

package framework

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Result(name: String, value: Try[Any], milliDuration: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    A single test's result after execution.

  2. case class Test(name: String, TestThunkTree: TestThunkTree) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the metadata around a single test in a TestTreeSeq.

  3. abstract class TestSuite extends AnyRef

    Marker class used to mark an object as something containing tests.

  4. class TestThunkTree extends AnyRef

    A tree of nested lexical scopes that accompanies the tree of tests.

  5. class TestTreeSeq extends AnyRef

    Extension methods on TreeSeq[Test]

Value Members

  1. object Test extends Serializable

  2. object TestSuite

  3. object TestThunkTree
