

package terminal

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AnsiNav extends AnyRef

  2. case class ClearScreen(ts: TermState) extends TermAction with Product with Serializable

  3. abstract class DelegateFilter extends Filter

    A filter as an abstract class, letting you provide a filter instead of an op, automatically providing a good .toString for debugging, and providing a reasonable "place" inside the inheriting class/object to put state or helpers or other logic associated with the filter.

  4. abstract class Enum extends AnyRef

    A small helper class to quickly define enumerations: extend this class in your companion object and define the items via val a, b, c = Item(...) passing in your enum class constructor in place of ....

  5. trait Filter extends AnyRef

    The way you configure your terminal behavior; a trivial wrapper around a function, though you should provide a good .toString method to make debugging easier.

  6. case class LazyList[T](headThunk: () ⇒ T, tailThunk: () ⇒ LazyList[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    A truly-lazy implementation of scala.

  7. case class Printing(ts: TermState, stdout: String) extends TermAction with Product with Serializable

  8. case class Prompt(full: Str, lastLine: Str) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class Result(s: String) extends TermAction with Product with Serializable

  10. case class Strings(values: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Implicitly instantiated class letting you pass in a single string or a sequence of strings anywhere a set of prefixes is required

  11. sealed trait TermAction extends AnyRef

  12. case class TermInfo(ts: TermState, width: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class TermState(inputs: LazyList[Int], buffer: Vector[Char], cursor: Int, msg: Str = fansi.this.Str.implicitApply("")) extends TermAction with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AnsiNav

  2. object Debug

    Prints stuff to an ad-hoc logging file when running the ammonite repl or ammonite-terminal in development mode in its SBT project.

  3. object Exit extends TermAction with Product with Serializable

  4. object Filter

    Convenience constructors to create Filter instances in a bunch of different ways

  5. object FilterTools

    A collection of helpers that to simpify the common case of building filters

  6. object LazyList extends Serializable

  7. object Prompt extends Serializable

  8. object SpecialKeys

    One place to assign all the esotic control key input snippets to easy-to-remember names

  9. object Strings extends Serializable

  10. object TTY

  11. object TermState extends Serializable

  12. object Terminal

    The core logic around a terminal; it defines the base filters API through which anything (including basic cursor-navigation and typing) interacts with the terminal.

  13. package filters
