



package ufansi

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Attr extends Attrs

    Represents a single, atomic ANSI escape sequence that results in a color, background or decoration being added to the output.

    Represents a single, atomic ANSI escape sequence that results in a color, background or decoration being added to the output. May or may not have an escape sequence (escapeOpt), as some attributes (e.g. Bold.Off) are not widely/directly supported by terminals and so fansi.Str supports them by rendering a hard Attr.Reset and then re-rendering other Attrs that are active.

    Many of the codes were stolen shamelessly from

  2. sealed trait Attrs extends AnyRef

    Represents one or more ufansi.Attrs, that can be passed around as a set or combined with other sets of ufansi.Attrs.

    Represents one or more ufansi.Attrs, that can be passed around as a set or combined with other sets of ufansi.Attrs.

    Note that a single Attr is a subclass of Attrs. If you want to know if this contains multiple Attrs, you should check for Attrs.Multiple.

  3. sealed abstract class Category extends AnyRef

    Represents a set of ufansi.Attrs all occupying the same bit-space in the state Int

  4. abstract class ColorCategory extends Category

    * Color a encoded on 25 bit as follow : 0 : reset value 1 - 16 : 3 bit colors 17 - 272 : 8 bit colors 273 - 16 777 388 : 24 bit colors

  5. sealed trait ErrorMode extends AnyRef

    Used to control what kind of behavior you get if the a CharSequence you are trying to parse into a ufansi.Str contains an Ansi escape not recognized by Fansi as a valid color.

  6. case class EscapeAttr extends Attr with Product with Serializable

    An Attr represented by an fansi escape sequence

  7. case class ResetAttr extends Attr with Product with Serializable

    An Attr for which no fansi escape sequence exists

  8. case class Str extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates a string with associated ANSI colors and text decorations.

    Encapsulates a string with associated ANSI colors and text decorations.

    This is your primary data-type when you are dealing with colored fansi strings.

    Contains some basic string methods, as well as some ansi methods to e.g. apply particular colors or other decorations to particular sections of the ufansi.Str. render flattens it out into a java.lang.String with all the colors present as ANSI escapes.

    Avoids using Scala collections operations in favor of util.Arrays, giving 20% (on ++) to >1000% (on splitAt, subString and Str.parse) speedups

Value Members

  1. object Attr
  2. object Attrs
  3. object Back extends ColorCategory

    Attrs to set or reset the color of your background

  4. object Bold extends Category

    Attrs to turn text bold/bright or disable it

  5. object Color extends ColorCategory

    Attrs to set or reset the color of your foreground text

  6. object ErrorMode
  7. object Reversed extends Category

    Attrs to reverse the background/foreground colors of your text, or un-reverse them

  8. object Str extends Serializable
  9. object Underlined extends Category

    Attrs to enable or disable underlined text

  10. object sourcecode
