Interface FeeCalculationModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseFeeCalculationModel, ChannelForceProgressFeeCalculationModel, ContractCallFeeCalculationModel, ContractCreateFeeCalculationModel, GaMetaFeeCalculationModel, OracleFeeCalculationModel, PayingForFeeCalculationModel

public interface FeeCalculationModel
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.math.BigInteger calculateFee​(int tx_byte_size, long minimalGasPrice, AbstractTransaction<?> transaction)
    Calculates the fee based on the calculation model if the calculation needs informations from the transaction object, they need to be passed via constructor of the fee calculation model implementation class
  • Method Details

    • calculateFee

      java.math.BigInteger calculateFee​(int tx_byte_size, long minimalGasPrice, AbstractTransaction<?> transaction)
      Calculates the fee based on the calculation model if the calculation needs informations from the transaction object, they need to be passed via constructor of the fee calculation model implementation class
      tx_byte_size - transaction size in bytes
      minimalGasPrice - minimal gas price
      transaction - the tx-object
      the actual fee