All Classes and Interfaces

The Enum AccountStatus.
It's designed to supported primitive/object array key.
It's designed to supported primitive/object array.
Note: It's copied from Google Guava under Apache License 2.0 Static methods pertaining to ASCII characters (those in the range of values 0x00 through 0x7F), and to strings containing such characters.
The Class ADC.
The content is encoded with Base64 if the target output is String or Writer, otherwise the content is NOT encoded with Base64 if the target output is File or OutputStream.
The Class ASC.
Note: this file contains the source codes and docs copied from Apache commons-codec under Apache License v2 and may be modified.
BaseStream<T,A,P,C,PL,OT,IT,ITER extends Iterator<T>,S extends BaseStream<T,A,P,C,PL,OT,IT,ITER,S>>
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
Generally, or most of time, elements will be fetched and processed by parallel threads one by one.
A BiMap (or "bidirectional map") is a map that preserves the uniqueness of its values as well as that of its keys.
It's not multi-thread safety.
It's not multi-thread safety.
The Class BooleanListBuilder.
The Class ByteListBuilder.
The Class CharListBuilder.
The Class CollectionBuilder.
The Class ComparisonChain.
The Class DataSetBuilder.
The Class DoubleListBuilder.
The Class EquivalenceChain.
The Class FloatListBuilder.
The Class HashCodeChain.
The Class IntListBuilder.
The Class ListBuilder.
The Class LongListBuilder.
The Class LongMultisetBuilder.
The Class MapBuilder.
The Class MultimapBuilder.
The Class MultisetBuilder.
The Class ShortListBuilder.
The Class X.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
The Enum CalendarUnit.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
It's designed to provide a convenient way to parameterized the generic type (e.g.
The Enum Color.
Factory utility class for Comparator.
The Enum CompressionMode.
A very simple CSV parser released under a commercial-friendly license.
The Enum DateTimeFormat.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
The Class DateTimeUtil.
The Class Times.
The Enum DayOfWeek.
The Class MapDifference.
Note: copied from Apache commons-codec:
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
Identity of an entity.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
Note: it's copied from StringEscaperUtils in Apache Commons Lang under Apache License 2.0
An API for translating text.
final Object strSubscriber_1 = new Subscriber() { @Override public void on(String event) { System.out.println("Subscriber: strSubscriber_1, event: " + event); } }; final Object anySubscriber_2 = new Object() { @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.DEFAULT, interval = 1000) public void anyMethod(Object event) { System.out.println("Subscriber: anySubscriber_2, event: " + event); } }; final Object anySubscriber_3 = new Object() { @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.DEFAULT, sticky = true) public void anyMethod(Object event) { System.out.println("Subscriber: anySubscriber_3, event: " + event); } }; final EventBus eventBus = EventBus.getDefault(); eventBus.register(strSubscriber_1); eventBus.register(strSubscriber_1); eventBus.register(anySubscriber_2, "eventId_2");"abc"); eventBus.postSticky("sticky");"eventId_2", "abc");;"eventId_2", 123); eventBus.register(anySubscriber_3);
The Enum EvictionPolicy.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
The Class ExceptionalIterator.
Note: This class contains the methods copied from Apache Commons and Google Guava under Apache License v2.
The Enum Exclusion.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons IO developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.
The Class MoreFiles.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
Factory utility class for functional interfaces.
The Class BiConsumers.
The Class BiFunctions.
The Class BinaryOperators.
The Class BiPredicates.
The Class Consumers.
The Class Disposables.
The Class Entries.
The Class Factory.
Utility class for BytePredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for CharPredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for DoublePredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for FloatPredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for IntPredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for LongPredicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for exceptional Predicate/Function/Consumer.
Utility class for ShortPredicate/Function/Consumer.
The Class Functions.
The Class
The Class Pairs.
The Class Predicates.
The Class TriConsumers.
The Class TriFunctions.
The Class Triples.
The Class TriPredicates.
The Class UnaryOperators.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
The Enum Gender.
Note: It's copied from Google Guava under Apache License 2.0 and modified.
Note: It's copied from Google Guava under Apache License 2.0 and modified.
Note: It's copied from Google Guava under Apache License 2.0 and modified.
Note: copied from Apache commons-codec:
The Class Holder.
Any header can be set into the parameter settings
HttpClient is thread safe.
Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.
Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.
The Class Values.
Copied from OkHttp under Apache License, Version 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
This class is mainly designed for functional programming.
The Class OrElse.
Intermediate operation.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Apache Commons IO, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
Copyright (c) 2017, Jackson Authors/Contributers.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
This is a utility class mostly for Iterator.
The Class JMC.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, under the Apache License 2.0.
Sample for one-one or one-many join:
The Class JDC.
The Class JSC.
It's designed for performance improvement by only hash/compare key in hashCode/equals method.
The Interface MemoryMeasure.
The Class KDC.
The content is encoded with Base64 if the target output is String or Writer, otherwise the content is NOT encoded with Base64 if the target output is File or OutputStream.
The Class KSC.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons IO developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
It's designed to supported primitive/object array key.
It's designed to supported primitive/object array.
R --- Read; A --- Add; U --- Update; D --- Delete.
A collection that supports order-independent equality, like Set, but may have duplicate elements.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
This object is used to store the properties' values of an object.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
The Enum MediaType.
The Enum Month.
Factory and utility methods for Executor, ExecutorService, and ThreadFactory.
Multimap<K,E,V extends Collection<E>>
Similar to Map, but in which each key may be associated with multiple values.
A collection that supports order-independent equality, like Set, but may have duplicate elements.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
It's tool for the conversion by between the simple name and canonical name.
The Enum NamingPolicy.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
One-off Object.
The properties will be ignored by update/updateAll/batchUpdate operations if the input is an entity.
To identity that the annotated field is not a DB column.
Note: A lot of codes in this classed are copied from Google Guava, Apache Commons Math and Apache Commons Lang under under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The intention of this class is to provide concise and consistent interface for Jackson JSON/XML/...
It's is a multiple-thread safety map with fixed size.
The Interface MemoryMeasure.
Note: This class contains the codes and docs copied from OkHttp: under Apache License v2.
The Enum OperationType.
Design principles: 1, Simple (is beautiful) 2, Fast (is powerful) 3, Concepts (must be integral and consistent)
These principles can't be broken by any change or reason.
A factory for creating Parser objects.
The Enum Percentage.
Copied from Google Guava.
A factory for creating Pool objects.
A simple way to run load/performance test.
The Class MultiLoopsStatistics.
Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>>
Note: it's copied from Apache Commons Lang developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
The Enum BoundType.
Note: Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.0

A rate limiter.
The field will be excluded by add/addAll/batchAdd and update/updateAll/batchUpdate operations if the input is an entity.
The field is identity and will be excluded by add/addAll/batchAdd and update/updateAll/batchUpdate operations if the input is an entity.
This is a test annotation to identify the entity class created by Lombok is a mock record in jdk 16.
Add reflectasm library to build path for better performance.
Note: Copied from Apache Commons Lang under Apache License V2.
Result<T,E extends Throwable>
It's a row DataSet from logic aspect.
The Enum ServiceStatus.
R = Row, C = Column, H = Horizontal, V = Vertical.
The Interface Cell.
The Stream will be automatically closed after execution(A terminal method is executed/triggered).
The Class MapSplitter.
Generally, don't cache/save the stateful object or access/update it with multiple threads.
The Enum Status.
Note: Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.0

An object that measures elapsed time in nanoseconds.
Note: This class includes codes copied from StreamEx: under Apache License, version 2.0.
Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
Built on StringBuilder.
Terminal operation.
When terminal operation is triggered by intermediate operation, the current stream will be closed and a new stream will be returned.
The Enum ThreadMode.
Catch checked exception and convert it to RuntimeException.
The Interface BiConsumer.
The Interface BiFunction.
The Interface BinaryOperator.
The Interface BiPredicate.
The Interface BooleanBiConsumer.
The Interface BooleanBiFunction.
The Interface BooleanBinaryOperator.
The Interface BooleanBiPredicate.
The Interface BooleanConsumer.
The Interface BooleanFunction.
The Interface BooleanPredicate.
The Interface BooleanSupplier.
The Interface BooleanTernaryOperator.
The Interface BooleanTriConsumer.
The Interface BooleanTriFunction.
The Interface BooleanTriPredicate.
The Interface BooleanUnaryOperator.
The Interface ByteBiConsumer.
The Interface ByteBiFunction.
The Interface ByteBinaryOperator.
The Interface ByteBiPredicate.
The Interface ByteConsumer.
The Interface ByteFunction.
The Interface BytePredicate.
The Interface ByteSupplier.
The Interface ByteTernaryOperator.
The Interface ByteTriConsumer.
The Interface ByteTriFunction.
The Interface ByteTriPredicate.
The Interface ByteUnaryOperator.
The Interface Callable.
The Interface CharBiConsumer.
The Interface CharBiFunction.
The Interface CharBinaryOperator.
The Interface CharBiPredicate.
The Interface CharConsumer.
The Interface CharFunction.
The Interface CharPredicate.
The Interface CharSupplier.
The Interface CharTernaryOperator.
The Interface CharTriConsumer.
The Interface CharTriFunction.
The Interface CharTriPredicate.
The Interface CharUnaryOperator.
The Interface Consumer.
The Interface DoubleBiConsumer.
The Interface DoubleBiFunction.
The Interface DoubleBinaryOperator.
The Interface DoubleBiPredicate.
The Interface DoubleConsumer.
The Interface DoubleFunction.
The Interface DoublePredicate.
The Interface DoubleSupplier.
The Interface DoubleTernaryOperator.
The Interface DoubleToIntFunction.
The Interface DoubleToLongFunction.
The Interface DoubleTriConsumer.
The Interface DoubleTriFunction.
The Interface DoubleTriPredicate.
The Interface DoubleUnaryOperator.
The Class EEE.
The Interface FloatBiConsumer.
The Interface FloatBiFunction.
The Interface FloatBinaryOperator.
The Interface FloatBiPredicate.
The Interface FloatConsumer.
The Interface FloatFunction.
The Interface FloatPredicate.
The Interface FloatSupplier.
The Interface FloatTernaryOperator.
The Interface FloatTriConsumer.
The Interface FloatTriFunction.
The Interface FloatTriPredicate.
The Interface FloatUnaryOperator.
The Interface Function.
The Interface IndexedBiConsumer.
The Interface IndexedBiFunction.
The Interface IndexedBiPredicate.
The Interface IndexedBooleanConsumer.
The Interface IndexedByteConsumer.
The Interface IndexedCharConsumer.
The Interface IndexedConsumer.
The Interface IndexedDoubleConsumer.
The Interface IndexedFloatConsumer.
The Interface IndexedFunction.
The Interface IndexedIntConsumer.
The Interface IndexedLongConsumer.
The Interface IndexedPredicate.
The Interface IndexedShortConsumer.
The Interface IntBiConsumer.
The Interface IntBiFunction.
The Interface IntBinaryOperator.
The Interface IntBiPredicate.
The Interface IntConsumer.
The Interface IntFunction.
The Interface IntPredicate.
The Interface IntSupplier.
The Interface IntTernaryOperator.
The Interface IntToDoubleFunction.
The Interface IntToLongFunction.
The Interface IntTriConsumer.
The Interface IntTriFunction.
The Interface IntTriPredicate.
The Interface IntUnaryOperator.
The Interface LongBiConsumer.
The Interface LongBiFunction.
The Interface LongBinaryOperator.
The Interface LongBiPredicate.
The Interface LongConsumer.
The Interface LongFunction.
The Interface LongPredicate.
The Interface LongSupplier.
The Interface LongTernaryOperator.
The Interface LongToDoubleFunction.
The Interface LongToIntFunction.
The Interface LongTriConsumer.
The Interface LongTriFunction.
The Interface LongTriPredicate.
The Interface LongUnaryOperator.
The Interface ObjBooleanConsumer.
The Interface ObjByteConsumer.
The Interface ObjCharConsumer.
The Interface ObjDoubleConsumer.
The Interface ObjFloatConsumer.
The Interface ObjIntConsumer.
The Interface ObjLongConsumer.
The Interface ObjShortConsumer.
The Interface Predicate.
The Interface QuadConsumer.
The Interface QuadFunction.
The Interface QuadPredicate.
The Interface Runnable.
The Interface ShortBiConsumer.
The Interface ShortBiFunction.
The Interface ShortBinaryOperator.
The Interface ShortBiPredicate.
The Interface ShortConsumer.
The Interface ShortFunction.
The Interface ShortPredicate.
The Interface ShortSupplier.
The Interface ShortTernaryOperator.
The Interface ShortTriConsumer.
The Interface ShortTriFunction.
The Interface ShortTriPredicate.
The Interface ShortUnaryOperator.
The Interface Supplier.
The Interface TernaryOperator.
The Interface ToBooleanFunction.
The Interface ToByteFunction.
The Interface ToCharFunction.
The Interface ToDoubleFunction.
The Interface ToFloatFunction.
The Interface ToIntFunction.
The Interface ToLongFunction.
The Interface ToShortFunction.
The Interface TriConsumer.
The Interface TriFunction.
The Interface TriPredicate.
The Interface UnaryOperator.
Note: Copied from Google Guava under Apache License v2.0

A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some fixed but arbitrary point in time.
The properties will be ignored by the persistent operations if the input is an entity.
Provides methods for traversing a graph.
The Class Tuple1.
The Class Tuple2.
The Class Tuple3.
The Class Tuple4.
The Class Tuple5.
The Class Tuple6.
The Class Tuple7.
The Class Tuple8.
The Class Tuple9.
The Enum EnumType.
The Enum Scope.
Represents a generic type T.
The Class Nullable.
The Class Optional.
The Class OptionalBoolean.
The Class OptionalByte.
The Class OptionalChar.
The Class OptionalDouble.
The Class OptionalFloat.
The Class OptionalInt.
The Class OptionalLong.
The Class OptionalShort.
Note: it's copied from Apache HttpComponents developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
Note: It's copied from Google Guava under Apache License 2.0 Low-level, high-performance utility methods related to the UTF-8 character encoding.
A table of constant Strings/chars.
The Enum WeekDay.
Note: it's copied from Apache WSS4J developed at The Apache Software Foundation (, or under the Apache License 2.0.
The Class XDC.
The Class XSC.
The Enum YesNo.