Interface AggregatedHttpObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
AggregatedBodyPart, com.linecorp.armeria.common.AggregatedHttpMessage, AggregatedHttpRequest, AggregatedHttpResponse

public interface AggregatedHttpObject
A complete HTTP headers and content that are readily available.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    HttpData content()
    Returns the content of this message.
    default String content​(Charset charset)
    Returns the content of this message as a string encoded in the specified Charset.
    default String contentAscii()
    Returns the content of this message as an ASCII string.
    default MediaType contentType()
    Returns the value of the 'content-type' header.
    default String contentUtf8()
    Returns the content of this message as a UTF-8 string.
    HttpHeaders headers()
    Returns the HTTP headers.
  • Method Details

    • headers

      HttpHeaders headers()
      Returns the HTTP headers.
    • content

      HttpData content()
      Returns the content of this message.
    • content

      default String content​(Charset charset)
      Returns the content of this message as a string encoded in the specified Charset.
    • contentUtf8

      default String contentUtf8()
      Returns the content of this message as a UTF-8 string.
    • contentAscii

      default String contentAscii()
      Returns the content of this message as an ASCII string.
    • contentType

      @Nullable default MediaType contentType()
      Returns the value of the 'content-type' header.
      the valid header value if present, or null otherwise.