Class BasicConfiguration

  • public final class BasicConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    The most basic properties of the SDK client that are available to all SDK component factories.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicConfiguration

        public BasicConfiguration​(java.lang.String sdkKey,
                                  boolean offline,
                                  int threadPriority,
                                  ApplicationInfo applicationInfo,
                                  ServiceEndpoints serviceEndpoints)
        Constructs an instance.
        sdkKey - the SDK key
        offline - true if the SDK was configured to be completely offline
        threadPriority - the thread priority that should be used for any worker threads created by SDK components
        applicationInfo - metadata about the application using this SDK
        serviceEndpoints - the SDK's service URIs
      • BasicConfiguration

        public BasicConfiguration​(java.lang.String sdkKey,
                                  boolean offline,
                                  int threadPriority,
                                  ApplicationInfo applicationInfo)
        Constructs an instance.
        sdkKey - the SDK key
        offline - true if the SDK was configured to be completely offline
        threadPriority - the thread priority that should be used for any worker threads created by SDK components
        applicationInfo - metadata about the application using this SDK
      • BasicConfiguration

        public BasicConfiguration​(java.lang.String sdkKey,
                                  boolean offline,
                                  int threadPriority)
        Constructs an instance.
        sdkKey - the SDK key
        offline - true if the SDK was configured to be completely offline
        threadPriority - the thread priority that should be used for any worker threads created by SDK components