Class AbstractHttpFile

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractHttpFile extends Object implements HttpFile
A skeletal HttpFile implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHttpFile

      protected AbstractHttpFile(@Nullable @Nullable MediaType contentType, Clock clock, boolean dateEnabled, boolean lastModifiedEnabled, @Nullable @Nullable BiFunction<String,HttpFileAttributes,String> entityTagFunction, HttpHeaders additionalHeaders)
      Creates a new instance.
      contentType - the MediaType of the file which will be used as the "content-type" header value. null to disable setting the "content-type" header.
      clock - the Clock which provides the current date and time
      dateEnabled - whether to set the "date" header automatically
      lastModifiedEnabled - whether to add the "last-modified" header automatically
      entityTagFunction - the BiFunction that generates an entity tag from the file's attributes. null to disable setting the "etag" header.
      additionalHeaders - the additional headers to set
  • Method Details

    • contentType

      @Nullable protected final @Nullable MediaType contentType()
      Returns the MediaType of the file, which will be used for setting the "content-type" header.
      the MediaType of the file, or null if the "content-type" header will not be set automatically.
    • clock

      protected final Clock clock()
      Returns the Clock which provides the current date and time.
    • pathOrUri

      protected abstract String pathOrUri()
      Returns the String representation of the file path or URI, which is given to the entityTagFunction specified with the constructor.
    • isDateEnabled

      protected final boolean isDateEnabled()
      Returns whether to add the "date" header automatically.
    • isLastModifiedEnabled

      protected final boolean isLastModifiedEnabled()
      Returns whether to add the "last-modified" header automatically.
    • additionalHeaders

      protected final HttpHeaders additionalHeaders()
      Returns the immutable additional HttpHeaders which will be set when building an HttpResponse.
    • generateEntityTag

      @Nullable protected final @Nullable String generateEntityTag(HttpFileAttributes attrs)
      Generates an entity tag of the file with the given attributes using the entityTagFunction which was specified with the constructor.
      the entity tag or null if entityTagFunction is null.
    • readHeaders

      public CompletableFuture<ResponseHeaders> readHeaders(Executor fileReadExecutor)
      Description copied from interface: HttpFile
      Reads the attributes of this file as ResponseHeaders, which could be useful for building a response for a HEAD request.
      Specified by:
      readHeaders in interface HttpFile
      fileReadExecutor - the Executor which will perform the read operations against the file
      the CompletableFuture that will be completed with the headers. It will be completed with null if the file does not exist.
    • readHeaders

      Generates the ResponseHeaders from the specified HttpFileAttributes.
      the ResponseHeaders, or null if attrs is null.
    • read

      public final CompletableFuture<HttpResponse> read(Executor fileReadExecutor, ByteBufAllocator alloc)
      Description copied from interface: HttpFile
      Starts to stream this file into the returned HttpResponse.
      Specified by:
      read in interface HttpFile
      fileReadExecutor - the Executor which will perform the read operations against the file
      alloc - the ByteBufAllocator which will allocate the buffers that hold the content of the file
      the CompletableFuture that will be completed with the response. It will be completed with null if the file does not exist.
    • doRead

      @Nullable protected abstract @Nullable HttpResponse doRead(ResponseHeaders headers, long length, Executor fileReadExecutor, ByteBufAllocator alloc) throws IOException
      Returns a new HttpResponse which streams the content of the file which follows the specified ResponseHeaders.
      headers - the ResponseHeaders
      length - the content length. The returned HttpResponse must stream only as many bytes as this value.
      fileReadExecutor - the Executor which should be used for performing a blocking file I/O
      alloc - the ByteBufAllocator which should be used for allocating an input buffer
      the HttpResponse, or null if the file does not exist.
      IOException - if failed to open the file. Note that an I/O error which occurred during content streaming will be notified via the returned HttpResponse's error notification mechanism.
    • asService

      public HttpService asService()
      Description copied from interface: HttpFile
      Returns an HttpService which serves the file for HEAD and GET requests.
      Specified by:
      asService in interface HttpFile