Interface LDClientInterface

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LDClientInterface
    This interface defines the public methods of LDClient.

    Applications will normally interact directly with LDClient, and must use its constructor to initialize the SDK, but being able to refer to it indirectly via an interface may be helpul in test scenarios (mocking) or for some dependency injection frameworks.

    • Method Detail

      • isInitialized

        boolean isInitialized()
        Tests whether the client is ready to be used.
        true if the client is ready, or false if it is still initializing
      • track

        void track​(java.lang.String eventName,
                   LDUser user)
        Tracks that a user performed an event.

        To add custom data to the event, use trackData(String, LDUser, LDValue).

        eventName - the name of the event
        user - the user that performed the event
      • trackData

        void trackData​(java.lang.String eventName,
                       LDUser user,
                       LDValue data)
        Tracks that a user performed an event, and provides additional custom data.
        eventName - the name of the event
        user - the user that performed the event
        data - an LDValue containing additional data associated with the event
      • trackMetric

        void trackMetric​(java.lang.String eventName,
                         LDUser user,
                         LDValue data,
                         double metricValue)
        Tracks that a user performed an event, and provides an additional numeric value for custom metrics.
        eventName - the name of the event
        user - the user that performed the event
        data - an LDValue containing additional data associated with the event; if not applicable, you may pass either null or LDValue.ofNull()
        metricValue - a numeric value used by the LaunchDarkly experimentation feature in numeric custom metrics. Can be omitted if this event is used by only non-numeric metrics. This field will also be returned as part of the custom event for Data Export.
      • identify

        void identify​(LDUser user)
        Registers the user.
        user - the user to register
      • allFlagsState

        FeatureFlagsState allFlagsState​(LDUser user,
                                        FlagsStateOption... options)
        Returns an object that encapsulates the state of all feature flags for a given user, including the flag values and also metadata that can be used on the front end. This method does not send analytics events back to LaunchDarkly.

        The most common use case for this method is to bootstrap a set of client-side feature flags from a back-end service.

        user - the end user requesting the feature flags
        options - optional FlagsStateOption values affecting how the state is computed - for instance, to filter the set of flags to only include the client-side-enabled ones
        a FeatureFlagsState object (will never be null; see FeatureFlagsState.isValid()
      • boolVariation

        boolean boolVariation​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                              LDUser user,
                              boolean defaultValue)
        Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given user.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        whether or not the flag should be enabled, or defaultValue if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel
      • intVariation

        int intVariation​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                         LDUser user,
                         int defaultValue)
        Calculates the integer value of a feature flag for a given user.

        If the flag variation has a numeric value that is not an integer, it is rounded toward zero (truncated).

        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        the variation for the given user, or defaultValue if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel
      • doubleVariation

        double doubleVariation​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                               LDUser user,
                               double defaultValue)
        Calculates the floating point numeric value of a feature flag for a given user.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        the variation for the given user, or defaultValue if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel
      • stringVariation

        java.lang.String stringVariation​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                         LDUser user,
                                         java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Calculates the String value of a feature flag for a given user.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        the variation for the given user, or defaultValue if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel
      • jsonValueVariation

        LDValue jsonValueVariation​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                   LDUser user,
                                   LDValue defaultValue)
        Calculates the LDValue value of a feature flag for a given user.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        the variation for the given user, or defaultValue if the flag is disabled in the LaunchDarkly control panel; will never be a null reference, but may be LDValue.ofNull()
      • boolVariationDetail

        EvaluationDetail<java.lang.Boolean> boolVariationDetail​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                                                LDUser user,
                                                                boolean defaultValue)
        Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given user, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined. The reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        an EvaluationDetail object
      • intVariationDetail

        EvaluationDetail<java.lang.Integer> intVariationDetail​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                                               LDUser user,
                                                               int defaultValue)
        Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given user, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined. The reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.

        If the flag variation has a numeric value that is not an integer, it is rounded toward zero (truncated).

        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        an EvaluationDetail object
      • doubleVariationDetail

        EvaluationDetail<java.lang.Double> doubleVariationDetail​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                                                 LDUser user,
                                                                 double defaultValue)
        Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given user, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined. The reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        an EvaluationDetail object
      • stringVariationDetail

        EvaluationDetail<java.lang.String> stringVariationDetail​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                                                 LDUser user,
                                                                 java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Calculates the value of a feature flag for a given user, and returns an object that describes the way the value was determined. The reason property in the result will also be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        an EvaluationDetail object
      • jsonValueVariationDetail

        EvaluationDetail<LDValue> jsonValueVariationDetail​(java.lang.String featureKey,
                                                           LDUser user,
                                                           LDValue defaultValue)
        Calculates the LDValue value of a feature flag for a given user.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        user - the end user requesting the flag
        defaultValue - the default value of the flag
        an EvaluationDetail object
      • isFlagKnown

        boolean isFlagKnown​(java.lang.String featureKey)
        Returns true if the specified feature flag currently exists.
        featureKey - the unique key for the feature flag
        true if the flag exists
      • close

        void close()
        Closes the LaunchDarkly client event processing thread. This should only be called on application shutdown.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        Throws: - if an exception is thrown by one of the underlying network services
      • flush

        void flush()
        Flushes all pending events.
      • isOffline

        boolean isOffline()
        Returns true if the client is in offline mode.
        whether the client is in offline mode
      • getFlagTracker

        FlagTracker getFlagTracker()
        Returns an interface for tracking changes in feature flag configurations.

        The FlagTracker contains methods for requesting notifications about feature flag changes using an event listener model.

        a FlagTracker
      • getBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider

        BigSegmentStoreStatusProvider getBigSegmentStoreStatusProvider()
        Returns an interface for tracking the status of the Big Segment store.

        The returned object has methods for checking whether the Big Segment store is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational and tracking changes in this status. See BigSegmentStoreStatusProvider for more about this functionality.

        a BigSegmentStoreStatusProvider
      • getDataSourceStatusProvider

        DataSourceStatusProvider getDataSourceStatusProvider()
        Returns an interface for tracking the status of the data source.

        The data source is the mechanism that the SDK uses to get feature flag configurations, such as a streaming connection (the default) or poll requests. The DataSourceStatusProvider has methods for checking whether the data source is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational and tracking changes in this status.

        a DataSourceStatusProvider
      • getDataStoreStatusProvider

        DataStoreStatusProvider getDataStoreStatusProvider()
        Returns an interface for tracking the status of a persistent data store.

        The DataStoreStatusProvider has methods for checking whether the data store is (as far as the SDK knows) currently operational, tracking changes in this status, and getting cache statistics. These are only relevant for a persistent data store; if you are using an in-memory data store, then this method will return a stub object that provides no information.

        a DataStoreStatusProvider
      • alias

        void alias​(LDUser user,
                   LDUser previousUser)
        Associates two users for analytics purposes. This can be helpful in the situation where a person is represented by multiple LaunchDarkly users. This may happen, for example, when a person initially logs into an application-- the person might be represented by an anonymous user prior to logging in and a different user after logging in, as denoted by a different user key.
        user - the newly identified user.
        previousUser - the previously identified user.
      • version

        java.lang.String version()
        The current version string of the SDK.
        a string in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 format