Package com.lazerycode.jmeter.configuration
Class Summary Class Description ArtifactHelpers JMeterArgumentsArray Creates an arguments array to pass to the JMeter object to run tests.JMeterProcessJVMSettings Used to specify JVM settings for the JMeter instance that will be run
Configuration in pom.xml:ProxyConfiguration Is used for configuration of all proxy related configuration.RemoteArgumentsArrayBuilder RemoteConfiguration This is used by the TestManager to configure remote serverList and stopServersAfterTests settings for each test run.RepositoryConfiguration Allows you to specify additional remote repositories
Configuration in pom.xml: -
Enum Summary Enum Description JMeterCommandLineArguments An Enum holding all of the command line arguments accepted by JMeter The values are defined in a specific order to ensure the order attributes are applied to the command line.LogLevel Enum containing the log levels supported by JMeter