeyPair - mnemonicKeyPair containing the deterministic tree of keys necessary for derivation
      a new derived child raw keypair
      AException - in case of an error
    • generateKeyPair

      public KeyPair generateKeyPair()
      Specified by:
      generateKeyPair in interface KeyPairService
      a byte arrayed keypair
    • recoverKeyPair

      public KeyPair recoverKeyPair​(java.lang.String privateKey)
      Specified by:
      recoverKeyPair in interface KeyPairService
      privateKey - private key (hex)
      the recovered keypair