If the Option is None, it means compilation failed Otherwise it's a Traversable of (filename, bytes) tuples
Writes files to dynamicClasspath.
Writes files to dynamicClasspath. Needed for loading cached classes.
Converts Scalac's weird Future type into a standard scala.concurrent.Future
Converts a bunch of bytes into Scalac's weird VirtualFile class
Converts a bunch of bytes into Scalac's weird VirtualFile class
Can only take in a relative path for the VirtualFile! Otherwise fails with a weird assert in the presentation compiler:
[Current.sc]: exception during background compile: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: ( ammonite/predef//Users/lihaoyi/Dropbox/Github/<-wrapped to next line-> Ammonite/target/tempAmmoniteHome/predef.sc,false,16,16)
It appears that passing in the filename *only* results in the correct stack traces (e.g. Foo.sc:425 rather than Users/lihaoyi/Foo.sc:45), so we do that and assert to make sure it's only one path segment