Annotation Interface LoggingDecorator

@Repeatable(LoggingDecorators.class) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE,METHOD}) public @interface LoggingDecorator
A LoggingService decorator for annotated HTTP services.
  • Element Details

    • requestLogLevel

      LogLevel requestLogLevel
      The LogLevel to use when logging requests. If unset, will use LogLevel.TRACE.
    • successfulResponseLogLevel

      LogLevel successfulResponseLogLevel
      The LogLevel to use when logging successful responses (e.g., no unhandled exception). If unset, will use LogLevel.TRACE.
    • failureResponseLogLevel

      LogLevel failureResponseLogLevel
      The LogLevel to use when logging failure responses (e.g., failed with an exception). If unset, will use LogLevel.WARN.
    • samplingRate

      @Deprecated float samplingRate
      The rate at which to sample requests to log. Any number between 0.0 and 1.0 will cause a random sample of the requests to be logged. The random sampling is appropriate for low-traffic (ex servers that each receive <100K requests). If unset, all requests will be logged. This attribute sets both success and failure sampling rate.
    • successSamplingRate

      float successSamplingRate
      The rate at which to sample success requests to log. Any number between 0.0 and 1.0 will cause a random sample of the requests to be logged. The random sampling is appropriate for low-traffic (ex servers that each receive <100K requests). If unset, samplingRate() will be used to sample successful requests. If the value of this attribute is negative, the value from samplingRate() will be used as a fallback.
    • failureSamplingRate

      float failureSamplingRate
      The rate at which to sample failed requests to log. Any number between 0.0 and 1.0 will cause a random sample of the requests to be logged. The random sampling is appropriate for low-traffic (ex servers that each receive <100K requests). If unset, samplingRate() will be used to sample failed requests. If the value of this attribute is negative, the value from samplingRate() will be used as a fallback.
    • order

      int order
      The order of decoration, where a Decorator of lower value will be applied first.