
package ammonite

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Main(predef: String = "", defaultPredef: Boolean = true, storageBackend: Storage = ..., wd: Path = ammonite.ops.`package`.pwd, welcomeBanner: Option[String] = ..., inputStream: InputStream =, outputStream: OutputStream = java.this.lang.System.out, infoStream: OutputStream = java.this.lang.System.err, errorStream: OutputStream = java.this.lang.System.err, verboseOutput: Boolean = true, remoteLogging: Boolean = true, colors: Colors = ammonite.util.Colors.Default) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains the various entry points to the Ammonite REPL.

  2. class MainRunner extends AnyRef

    Bundles together all the code relying on cliConfig and the common input/output streams and print-streams, so we don't need to keep passing them everywhere one by one

Value Members

  1. package $cp

  2. package $exec

  3. package $file

  4. package $ivy

  5. package $plugin

  6. package $stub

  7. package $url

  8. object Constants

  9. object Main extends Serializable

  10. package main

    Code related to invoking Ammonite from the outside world: default configuration, running scripts, printing error messages, etc.

  11. package ops
