Class OtherApi

  • public class OtherApi
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ApiClient getApiClient()  
      IpList getIps()
      Gets the public IP list Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses.
      okhttp3.Call getIpsAsync​(ApiCallback<IpList> _callback)
      Gets the public IP list (asynchronously) Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses.
      okhttp3.Call getIpsCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
      Build call for getIps
      ApiResponse<IpList> getIpsWithHttpInfo()
      Gets the public IP list Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses.
      void getOpenapiSpec()
      Gets the OpenAPI spec in json The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
      okhttp3.Call getOpenapiSpecAsync​(ApiCallback<java.lang.Void> _callback)
      Gets the OpenAPI spec in json (asynchronously) The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
      okhttp3.Call getOpenapiSpecCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
      Build call for getOpenapiSpec
      ApiResponse<java.lang.Void> getOpenapiSpecWithHttpInfo()
      Gets the OpenAPI spec in json The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link> getRoot()
      Root resource Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
      okhttp3.Call getRootAsync​(ApiCallback<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link>> _callback)
      Root resource (asynchronously) Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
      okhttp3.Call getRootCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
      Build call for getRoot
      ApiResponse<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link>> getRootWithHttpInfo()
      Root resource Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
      VersionsRep getVersions()
      Get version information Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request.
      okhttp3.Call getVersionsAsync​(ApiCallback<VersionsRep> _callback)
      Get version information (asynchronously) Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request.
      okhttp3.Call getVersionsCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
      Build call for getVersions
      ApiResponse<VersionsRep> getVersionsWithHttpInfo()
      Get version information Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request.
      void setApiClient​(ApiClient apiClient)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • OtherApi

        public OtherApi()
      • OtherApi

        public OtherApi​(ApiClient apiClient)
    • Method Detail

      • getApiClient

        public ApiClient getApiClient()
      • setApiClient

        public void setApiClient​(ApiClient apiClient)
      • getIpsCall

        public okhttp3.Call getIpsCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
                                throws ApiException
        Build call for getIps
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • getIps

        public IpList getIps()
                      throws ApiException
        Gets the public IP list Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses. You can use this list to allow LaunchDarkly through your firewall.<br /><br />This endpoint returns a JSON object with two attributes: `addresses` and `outboundAddresses`. The `addresses` element contains the IP addresses LaunchDarkly's service uses. The `outboundAddresses` element contains the IP addresses outgoing webhook notifications use.<br /><br />We post upcoming changes to this list in advance on our [status page](
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getIpsWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<IpList> getIpsWithHttpInfo()
                                               throws ApiException
        Gets the public IP list Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses. You can use this list to allow LaunchDarkly through your firewall.<br /><br />This endpoint returns a JSON object with two attributes: `addresses` and `outboundAddresses`. The `addresses` element contains the IP addresses LaunchDarkly's service uses. The `outboundAddresses` element contains the IP addresses outgoing webhook notifications use.<br /><br />We post upcoming changes to this list in advance on our [status page](
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getIpsAsync

        public okhttp3.Call getIpsAsync​(ApiCallback<IpList> _callback)
                                 throws ApiException
        Gets the public IP list (asynchronously) Get a list of IP ranges the LaunchDarkly service uses. You can use this list to allow LaunchDarkly through your firewall.<br /><br />This endpoint returns a JSON object with two attributes: `addresses` and `outboundAddresses`. The `addresses` element contains the IP addresses LaunchDarkly's service uses. The `outboundAddresses` element contains the IP addresses outgoing webhook notifications use.<br /><br />We post upcoming changes to this list in advance on our [status page](
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      • getOpenapiSpecCall

        public okhttp3.Call getOpenapiSpecCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
                                        throws ApiException
        Build call for getOpenapiSpec
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • getOpenapiSpec

        public void getOpenapiSpec()
                            throws ApiException
        Gets the OpenAPI spec in json The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getOpenapiSpecWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<java.lang.Void> getOpenapiSpecWithHttpInfo()
                                                               throws ApiException
        Gets the OpenAPI spec in json The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getOpenapiSpecAsync

        public okhttp3.Call getOpenapiSpecAsync​(ApiCallback<java.lang.Void> _callback)
                                         throws ApiException
        Gets the OpenAPI spec in json (asynchronously) The OpenAPI spec endpoint serves the latest version of the OpenAPI specification for LaunchDarkly's API in json format.
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      • getRootCall

        public okhttp3.Call getRootCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
                                 throws ApiException
        Build call for getRoot
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • getRoot

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link> getRoot()
                                                           throws ApiException
        Root resource Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
        Map<String, Link>
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getRootWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link>> getRootWithHttpInfo()
                                                                                    throws ApiException
        Root resource Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
        ApiResponse<Map<String, Link>>
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getRootAsync

        public okhttp3.Call getRootAsync​(ApiCallback<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Link>> _callback)
                                  throws ApiException
        Root resource (asynchronously) Issue a `GET` request to the root resource to find all of the resource categories supported by the API
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      • getVersionsCall

        public okhttp3.Call getVersionsCall​(ApiCallback _callback)
                                     throws ApiException
        Build call for getVersions
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • getVersions

        public VersionsRep getVersions()
                                throws ApiException
        Get version information Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request. These are all in the external, date-based format.
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getVersionsWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<VersionsRep> getVersionsWithHttpInfo()
                                                         throws ApiException
        Get version information Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request. These are all in the external, date-based format.
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • getVersionsAsync

        public okhttp3.Call getVersionsAsync​(ApiCallback<VersionsRep> _callback)
                                      throws ApiException
        Get version information (asynchronously) Get the latest API version, the list of valid API versions in ascending order, and the version being used for this request. These are all in the external, date-based format.
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object