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awaitClosed(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Block until all underlying threads have terminated and resources have been released.


backoffResetThreshold(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the minimum amount of time that a connection must stay open before the EventSource resets its backoff delay.
body(RequestBody) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the request body to be used for this EventSource client to use for requests to establish the EventSource.
build() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Constructs an EventSource using the builder's current properties.
Builder(EventHandler, URI) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder(EventHandler, HttpUrl) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Creates a new builder.


client(OkHttpClient) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set a custom HTTP client that will be used to make the EventSource connection.
clientBuilderActions(EventSource.Builder.ClientConfigurer) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies any type of configuration actions you want to perform on the OkHttpClient builder.
close() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Drops the current stream connection (if any) and permanently shuts down the EventSource.
CLOSED - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
The connection has been closed or has failed, and the EventSource will attempt to reconnect.
com.launchdarkly.eventsource - package com.launchdarkly.eventsource
configure(OkHttpClient.Builder) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder.ClientConfigurer
This method is called with the OkHttp OkHttpClient.Builder that will be used for the EventSource, allowing you to call any configuration methods you want.
CONNECTING - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
The EventSource is attempting to make a connection.
connectionErrorHandler(ConnectionErrorHandler) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the ConnectionErrorHandler that should process connection errors.
ConnectionErrorHandler - Interface in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Interface for an object that will be notified when EventSource encounters a socket connection error or receives an error response.
ConnectionErrorHandler.Action - Enum in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Return values of ConnectionErrorHandler.onConnectionError(Throwable) indicating what action the EventSource should take after an error.
connectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the connection timeout.
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory


debug(String, Object) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger
Logs a debug message.
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger
Logs a debug message with two parameters.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler
Default handler that does nothing.
DEFAULT_BACKOFF_RESET_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.backoffResetThreshold(Duration): 60 seconds.
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.connectTimeout(Duration): 10 seconds.
DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
The default value of MessageEvent.getEventName() for all SSE messages that did not have an event field.
DEFAULT_MAX_RECONNECT_TIME - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.maxReconnectTime(Duration): 30 seconds.
DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.readTimeout(Duration): 5 minutes.
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_TIME - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.reconnectTime(Duration): 1 second.
DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
The default value for EventSource.Builder.writeTimeout(Duration): 5 seconds.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
error(String) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger
Logs a message about a serious error.
EventHandler - Interface in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Interface for an object that will receive SSE events.
EventSource - Class in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
A client for the Server-Sent Events (SSE) protocol.
EventSource.Builder - Class in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Builder for EventSource.
EventSource.Builder.ClientConfigurer - Interface in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
EventSource.RequestTransformer - Interface in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Interface for an object that can modify the network request that the EventSource will make.
expectFields(String...) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies that the application expects the server to send certain fields in every event.


getClientBuilder() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
getCode() - Method in exception com.launchdarkly.eventsource.UnsuccessfulResponseException
Returns the HTTP status code.
getData() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns the event data as a string.
getDataReader() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns a single-use Reader for consuming the event data.
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
getEventName() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns the event name.
getHttpUrl() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Returns the current stream endpoint as an OkHttp HttpUrl.
getLastEventId() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Returns the ID value, if any, of the last known event.
getLastEventId() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns the event ID, if any.
getOrigin() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns the endpoint of the stream that generated the event.
getState() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Returns an enum indicating the current status of the connection.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ModernTLSSocketFactory
getUri() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Returns the current stream endpoint as a java.net.URI.


hashCode() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
headers(Headers) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set the headers to be sent when establishing the EventSource connection.


info(String) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger
Logs an informational message.
isStreamingData() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Returns true if this event was dispatched with streaming data behavior rather than pre-read data.


lastEventId(String) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the ID value of the last event received.
logger(Logger) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies a custom logger to receive EventSource logging.
Logger - Interface in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Interface for a custom logger that an application can provide to receive EventSource logging.
loggerBaseName(String) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies the base logger name to use for SLF4J logging.


maxEventTasksInFlight(int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies the maximum number of tasks that can be "in-flight" for the thread executing EventHandler.
maxReconnectTime(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the maximum delay between connection attempts.
MessageEvent - Class in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Event information that is passed to EventHandler.onMessage(String, MessageEvent).
MessageEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Simple constructor with event data only, using the default event name.
MessageEvent(String, Reader, String, URI) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Constructs a new instance with lazy-loading behavior.
MessageEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Constructs a new instance.
MessageEvent(String, String, String, URI) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Constructs a new instance.
MessageEvent(String, String, URI) - Constructor for class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
Constructs a new instance with the default event name.
method(String) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set the HTTP method used for this EventSource client to use for requests to establish the EventSource.
ModernTLSSocketFactory - Class in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
An SSLSocketFactory that tries to ensure modern TLS versions are used.


name(String) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set the name for this EventSource client to be used when naming the logger and threadpools.


onClosed() - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventHandler
EventSource calls this method when the stream connection has been closed.
onComment(String) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventHandler
EventSource calls this method when it has received a comment line from the stream (any line starting with a colon).
onConnectionError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler
This method is called synchronously for all exceptions that occur on the socket connection (including an UnsuccessfulResponseException if the server returns an unexpected HTTP status, or EOFException if the streaming response has ended).
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventHandler
This method will be called for all exceptions that occur on the socket connection (including an UnsuccessfulResponseException if the server returns an unexpected HTTP status), but only after the ConnectionErrorHandler (if any) has processed it.
onMessage(String, MessageEvent) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventHandler
EventSource calls this method when it has received a new event from the stream.
onOpen() - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventHandler
EventSource calls this method when the stream connection has been opened.
OPEN - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
The connection is active and the EventSource is listening for events.


PROCEED - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler.Action
Specifies that the error should be logged normally and dispatched to the EventHandler.
proxy(String, int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set the HTTP proxy address to be used to make the EventSource connection
proxy(Proxy) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Set the Proxy to be used to make the EventSource connection.
proxyAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the Proxy Authentication mechanism if needed.


RAW - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
The EventSource's EventSource.start() method has not yet been called.
readBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies the fixed size of the buffer that EventSource uses to parse incoming data.
readTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the read timeout.
ReadyState - Enum in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Enum values that can be returned by EventSource.getState().
reconnectTime(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the minimum delay between connection attempts.
requestTransformer(EventSource.RequestTransformer) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies an object that will be used to customize outgoing requests.
restart() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Drops the current stream connection (if any) and attempts to reconnect.


SHUTDOWN - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler.Action
Specifies that the connection should be immediately shut down and not retried.
SHUTDOWN - com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
The connection has been permanently closed and will not reconnect.
start() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource
Attempts to connect to the remote event source if not already connected.
streamEventData(boolean) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies whether EventSource should send a MessageEvent to the handler as soon as it receives the beginning of the event data, allowing the handler to read the data incrementally with MessageEvent.getDataReader().


threadPriority(Integer) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Specifies the priority for threads created by EventSource.
toString() - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.MessageEvent
transformRequest(Request) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.RequestTransformer
Returns a request that is either the same as the input request or based on it.


UnsuccessfulResponseException - Exception in com.launchdarkly.eventsource
Exception class that means the remote server returned an HTTP error.
UnsuccessfulResponseException(int) - Constructor for exception com.launchdarkly.eventsource.UnsuccessfulResponseException
Constructs an exception instance.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ConnectionErrorHandler.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.launchdarkly.eventsource.ReadyState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


warn(String) - Method in interface com.launchdarkly.eventsource.Logger
Logs a warning message.
writeTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.launchdarkly.eventsource.EventSource.Builder
Sets the write timeout.
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