Interface OAuth2AuthorizationGrant

All Known Implementing Classes:
OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrant, OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@UnstableApi @FunctionalInterface public interface OAuth2AuthorizationGrant
Represents an OAuth 2.0 Access Token Grant flow to obtain Access Token.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      static OAuth2AuthorizationGrantBuilder builder(WebClient accessTokenEndpoint, String accessTokenEndpointPath)
      Creates a new builder for OAuth 2.0 Access Token Grant flow, as per [RFC6749].
      accessTokenEndpoint - A WebClient to facilitate an Access Token request. Must correspond to the Access Token endpoint of the OAuth 2 system.
      accessTokenEndpointPath - A URI path that corresponds to the Access Token endpoint of the OAuth 2 system.
    • getAccessToken

      Produces OAuth 2.0 Access Token