Class FilenameUtil


public final class FilenameUtil extends Object
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons IO developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0. General filename and filepath manipulation utilities.

When dealing with filenames you can hit problems when moving from a Windows based development machine to a Unix based production machine. This class aims to help avoid those problems.

NOTE: You may be able to avoid using this class entirely simply by using JDK File objects and the two argument constructor File(File,String).

Most methods on this class are designed to work the same on both Unix and Windows. Those that don't include 'System', 'Unix' or 'Windows' in their name.

Most methods recognise both separators (forward and back), and both sets of prefixes. See the javadoc of each method for details.

This class defines six components within a filename (example C:\dev\project\file.txt):

  • the prefix - C:\
  • the path - dev\project\
  • the full path - C:\dev\project\
  • the name - file.txt
  • the base name - file
  • the extension - txt
Note that this class works best if directory filenames end with a separator. If you omit the last separator, it is impossible to determine if the filename corresponds to a file or a directory. As a result, we have chosen to say it corresponds to a file.

This class only supports Unix and Windows style names. Prefixes are matched as follows:

 a\b\c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
 \a\b\c.txt          --> "\"         --> current drive absolute
 C:a\b\c.txt         --> "C:"        --> drive relative
 C:\a\b\c.txt        --> "C:\"       --> absolute
 \\server\a\b\c.txt  --> "\\server\" --> UNC

 a/b/c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
 /a/b/c.txt          --> "/"         --> absolute
 ~/a/b/c.txt         --> "~/"        --> current user
 ~                   --> "~/"        --> current user (slash added)
 ~user/a/b/c.txt     --> "~user/"    --> named user
 ~user               --> "~user/"    --> named user (slash added)
Both prefix styles are matched always, irrespective of the machine that you are currently running on.

Origin of code: Excalibur, Alexandria, Tomcat, Commons-Utils.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final char
    The extension separator character.
    static final String
    The extension separator String.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static String
    concat(String basePath, String fullFilenameToAdd)
    Concatenates a filename to a base path using normal command line style rules.
    static boolean
    directoryContains(String canonicalParent, String canonicalChild)
    Determines whether the parent directory contains the child element (a file or directory).
    static boolean
    equals(String filename1, String filename2)
    Checks whether two filenames are equal exactly.
    static boolean
    equals(String filename1, String filename2, boolean normalized, com.landawn.abacus.util.IOCase caseSensitivity)
    Checks whether two filenames are equal, optionally normalizing and providing control over the case-sensitivity.
    static boolean
    equalsNormalized(String filename1, String filename2)
    Checks whether two filenames are equal after both have been normalized.
    static boolean
    equalsNormalizedOnSystem(String filename1, String filename2)
    Checks whether two filenames are equal after both have been normalized and using the case rules of the system.
    static boolean
    equalsOnSystem(String filename1, String filename2)
    Checks whether two filenames are equal using the case rules of the system.
    static String
    getBaseName(String filename)
    Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.
    static String
    getExtension(String filename)
    Gets the extension of a filename.
    static String
    getFullPath(String filename)
    Gets the full path from a full filename, which is the prefix + path.
    static String
    Gets the full path from a full filename, which is the prefix + path, and also excluding the final directory separator.
    static String
    getName(String filename)
    Gets the name minus the path from a full filename.
    static String
    getPath(String filename)
    Gets the path from a full filename, which excludes the prefix.
    static String
    Gets the path from a full filename, which excludes the prefix, and also excluding the final directory separator.
    static String
    getPrefix(String filename)
    Gets the prefix from a full filename, such as C:/ or ~/.
    static int
    Returns the length of the filename prefix, such as C:/ or ~/.
    static int
    Returns the index of the last extension separator character, which is a dot.
    static int
    Returns the index of the last directory separator character.
    static boolean
    isExtension(String filename, String extension)
    Checks whether the extension of the filename is that specified.
    static boolean
    isExtension(String filename, String[] extensions)
    Checks whether the extension of the filename is one of those specified.
    static boolean
    isExtension(String filename, Collection<String> extensions)
    Checks whether the extension of the filename is one of those specified.
    static String
    normalize(String filename)
    Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps.
    static String
    normalize(String filename, boolean unixSeparator)
    Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps.
    static String
    Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps, and removing any final directory separator.
    static String
    normalizeNoEndSeparator(String filename, boolean unixSeparator)
    Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps, and removing any final directory separator.
    static String
    Removes the extension from a filename.
    static String
    Converts all separators to the system separator.
    static String
    Converts all separators to the Unix separator of forward slash.
    static String
    Converts all separators to the Windows separator of backslash.
    static boolean
    wildcardMatch(String filename, String wildcardMatcher)
    Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher, always testing case-sensitive.
    static boolean
    wildcardMatch(String filename, String wildcardMatcher, com.landawn.abacus.util.IOCase caseSensitivity)
    Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher allowing control over case-sensitivity.
    static boolean
    wildcardMatchOnSystem(String filename, String wildcardMatcher)
    Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher using the case rules of the system.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final char EXTENSION_SEPARATOR
      The extension separator character.
      See Also:

      public static final String EXTENSION_SEPARATOR_STR
      The extension separator String.
  • Method Details

    • normalize

      public static String normalize(String filename)
      Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps.

      This method normalizes a path to a standard format. The input may contain separators in either Unix or Windows format. The output will contain separators in the format of the system.

      A trailing slash will be retained. A double slash will be merged to a single slash (but UNC names are handled). A single dot path segment will be removed. A double dot will cause that path segment and the one before to be removed. If the double dot has no parent path segment to work with, null is returned.

      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows except for the separator character.

       /foo//               -->   /foo/
       /foo/./              -->   /foo/
       /foo/../bar          -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/         -->   /bar/
       /foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz
       //foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar
       /../                 -->   null
       ../foo               -->   null
       foo/bar/..           -->   foo/
       foo/../../bar        -->   null
       foo/../bar           -->   bar
       //server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar
       //server/../bar      -->   null
       C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar
       C:\..\bar            -->   null
       ~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar/
       ~/../bar             -->   null
      (Note the file separator returned will be correct for Windows/Unix)
      filename - the filename to normalize, null returns null
      the normalized filename, or null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • normalize

      public static String normalize(String filename, boolean unixSeparator)
      Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps.

      This method normalizes a path to a standard format. The input may contain separators in either Unix or Windows format. The output will contain separators in the format specified.

      A trailing slash will be retained. A double slash will be merged to a single slash (but UNC names are handled). A single dot path segment will be removed. A double dot will cause that path segment and the one before to be removed. If the double dot has no parent path segment to work with, null is returned.

      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows except for the separator character.

       /foo//               -->   /foo/
       /foo/./              -->   /foo/
       /foo/../bar          -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/         -->   /bar/
       /foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz
       //foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar
       /../                 -->   null
       ../foo               -->   null
       foo/bar/..           -->   foo/
       foo/../../bar        -->   null
       foo/../bar           -->   bar
       //server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar
       //server/../bar      -->   null
       C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar
       C:\..\bar            -->   null
       ~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar/
       ~/../bar             -->   null
      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows including the separator character.
      filename - the filename to normalize, null returns null
      unixSeparator - true if a unix separator should be used or false if a windows separator should be used.
      the normalized filename, or null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • normalizeNoEndSeparator

      public static String normalizeNoEndSeparator(String filename)
      Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps, and removing any final directory separator.

      This method normalizes a path to a standard format. The input may contain separators in either Unix or Windows format. The output will contain separators in the format of the system.

      A trailing slash will be removed. A double slash will be merged to a single slash (but UNC names are handled). A single dot path segment will be removed. A double dot will cause that path segment and the one before to be removed. If the double dot has no parent path segment to work with, null is returned.

      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows except for the separator character.

       /foo//               -->   /foo
       /foo/./              -->   /foo
       /foo/../bar          -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/         -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz
       //foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar
       /../                 -->   null
       ../foo               -->   null
       foo/bar/..           -->   foo
       foo/../../bar        -->   null
       foo/../bar           -->   bar
       //server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar
       //server/../bar      -->   null
       C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar
       C:\..\bar            -->   null
       ~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar
       ~/../bar             -->   null
      (Note the file separator returned will be correct for Windows/Unix)
      filename - the filename to normalize, null returns null
      the normalized filename, or null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • normalizeNoEndSeparator

      public static String normalizeNoEndSeparator(String filename, boolean unixSeparator)
      Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps, and removing any final directory separator.

      This method normalizes a path to a standard format. The input may contain separators in either Unix or Windows format. The output will contain separators in the format specified.

      A trailing slash will be removed. A double slash will be merged to a single slash (but UNC names are handled). A single dot path segment will be removed. A double dot will cause that path segment and the one before to be removed. If the double dot has no parent path segment to work with, null is returned.

      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows including the separator character.

       /foo//               -->   /foo
       /foo/./              -->   /foo
       /foo/../bar          -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/         -->   /bar
       /foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz
       //foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar
       /../                 -->   null
       ../foo               -->   null
       foo/bar/..           -->   foo
       foo/../../bar        -->   null
       foo/../bar           -->   bar
       //server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar
       //server/../bar      -->   null
       C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar
       C:\..\bar            -->   null
       ~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar
       ~/../bar             -->   null
      filename - the filename to normalize, null returns null
      unixSeparator - true if a unix separator should be used or false if a windows separator should be used.
      the normalized filename, or null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • concat

      public static String concat(String basePath, String fullFilenameToAdd)
      Concatenates a filename to a base path using normal command line style rules.

      The effect is equivalent to resultant directory after changing directory to the first argument, followed by changing directory to the second argument.

      The first argument is the base path, the second is the path to concatenate. The returned path is always normalized via normalize(String), thus .. is handled.

      If pathToAdd is absolute (has an absolute prefix), then it will be normalized and returned. Otherwise, the paths will be joined, normalized and returned.

      The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows except for the separator character.

       /foo/ + bar          -->   /foo/bar
       /foo + bar           -->   /foo/bar
       /foo + /bar          -->   /bar
       /foo + C:/bar        -->   C:/bar
       /foo + C:bar         -->   C:bar (*)
       /foo/a/ + ../bar     -->   foo/bar
       /foo/ + ../../bar    -->   null
       /foo/ + /bar         -->   /bar
       /foo/.. + /bar       -->   /bar
       /foo + bar/c.txt     -->   /foo/bar/c.txt
       /foo/c.txt + bar     -->   /foo/c.txt/bar (!)
      (*) Note that the Windows relative drive prefix is unreliable when used with this method. (!) Note that the first parameter must be a path. If it ends with a name, then the name will be built into the concatenated path. If this might be a problem, use getFullPath(String) on the base path argument.
      basePath - the base path to attach to, always treated as a path
      fullFilenameToAdd - the filename (or path) to attach to the base
      the concatenated path, or null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • directoryContains

      public static boolean directoryContains(String canonicalParent, String canonicalChild) throws IOException
      Determines whether the parent directory contains the child element (a file or directory).

      The files names are expected to be normalized.

      Edge cases:
      • A directory must not be null: if null, throw IllegalArgumentException
      • A directory does not contain itself: return false
      • A null child file is not contained in any parent: return false
      canonicalParent - the file to consider as the parent.
      canonicalChild - the file to consider as the child.
      true is the candidate leaf is under by the specified composite. False otherwise.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs while checking the files.
      See Also:
      • invalid @see
        FileUtils#directoryContains(File, File)
    • separatorsToUnix

      public static String separatorsToUnix(String path)
      Converts all separators to the Unix separator of forward slash.
      path - the path to be changed, null ignored
      the updated path
    • separatorsToWindows

      public static String separatorsToWindows(String path)
      Converts all separators to the Windows separator of backslash.
      path - the path to be changed, null ignored
      the updated path
    • separatorsToSystem

      public static String separatorsToSystem(String path)
      Converts all separators to the system separator.
      path - the path to be changed, null ignored
      the updated path
    • getPrefixLength

      public static int getPrefixLength(String filename)
      Returns the length of the filename prefix, such as C:/ or ~/.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.

      The prefix length includes the first slash in the full filename if applicable. Thus, it is possible that the length returned is greater than the length of the input string.

       a\b\c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
       \a\b\c.txt          --> "\"         --> current drive absolute
       C:a\b\c.txt         --> "C:"        --> drive relative
       C:\a\b\c.txt        --> "C:\"       --> absolute
       \\server\a\b\c.txt  --> "\\server\" --> UNC
       \\\a\b\c.txt        -->  error, length = -1
       a/b/c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
       /a/b/c.txt          --> "/"         --> absolute
       ~/a/b/c.txt         --> "~/"        --> current user
       ~                   --> "~/"        --> current user (slash added)
       ~user/a/b/c.txt     --> "~user/"    --> named user
       ~user               --> "~user/"    --> named user (slash added)
       //server/a/b/c.txt  --> "//server/"
       ///a/b/c.txt        --> error, length = -1

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on. ie. both Unix and Windows prefixes are matched regardless. Note that a leading // (or \\) is used to indicate a UNC name on Windows. These must be followed by a server name, so double-slashes are not collapsed to a single slash at the start of the filename.

      filename - the filename to find the prefix in, null returns -1
      the length of the prefix, -1 if invalid or null
    • indexOfLastSeparator

      public static int indexOfLastSeparator(String filename)
      Returns the index of the last directory separator character.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The position of the last forward or backslash is returned.

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to find the last path separator in, null returns -1
      the index of the last separator character, or -1 if there is no such character
    • indexOfExtension

      public static int indexOfExtension(String filename)
      Returns the index of the last extension separator character, which is a dot.

      This method also checks that there is no directory separator after the last dot. To do this it uses indexOfLastSeparator(String) which will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format.

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to find the last extension separator in, null returns -1
      the index of the last extension separator character, or -1 if there is no such character
    • getPrefix

      public static String getPrefix(String filename)
      Gets the prefix from a full filename, such as C:/ or ~/.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The prefix includes the first slash in the full filename where applicable.

       a\b\c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
       \a\b\c.txt          --> "\"         --> current drive absolute
       C:a\b\c.txt         --> "C:"        --> drive relative
       C:\a\b\c.txt        --> "C:\"       --> absolute
       \\server\a\b\c.txt  --> "\\server\" --> UNC
       a/b/c.txt           --> ""          --> relative
       /a/b/c.txt          --> "/"         --> absolute
       ~/a/b/c.txt         --> "~/"        --> current user
       ~                   --> "~/"        --> current user (slash added)
       ~user/a/b/c.txt     --> "~user/"    --> named user
       ~user               --> "~user/"    --> named user (slash added)

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on. ie. both Unix and Windows prefixes are matched regardless.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the prefix of the file, null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • getPath

      public static String getPath(String filename)
      Gets the path from a full filename, which excludes the prefix.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The method is entirely text based, and returns the text before and including the last forward or backslash.

       C:\a\b\c.txt --> a\b\
       ~/a/b/c.txt  --> a/b/
       a.txt        --> ""
       a/b/c        --> a/b/
       a/b/c/       --> a/b/c/

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      This method drops the prefix from the result. See getFullPath(String) for the method that retains the prefix.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the path of the file, an empty string if none exists, null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • getPathNoEndSeparator

      public static String getPathNoEndSeparator(String filename)
      Gets the path from a full filename, which excludes the prefix, and also excluding the final directory separator.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The method is entirely text based, and returns the text before the last forward or backslash.

       C:\a\b\c.txt --> a\b
       ~/a/b/c.txt  --> a/b
       a.txt        --> ""
       a/b/c        --> a/b
       a/b/c/       --> a/b/c

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      This method drops the prefix from the result. See getFullPathNoEndSeparator(String) for the method that retains the prefix.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the path of the file, an empty string if none exists, null if invalid. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • getFullPath

      public static String getFullPath(String filename)
      Gets the full path from a full filename, which is the prefix + path.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The method is entirely text based, and returns the text before and including the last forward or backslash.

       C:\a\b\c.txt --> C:\a\b\
       ~/a/b/c.txt  --> ~/a/b/
       a.txt        --> ""
       a/b/c        --> a/b/
       a/b/c/       --> a/b/c/
       C:           --> C:
       C:\          --> C:\
       ~            --> ~/
       ~/           --> ~/
       ~user        --> ~user/
       ~user/       --> ~user/

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the path of the file, an empty string if none exists, null if invalid
    • getFullPathNoEndSeparator

      public static String getFullPathNoEndSeparator(String filename)
      Gets the full path from a full filename, which is the prefix + path, and also excluding the final directory separator.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The method is entirely text based, and returns the text before the last forward or backslash.

       C:\a\b\c.txt --> C:\a\b
       ~/a/b/c.txt  --> ~/a/b
       a.txt        --> ""
       a/b/c        --> a/b
       a/b/c/       --> a/b/c
       C:           --> C:
       C:\          --> C:\
       ~            --> ~
       ~/           --> ~
       ~user        --> ~user
       ~user/       --> ~user

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the path of the file, an empty string if none exists, null if invalid
    • getName

      public static String getName(String filename)
      Gets the name minus the path from a full filename.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The text after the last forward or backslash is returned.

       a/b/c.txt --> c.txt
       a.txt     --> a.txt
       a/b/c     --> c
       a/b/c/    --> ""

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • getBaseName

      public static String getBaseName(String filename)
      Gets the base name, minus the full path and extension, from a full filename.

      This method will handle a file in either Unix or Windows format. The text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot is returned.

       a/b/c.txt --> c
       a.txt     --> a
       a/b/c     --> c
       a/b/c/    --> ""

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the name of the file without the path, or an empty string if none exists. Null bytes inside string will be removed
    • getExtension

      public static String getExtension(String filename)
      Gets the extension of a filename.

      This method returns the textual part of the filename after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot.

       foo.txt      --> "txt"
       a/b/c.jpg    --> "jpg"
       a/b.txt/c    --> ""
       a/b/c        --> ""

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to retrieve the extension of.
      the extension of the file or an empty string if none exists or null if the filename is null.
    • removeExtension

      public static String removeExtension(String filename)
      Removes the extension from a filename.

      This method returns the textual part of the filename before the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot.

       foo.txt    --> foo
       a\b\c.jpg  --> a\b\c
       a\b\c      --> a\b\c
       a.b\c      --> a.b\c

      The output will be the same irrespective of the machine that the code is running on.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns null
      the filename minus the extension
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(String filename1, String filename2)
      Checks whether two filenames are equal exactly.

      No processing is performed on the filenames other than comparison, thus this is merely a null-safe case-sensitive equals.

      filename1 - the first filename to query, may be null
      filename2 - the second filename to query, may be null
      true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SENSITIVE
    • equalsOnSystem

      public static boolean equalsOnSystem(String filename1, String filename2)
      Checks whether two filenames are equal using the case rules of the system.

      No processing is performed on the filenames other than comparison. The check is case-sensitive on Unix and case-insensitive on Windows.

      filename1 - the first filename to query, may be null
      filename2 - the second filename to query, may be null
      true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SYSTEM
    • equalsNormalized

      public static boolean equalsNormalized(String filename1, String filename2)
      Checks whether two filenames are equal after both have been normalized.

      Both filenames are first passed to normalize(String). The check is then performed in a case-sensitive manner.

      filename1 - the first filename to query, may be null
      filename2 - the second filename to query, may be null
      true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SENSITIVE
    • equalsNormalizedOnSystem

      public static boolean equalsNormalizedOnSystem(String filename1, String filename2)
      Checks whether two filenames are equal after both have been normalized and using the case rules of the system.

      Both filenames are first passed to normalize(String). The check is then performed case-sensitive on Unix and case-insensitive on Windows.

      filename1 - the first filename to query, may be null
      filename2 - the second filename to query, may be null
      true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SYSTEM
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(String filename1, String filename2, boolean normalized, com.landawn.abacus.util.IOCase caseSensitivity)
      Checks whether two filenames are equal, optionally normalizing and providing control over the case-sensitivity.
      filename1 - the first filename to query, may be null
      filename2 - the second filename to query, may be null
      normalized - whether to normalize the filenames
      caseSensitivity - what case sensitivity rule to use, null means case-sensitive
      true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
    • isExtension

      public static boolean isExtension(String filename, String extension)
      Checks whether the extension of the filename is that specified.

      This method obtains the extension as the textual part of the filename after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot. The extension check is case-sensitive on all platforms.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns false
      extension - the extension to check for, null or empty checks for no extension
      true if the filename has the specified extension
      IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied filename contains null bytes
    • isExtension

      public static boolean isExtension(String filename, String[] extensions)
      Checks whether the extension of the filename is one of those specified.

      This method obtains the extension as the textual part of the filename after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot. The extension check is case-sensitive on all platforms.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns false
      extensions - the extensions to check for, null checks for no extension
      true if the filename is one of the extensions
      IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied filename contains null bytes
    • isExtension

      public static boolean isExtension(String filename, Collection<String> extensions)
      Checks whether the extension of the filename is one of those specified.

      This method obtains the extension as the textual part of the filename after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot. The extension check is case-sensitive on all platforms.

      filename - the filename to query, null returns false
      extensions - the extensions to check for, null checks for no extension
      true if the filename is one of the extensions
      IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied filename contains null bytes
    • wildcardMatch

      public static boolean wildcardMatch(String filename, String wildcardMatcher)
      Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher, always testing case-sensitive.

      The wildcard matcher uses the characters '?' and '*' to represent a single or multiple (zero or more) wildcard characters. This is the same as often found on Dos/Unix command lines. The check is case-sensitive always.

       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.txt")      --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.jpg")      --> false
       wildcardMatch("a/b/c.txt", "a/b/*")  --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.???")      --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.????")     --> false
      N.B. the sequence "*?" does not work properly at present in match strings.
      filename - the filename to match on
      wildcardMatcher - the wildcard string to match against
      true if the filename matches the wildcard string
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SENSITIVE
    • wildcardMatchOnSystem

      public static boolean wildcardMatchOnSystem(String filename, String wildcardMatcher)
      Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher using the case rules of the system.

      The wildcard matcher uses the characters '?' and '*' to represent a single or multiple (zero or more) wildcard characters. This is the same as often found on Dos/Unix command lines. The check is case-sensitive on Unix and case-insensitive on Windows.

       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.txt")      --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.jpg")      --> false
       wildcardMatch("a/b/c.txt", "a/b/*")  --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.???")      --> true
       wildcardMatch("c.txt", "*.????")     --> false
      N.B. the sequence "*?" does not work properly at present in match strings.
      filename - the filename to match on
      wildcardMatcher - the wildcard string to match against
      true if the filename matches the wildcard string
      See Also:
      • IOCase.SYSTEM
    • wildcardMatch

      public static boolean wildcardMatch(String filename, String wildcardMatcher, com.landawn.abacus.util.IOCase caseSensitivity)
      Checks a filename to see if it matches the specified wildcard matcher allowing control over case-sensitivity.

      The wildcard matcher uses the characters '?' and '*' to represent a single or multiple (zero or more) wildcard characters. N.B. the sequence "*?" does not work properly at present in match strings.

      filename - the filename to match on
      wildcardMatcher - the wildcard string to match against
      caseSensitivity - what case sensitivity rule to use, null means case-sensitive
      true if the filename matches the wildcard string