Class AutoEnvContextModifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AutoEnvContextModifier
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IContextModifier
    An IContextModifier that will add a few context kinds with environmental information that is useful out of the box.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AutoEnvContextModifier

        public AutoEnvContextModifier​( persistentData,
                                      IEnvironmentReporter environmentReporter,
                                      LDLogger logger)
        persistentData - for retrieving/storing generated context keys
        environmentReporter - for retrieving attributes
        logger - for logging messages
    • Method Detail

      • modifyContext

        public LDContext modifyContext​(LDContext context)
        Description copied from interface: IContextModifier
        Modifies the provided context and returns a resulting context. May result in no changes at the discretion of the implementation.
        Specified by:
        modifyContext in interface IContextModifier
        context - to be modified
        another context that is the result of modification