Class CorsPolicy


public final class CorsPolicy extends Object
Contains information of the CORS policy with the specified origins.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builder()
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder.
    • builder

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builder(String... origins)
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder with the specified origins.
    • builder

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builder(Iterable<String> origins)
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder with the specified origins.
    • builder

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builder(Predicate<? super String> predicate)
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder with origins matching the predicate.
    • builderForOriginRegex

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builderForOriginRegex(String regex)
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder with origins matching the regex.
    • builderForOriginRegex

      public static CorsPolicyBuilder builderForOriginRegex(Pattern regex)
      Returns a new CorsPolicyBuilder with origins matching the regex.
    • origin

      @Deprecated public String origin()
      Use originPredicate() to check if an origin is allowed.
      Returns the allowed origin. This can either be a wildcard or an origin value. This method returns the first specified origin if this policy has more than one origin.
      the value that will be used for the CORS response header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
    • origins

      @Deprecated public Set<String> origins()
      @deprecated Use originPredicate() to check if an origin is allowed.
      Returns the set of allowed origins.
    • originPredicate

      public Predicate<String> originPredicate()
      Returns predicate to match origins.
    • routes

      public List<Route> routes()
      Returns the list of Routes that this policy is supposed to be applied to.
    • isCredentialsAllowed

      public boolean isCredentialsAllowed()
      Determines if cookies are supported for CORS requests.

      By default cookies are not included in CORS requests but if isCredentialsAllowed returns true cookies will be added to CORS requests. Setting this value to true will set the CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" response header to true.

      Please note that cookie support needs to be enabled on the client side as well. The client needs to opt-in to send cookies by calling:

       xhr.withCredentials = true;

      The default value for 'withCredentials' is false in which case no cookies are sent. Setting this to true will include cookies in cross origin requests.

      true if cookies are supported.
    • maxAge

      public long maxAge()
      Gets the maxAge setting.

      When making a preflight request the client has to perform two requests which can be inefficient. This setting will set the CORS "Access-Control-Max-Age" response header and enable the caching of the preflight response for the specified time. During this time no preflight request will be made.

      the time in seconds that a preflight request may be cached.
    • exposedHeaders

      public Set<AsciiString> exposedHeaders()
      Returns a set of headers to be exposed to calling clients.

      During a simple CORS request only certain response headers are made available by the browser, for example using:

      The headers that are available by default are:
      • Cache-Control
      • Content-Language
      • Content-Type
      • Expires
      • Last-Modified
      • Pragma

      To expose other headers they need to be specified, which is what this method enables by adding the headers names to the CORS "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" response header.

      the list of the headers to expose.
    • allowedRequestMethods

      public Set<HttpMethod> allowedRequestMethods()
      Returns the allowed set of request methods. The Http methods that should be returned in the CORS "Access-Control-Request-Method" response header.
      the HttpMethods that represent the allowed request methods.
    • allowedRequestHeaders

      public Set<AsciiString> allowedRequestHeaders()
      Returns the allowed set of request headers.

      The header names returned from this method will be used to set the CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" response header.

    • isNullOriginAllowed

      public boolean isNullOriginAllowed()
      Determines if the policy allows a "null" origin.
    • generatePreflightResponseHeaders

      public HttpHeaders generatePreflightResponseHeaders()
      Generates immutable HTTP response headers that should be added to a CORS preflight response.
      HttpHeaders the HTTP response headers to be added.
    • shouldAllowAllRequestHeaders

      public boolean shouldAllowAllRequestHeaders()
      Determines whether all request headers are allowed.
      true if all request headers are allowed, false if only specific request headers are allowed.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object