



package client

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CircuitBreakerComponents extends LagomConfigComponent


    Components required for circuit breakers.

  2. trait CircuitBreakersPanel extends AnyRef


    A CircuitBreakersPanel is a central point collecting all circuit breakers in Lagom.

    A CircuitBreakersPanel is a central point collecting all circuit breakers in Lagom.

    Calls to remote services can make use of this facility in order to add circuit breaking capabilities to it.

  3. abstract class CircuitBreakingServiceLocator extends ServiceLocator


    Abstract service locator that provides circuit breaking.

    Abstract service locator that provides circuit breaking.

    Generally, only the ServiceLocator.locate() method needs to be implemented, however doWithServiceImpl() can be overridden if the service locator wants to handle failures in some way.

  4. class ConfigurationServiceLocator extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator


    A service locator that uses static configuration.

  5. trait ConfigurationServiceLocatorComponents extends CircuitBreakerComponents


    Components for using the configuration service locator.

  6. abstract class LagomClientApplication extends LagomServiceClientComponents with LagomConfigComponent


    Convenience for constructing service clients in a non Lagom server application.

    Convenience for constructing service clients in a non Lagom server application.

    It is important to invoke #stop when the application is no longer needed, as this will trigger the shutdown of all thread and connection pools.

  7. trait LagomServiceClientComponents extends TopicFactoryProvider


    The Lagom service client components.

  8. class RoundRobinServiceLocator extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator


    A round robin service locator, that cycles through a list of URIs.

  9. trait RoundRobinServiceLocatorComponents extends CircuitBreakerComponents


    Components for using the round robin service locator.

  10. trait ServiceClient extends AnyRef


    The Lagom service client implementor.

    The Lagom service client implementor.

    Instances of this must also implement ServiceClientConstructor, so that the implementClient macro can generate code that constructs the service client.

  11. trait ServiceClientConstructor extends ServiceClient


    Lagom service client constructor.

    Lagom service client constructor.

    This API should not be used directly, it will be invoked by the client generated by ServiceClient.implement in order to construct the client and obtain the dependencies necessary for the client to operate.

    The reason for a separation between this interface and ServiceClient is so that the #construct method doesn't appear on the user facing ServiceClient API. The macro it generates will cast the ServiceClient to a ServiceClientConstructor in order to invoke it.

    Although this API should not directly be used by end users, the code generated by the ServiceClient macro does cause end users to have a binary dependency on this class, which is why it's in the scaladsl package.

  12. trait ServiceClientContext extends AnyRef


    The service client context.

    The service client context.

    This API should not be used directly, it will be invoked by the client generated by ServiceClient.implement in order to implement each service call and topic.

    The service client context is essentially a map of service calls and topics, constructed from a service descriptor, that allows a ServiceCall to be easily constructed by the services methods.

    Although this API should not directly be used by end users, the code generated by the ServiceClient macro does cause end users to have a binary dependency on this class, which is why it's in the scaladsl package.

  13. trait ServiceClientImplementationContext extends AnyRef


    The service client implementation context.

    The service client implementation context.

    This API should not be used directly, it will be invoked by the client generated by ServiceClient.implement in order to resolve the service descriptor.

    The purpose of this API is to capture the dependencies required in order to implement a service client, such as the HTTP and WebSocket clients.

    Although this API should not directly be used by end users, the code generated by the ServiceClient macro does cause end users to have a binary dependency on this class, which is why it's in the scaladsl package.

  14. trait ServiceResolver extends AnyRef

  15. class StaticServiceLocator extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator


    A static service locator, that always resolves the same URI.

  16. trait StaticServiceLocatorComponents extends CircuitBreakerComponents


    Components for using the static service locator.

Value Members

  1. object ClientStoppedReason extends Reason with Product with Serializable

