Class SelfSignedCertificateExtension

All Implemented Interfaces:
AfterAllCallback, AfterEachCallback, BeforeAllCallback, BeforeEachCallback, Extension

public class SelfSignedCertificateExtension
extends AbstractAllOrEachExtension
An Extension that provides a temporary self-signed certificate.
  • Constructor Details

    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension()
      Creates a new instance.
    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension​(TemporalAccessor notBefore, TemporalAccessor notAfter)
      Creates a new instance.
      notBefore - Certificate is not valid before this time
      notAfter - Certificate is not valid after this time
    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension​(String fqdn)
      Creates a new instance.
      fqdn - a fully qualified domain name
    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension​(String fqdn, TemporalAccessor notBefore, TemporalAccessor notAfter)
      Creates a new instance.
      fqdn - a fully qualified domain name
      notBefore - Certificate is not valid before this time
      notAfter - Certificate is not valid after this time
    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension​(String fqdn, SecureRandom random, int bits)
      Creates a new instance.
      fqdn - a fully qualified domain name
      random - the SecureRandom to use
      bits - the number of bits of the generated private key
    • SelfSignedCertificateExtension

      public SelfSignedCertificateExtension​(String fqdn, SecureRandom random, int bits, TemporalAccessor notBefore, TemporalAccessor notAfter)
      Creates a new instance.
      fqdn - a fully qualified domain name
      random - the SecureRandom to use
      bits - the number of bits of the generated private key
      notBefore - Certificate is not valid before this time
      notAfter - Certificate is not valid after this time
  • Method Details