Class GrpcClientOptions


public final class GrpcClientOptions extends Object
ClientOptions to control gRPC-specific behavior.
  • Field Details


      public static final ClientOption<Integer> MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES
      The maximum size, in bytes, of messages coming in a response. The default value is -1, which means 'use ClientOptions.MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH'.

      public static final ClientOption<Integer> MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES
      The maximum size, in bytes, of messages sent in a request. The default value is -1, which means unlimited.

      public static final ClientOption<Boolean> UNSAFE_WRAP_RESPONSE_BUFFERS
      Enables unsafe retention of response buffers. Can improve performance when working with very large (i.e., several megabytes) payloads.

      DISCLAIMER: Do not use this if you don't know what you are doing. It is very easy to introduce memory leaks when using this method. You will probably spend much time debugging memory leaks during development if this is enabled. You will probably spend much time debugging memory leaks in production if this is enabled. You probably don't want to do this and should turn back now.

      When enabled, the reference-counted buffer received from the server will be stored into RequestContext instead of being released. All ByteString in a protobuf message will reference sections of this buffer instead of having their own copies. When done with a response message, call GrpcUnsafeBufferUtil.releaseBuffer(Object, RequestContext) with the message and the request's context to release the buffer. The message must be the same reference as what was passed to the client stub - a message with the same contents will not work. If GrpcUnsafeBufferUtil.releaseBuffer(Object, RequestContext) is not called, the memory will be leaked.

      Note that this has no effect if the payloads are compressed or the SerializationFormat is GrpcSerializationFormats.PROTO_WEB_TEXT.


      public static final ClientOption<Function<? super io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor,? extends GrpcJsonMarshaller>> GRPC_JSON_MARSHALLER_FACTORY
      Sets the factory that creates a GrpcJsonMarshaller that serializes and deserializes request or response messages to and from JSON depending on the SerializationFormat. The returned GrpcJsonMarshaller from the factory replaces the built-in GrpcJsonMarshaller.

      This is commonly used to:


      public static final ClientOption<GrpcClientStubFactory> GRPC_CLIENT_STUB_FACTORY
      Sets the GrpcClientStubFactory that creates a gRPC client stub. If not specified, Armeria provides built-in factories for the following gRPC client stubs:

      public static final ClientOption<Iterable<? extends io.grpc.ClientInterceptor>> INTERCEPTORS
      Sets the ClientInterceptors to the gRPC client stub. The specified interceptor(s) is/are executed in reverse order.

      public static final ClientOption<io.grpc.Compressor> COMPRESSOR
      Sets the Compressor to use when compressing messages. If not set, Codec.Identity.NONE will be used by default.

      public static final ClientOption<io.grpc.DecompressorRegistry> DECOMPRESSOR_REGISTRY
      Sets the DecompressorRegistry to use when decompressing messages. If not set, will use the default, which supports gzip only.

      public static final ClientOption<io.grpc.CallCredentials> CALL_CREDENTIALS
      Sets the CallCredentials that carries credential data that will be propagated to the server via request metadata.

      public static final ClientOption<GrpcExceptionHandlerFunction> EXCEPTION_HANDLER
      Sets the specified GrpcExceptionHandlerFunction that maps a Throwable to a gRPC Status.

      public static final ClientOption<Boolean> USE_METHOD_MARSHALLER
      Sets whether to respect the marshaller specified in gRPC MethodDescriptor. If disabled, the default marshaller will be used, which is more efficient. This option is disabled by default.